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201208211 <br /> dasignated a suUstitute noCice address by notice to Lender. Borrower shnll promptly notify Lender of <br /> Rnn nwei'e chanbe of addreas. lf I.euder specifies a procedtiire for reporCiag Borrower's change oP address, <br /> 11ien Borrower shall oiily reporC a diange of addrer,�tl�rough tl�at spccified procedm'e. <br /> There may bo only onc de�ignakcd nofioe addru�s undrn'this Securiky Instrun�e�rt at any one time. Any uotica <br /> to Lender shall be giveu Uy delivering it or bq mailing it by first olass mail to Lender's addre�s statid l�eroin <br /> uailese Lender l�as designaSed aaioYher address by notice Co Bonower. Any notice in conneetion�*rith this <br /> Security Instrmna�t sliall not bc dwmcd fo havo heen given to Lcncicr until achially received by Lenden IP <br /> any norice required by this Secuxity Insttument is also required under Applicable L�w, Iho Ap��lioal�lc Law <br /> requiremeut wi11 saYiafy the correspouding requiremanY under Yhis Security Tnst�umenC. <br /> 18. Governing Law; Severabilify; Rules of ConstrucYion. This Security Ii�acruiiieut shall be governed by <br /> federal law and the law of the jurisdictiou in which the Property is located. All rights and oUlig�tious <br /> contained in tliis Security lnsh`wnent are euvject to ai�y rcc�uir�inents and limitatione of Applicabla Law. <br /> Applicable Law u�igl�t expliciCly or implicitly allow the parties to agree by oonh�act or iL might bo silcn{, but <br /> suoh silence ah�ll not be constriied as aprohibition ngeinst agreeme��t by oonkact. In the eve�rt that nny <br /> provision or clause of this Security Instrwnent or the Note cm7flicts with Applicable Law, such conflict shAll <br /> not affcct othe��provisions of thle Sccurily instrmneuf or the NoCc which can bo given offect withotirt the <br /> oonPlicCing provision. <br /> As ased iv lhis Security Instrumenk: (a) words of 11ie n�aeculine gender shnll meazi aud include correspnnding <br /> neuter words or worcie of the feminine ge�ider; (b) words in the eingul�r shall me�n nncl inchide the plruzl <br /> �nd vioe vera2; end (c) tke ward "may" givea sole discretion withouC any obligation fa take any action. <br /> 17. Borrow er's Copy. Borruwor shall be given one oo�y of the Note and of this Security Inatnunent. <br /> 18. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interes4 in Borrower. As cised ir� fliis Section 18, "uicerest in <br /> tl�io Proper�y" means any legal or beneffcial inCerest in the Property, iucluding, but not limited tro, tliose <br /> beneYloial interests transferred in a Uond fbr deed, contract for deed, insta1linent sa1es eontract or escrow <br /> agree�nent, the�intent of wl�ich is tl�c tranefcr of tiCle by Borrower nt n fu[ure d�te Co a pircchnaer. <br /> If all or airy part of tl�e Yr<�pci',ry or airy InLeresC in the Praperty is eold or Lransferred(oi if Boirowet is nat n <br /> nahirll person aud a bene�ieial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred) without Lender's prior written <br /> consenC, Lender may require imtnecliate payment in full of all eum�seoLued hy t'his SeouriCy Iuetrument. <br /> I3owever, tliis option shall not bc cxcrcised by I,ender if such exerciae is prohibitec�by Applioable Law. <br /> If Lcnder exescises tliis optioit, Le�ider shall brivc Borrowcr nokice of accelcration. 'I'he notice shall provido a <br /> period of not 1ess than 30 days fiorn I�io clate the notice is given in aocorilanoe with Section 15 witttin whioh <br /> Borrower mLrsh pay all sums secured by this Security Iusti�uinent. If Borrower fails to pay Chese smns prior to <br /> Yhe expiration of tlus period, Lander may uivoke viy remc�lies pormittcd by this S�rourity Innb�umciit wifliout <br /> further notice or demaird on Borrowcr, <br /> 19. Borrow er's Right to Reinstafe After Aecelerakion. If Borrower meets oertaiu conditions, Bonnwer <br /> sl�all have thc righC Co hnve enforoement o£lhis Security InsYrument disconYinued at a�ry time prior to the <br /> earliest oE (11 five clays before szle of the Property pursuant to �ny power of sale contaiiiecl in this Sectu'ity <br /> Inatrument; (b) such other period zs Applical�la La�v�night specify for the tcnninatir�n of Borrower's rigllt to <br /> reinstatia; or (c) entiry of ajndbment enfotcing[his Sccuriry IneCrun�enC. Those conciitione are thaU Borrowcr: <br /> (a)pays l,ender a11 sume which then would be due undec this Seourity Instrumen[and khe Note as ifiio <br /> eicwloration had occurred; (b) cures any defeult of any oYlier covenents or agiee�nents; (c)pa�ys all expenses <br /> incurred in en£orcixig this Sectu'ity Inst�ument, includiug, Uut not lunited to, reasonable attorneys' fees, <br /> pro�eity inspection and vttliiation fees, and otil�cr fces inciu�recl for Che purpose of proCeoling Lender's interesC <br /> 2A002344 <br /> NEBRA8KA5ingle Fazn IIy�Fennie M oo/Froddle M eo UNIFORM INSTRUM ENT Porin 3020 1(a 1 <br /> VMP n VpAP6(NE1(11051 <br /> Vdoltors Kluwer Finanr.lal Services Peqe 12 of 17 <br />
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