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201208228 <br /> satisfacfion, provided that such inspcetion shall be wideitalcen promptlg,. Lender inay pay For tlie repairs <br /> and Testoration in n aingle disbursement or in n set�ies of progess payments as tl�o-worlc is oompleted. <br /> Unless�i agreement is made in writing or Applicable Law reqtures interest to be paid on such <br /> Misncllane.ous Vroceeds, I,onder sl�all not Ue rec�uiz�ed to pay Borrower qny interesC or aarnings on such <br /> Misoellaneous Proceeds. IP the restoration or repair is noC economioally feasihlc or Lcnder's seourity would <br /> be lesseued, the Miscellaneous Proceeds sl�all be�pplied to Yhe sums eecured by thie 9eo�u�ity Instrun�ent, <br /> whether or not then due, with the excess, if'any, paid to Borrower. Such Miscellaneons Proceeds shall 6e <br /> applied in tha order provided for in Section 2. <br /> In the event of a Yotal taliuig, dastruction, or loss iu value of tl�e Property, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shall <br /> be applied to the sums secured by this Security instr-ument, �vl�ethor or not fl�e�i due, wikh I:he exce.cs, if eny, <br /> pnid to Borrawex. <br /> In the event of a pa��tinl teking, destruction, or loss in value of the Property in which the fair mu-ke6�vehie of <br /> Uie Property inunediately Uefore tlie partial taking, destrucElon, or lose in valua is equal Yo or greater tl�tui tl�e� <br /> aii�ouiit of tha smny�secured by tl�is Sccurity Instrumcnt immeditttcly beforo khe parfial talcing, destruction,�or <br /> loss in v11ue, tmless Bon'ower and Lender othetwise agree in writing, Che sumc seeiu�ed by this Scc��rity <br /> Inelilunent aliall be reduoed by the amount of the Miacelltuieous Proceeda multiplied by[he fallowing <br /> fraction: (a) Yhe totnl nmount of the sums secured imuiediately beiore the paatial Yaking, destructiou, or loss <br /> in valua clivided Uy(U) the fair market value of the Property immediately Uefore the parlial takiug, <br /> destxaction, or loss i�i value. Any l�alanco shall bo pa�id to Borrowcr. <br /> In the event of a paa�tial talcing, ciesY�ucrioi�, or loss in valuc of fhe Property in w7iich t7ie fair maz�ket value of <br /> the YroperCy i�nmediztely bePore khe p�rtial taking, deslruotion, or loss in value is less li�an lfie amount oP the <br /> sums secured itrunediately befar e the pa�•tial Eaking, destruction, or losa in value, unless Borrower and <br /> Lender ot�herwise agree in�n�iting, the Miscellaneous Procecde shall Ue applied to the sLtins secured Uy this <br /> Sccurity Insiriuncnt wUcthcr or noC the suma tu�e Chen due. <br /> Tf fl�e Properry is abancloncd l�y Borrower, �3r if, afler nohiee by Lencier to Borrowor tihat thc Oppos'rng Yarfy <br /> (as defined in Che nexh cenCence) ofFexs to make an award to settle a olaim for dui�ngea, Borrower faila to <br /> respond to Lender within 30 days after Yhe dnte Yhe notice is given,, I ender is authorized to collect and npply <br /> the Miscellctneous Proceeds elther to restoration or repait of t1ie Properky or to the sums secured Uy tihis <br /> Seourily Ineh�ument, whether or not then due. "Opposing Party" means Yhe third perry thak owes Borrower <br /> Miscellaneous Proceeds or the pai•Cy against whom Borrower l�as a rigl�t of�ction in regard to Miscellaneous <br /> Proceeds< <br /> Borrowe��sl�all be in defan1t if any action or proccediil�, whcther civil or crirnina1, is l�egun thak, in l.e��dcr's <br /> judgnlant, conld resiil6 in�Porfeifnre of 6he Property or other makerial impairment of Lender's inlei�est in the <br /> Property ar rights under thia SecuriYy TnsUwnent. Bor�ower cz�i cw�a such a defaulY and, if acceleration has <br /> oecmxed, reinstata as provided in Seotion 19, Uy causing the action or proceeding to Ue dismissed witli a. <br /> r�tling that, ni i.ender's judgment, prccl�tdcs forfaiture of the Proporly or othur n�aterinl impaitment of <br /> Leuder's inCercet in the ProperCy or rights utider Chis Securily Instrumetit. The proeeedc of any award or <br /> claim fox darnnges thnt�ue ettr•ibutable to the impairment of Leuder's interest in the Property tu•e hereby <br /> assigned And shall be paid to Lender. <br /> All ivliscellaneons Proceeds that are not applied to restoration or repair of the Property shall be applied in the <br /> ordar provicied for in Section 2. <br /> J 24002352 <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Famity-Fannie Mae/Freddie A4ac 11NIFORIvI INSTROMFNT Form 3026 1f07 <br /> VMP n VMPB(NEI(1705 <br /> Wolters Kluwor Financial Sorvicee Pugo 10 ot 1 <br />