<br /> in tl�e Yroyeety a�1d rights timder this Secw'ity Insh�uinent; and(d)takas�such action as Lander may
<br /> renaonably require to essure Chah Lender's interesti in the Property and rights undcr tl�is Securily Instrument,
<br /> and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by this Secw•fty Instrument, shall conLinua uuchenged.
<br /> l,auder may require that Borrower pay suoh reinstatement swns and expenses iu one or mare of the Pollowing
<br /> Eorn�s, ae sclected by Lo»dcr: (a) cash; (b) moncy oriicr; (c) ccrfificd chcok, banlc check, ri�easurer's checic or
<br /> cAshier's check, provieled �ny such cheok is drawn upon�n iiistitntion whose deposits ere insured by n
<br /> 1'ederal agency, insYruinentality or e�itity; or (d)Electronic Funds Transfer. Upon reinetntement by Borrower,
<br /> this Secm'ity lustrument and oUligations seca'ed hereUy sha11 reinain fully etiective as if'no accelerztion h�d
<br /> occurred. However, this right to reu�state s1ia11 not apply in flie case of acceleration under Section 1&.
<br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance. The Note or a p2rti�1 interest in the
<br /> Note(fogether wilh hl�ia Security I��aLrument) can be aold one or more Gmes wit�houl prior notice lo
<br /> Borrower. A anle n�ight result in a chnuge in the entity(lniown as the "Loan Servicer")that collects Pexiodic
<br /> Payments due under the Note uid Uiis Securitiy InsCnunent and performs other n�ortgage loan servicing
<br /> obligatione uvdcr thc Note, tihi� SeonriEy Histrument, and Applicable Law. T'here alao might be one or more
<br /> chnn�es of the Loan Sexvicer unrelated to a sA1e of the Note. If there is a change of the Loan Servicex,
<br /> Borrower wil(Ua given writCen noCice of the change whicU will state the uame and address of flie new Loau
<br /> Scrvicer, Yho address to wl�ich payiroc�nts [�houldbe made and any olher infonrn�ation I�L�SPA roqiurc.ti in
<br /> covnecCion wifl� a notice aP 6r2nePer of selvicing. If the Note is sold and thereafCer the Loan is servioeci by n
<br /> Loan Seraicer other [han the purohaser of the Note, the moxtgage loan servicing oUligntions to Borrower will
<br /> remaln with the Loan Servicer or be trans£erred to a successor Loan Servicer �uid are nof nesumed by the
<br /> Nole purchaser tuiless otherwise provided by the Note purchTser.
<br /> Neither Bori�ower uar Lender nk�y coiiunenca,join, or Ue joined to uiy judicial acCion(as either an
<br /> itidividual litigant or the me�nber of a cla.vs) that a�isas ftom the oNicr parry's actions purauxnt to this
<br /> SeoLuity Instrumeut or Chaf alleges lhai the ofher pu Cy hns breached any provision oP, or any duty owed by
<br /> reason of, lhia Security Tnstrument, until sueli Borrower or Lender has notiPied the oYher party{with suoh
<br /> notice given in coinpliailce with the reqtiurements of Sect'ron 15) �f sac1� 1Ueged breach and afforded the
<br /> othor party hc��cto a eeasonablo peripd aftor the giving of such no6ice �o C1ke correotive aeCioi�. I2 Applionl�le
<br /> Law providee a Ciine period wl�ich musC elapse l�efoxe certain action can be taken, that 6me peiiod tuill be
<br /> deemed to be xeasonable for purposes of this pnrng•aph. The notice of accelera6oil�tid npportunity to cw�e
<br /> given to Borrower pm�suant to Saction 22 and the noficc of acccloration givcn to 73�rrowc�'p�u'suant to
<br /> SecUon 18 sl�all bc dcemed Co ea'lisfy Che noCice and oppottuni[y to teke oon�eotive action provisions of thie
<br /> Sectiou 20.
<br /> 21. Hazardous Suhstances. As used in this Sectiari 21: (af "I�nzardous Substance,s"are 8iose substa�ices
<br /> defined as toxic or haaardoue sttbstauces, pollutaiits, or wa8tcs by H'nviroi7mental Law and Cho follnwing
<br /> substancac: gasolino, kerosene, other flaamnable or toxio�etroleum produots, toxic pestioides nud herbioides,
<br /> volatile solvents, m�terinls conYaining nsbestos or forinaldel�yde, aud rndioactive mataeials; (b)
<br /> "Environrvrental Law"ineaa�s feder�l laws avd laws of f11e jLn•isdretion wliere the Property ia locatcci that
<br /> relate to healUi, eafety or environme��tal proteotion; (c) "L'nni�ronmcn�tad Cleanup" includes any response
<br /> acEion, rcmcdial acHon, or removal action, as defined in L1'nvirorunental L�w; and (d� an 'Brivironrraefzla�2
<br /> Conditiora°means n oonciiLion thnt een oanse, oontribute to, or otherwise trigg�er en Enviromneiltal Gleanup.
<br /> Bon�owcr ehall noL c�uae or peni�iC the presenoe, use, disposal, sWrage, or release of any II�zerdoua
<br /> SLibse�nees, ox threaten to release eny Hazardous Substances, on or in Uie Property. Boirower shall not do,
<br /> noc allow anyone else to �o, uiydring affec�ing the�Property(a) that is in violation of any L+v�+iromnental
<br /> Law,(b)wl�ich crcaues an L+nwironme�iCal Condilion, or(c)�which, due to the presence, use, ar release of a
<br /> IIazaxdous SuUstcuice, cre�tes a oondition that 2dversely af'Pects the value oF 11ie Property. The preceding ri�o
<br /> znoozaaa
<br /> - NEBfLtSKA-BinglePamily�FannleMse7f-YetldleMeoUMFORMINSTftUMENT Form3�281/0i
<br /> Vfe7P� VMPB(NE)(�7051
<br /> bVoltera Kluv.�er Flnenclal Servlcea Pa9e 43 of 17
<br />