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201208211 <br /> satiisfaction, provided that s�xch inspection nhall bc undcrtakcn promptly. Lander may pay for H�e repairs <br /> and restoration in a eingle disUurseinent or in a sexies of progress paytnents as the work is completed. <br /> Unless an ngeeement is made in writing or Applicable Law requires inCerest to Ue paid on such <br /> � Miscellaneous Proceeds�, Lender shal]not Uo requircd to pay Borrowor any or carnings on stich <br /> Misce11aneous Procecds. Lf thc restora�ion or rep�ir is not eoonotnieally fetiaible or Lender's security would <br /> Ue lesaenecl, the Misoellaneous Proeeede ahatl be applied to the sums secured Uy tlus Secmity Histrwnent, <br /> whether or not then due, with the exoess, if any,paid to Borcower. Such�Miscollanoous Proeceds sh�tll be <br /> applied in Uie order provided for in Seckion 2. <br /> In the event of�total taking, desfruction, ox loss in value of tha Property, the M'rscellaneoi�s Yroce,ods shall <br /> be applied to Y]ie aums secured hy thia Secmity G�strument, ��l�eCl�er or not Cl�en clti�e, with the axcesF, iP any, <br /> paid to Borrower. <br /> Iu d�e eve�it c�f a partial takn�g, clesLrueCioi�, or loss in velue of the Property in whieh the f<vr inarket value o£ <br /> fhe Property inunedintely before the pnrCial takuig, deatruction, or loss iu value is equal to or grcater than thc <br /> amount of the suins secured by tlus Secw-ity 1nsYriuncnE irnincdiately bofore lUe ptufill talcing, deslnioCion, or <br /> loss in vahie, unlcss I3orrowcr and Lencier otherwise ag•ee in writing, the sums secured by this 9acurity <br /> I�iefrmnent sh�211 be rednced by the amaunY of the Miscellaneous Proceeds mnitiplied by the fio1l�awii�g <br /> frnction: (�) the Yotal amount of the stuns aecured immediakely bcforc thc partial talcing, destrnotion, or loss <br /> in vnlue divided by(b)tlie fair marlcet value of th�s Property i�ninediaCely before theparti�l teking, <br /> desCiuction, or loss in value. Aitiy Ualanco rhnli be p�ici to Borrower. <br /> In tha event of a partial takuig, elest�uction, or loes in vahie of lhe Propexty in which the fair inarkeY v�lue of <br /> tlie Property immecliately beforc tl�e pacfial Ealcing, deetivetion, or loss in value is less tha�i flie amount oP the <br /> s2imh socurcd ir2vnediaCely be£ore the pnrtial talting, destntction, or loss in value, unlcss Borrower and <br /> Lender other4uise agree in writiing, the Miycel1aneous Procccds shall Ue applied to the smns secured by thie <br /> Sectitrity InsU2unent whether or not tlic emns are then dne. <br /> If the ProperCy is abandoned Uy Borrower, or iP, after notice by Lender to Borrower thak the Opposing Party <br /> (as defined in thc nexL senkenoe) offers to make an a�ward to settle a claim fot dan�ages, h3orrower fails to <br /> respond Lo Lender within 30 days eFter the date tlie notice iy givcn, Lc�idcr is auChori�ed Co oollect aiid apply <br /> the Miacellaneous Proceeds eitlier to restoration or rcpair oP Uie ProperCq or to the snms secured by this <br /> Sec�uity inshuincn4, whether oc not then due. "Opposing Party" means tlie third party that owcs Borrowcr <br /> Miecelltui�ous Proceeda or the paz ty against whom Sorrowet has a right of aclion in regard to Miseellnueoue <br /> Proceeds. <br /> Borrowex shell be in def'ault if'any actio» or procccding, whefher civil or oriu�inal, ia begun that, in Lender's <br /> judginant, conld result in forfoitiu�o of fhe Property or other material impairinent of Lender's interest in tl�e <br /> Properfy or rights mider this Security Instrtunenti. Borrower can ciue 9uoh a dcfa�dt and, if accelerafion hns <br /> 000urred, reinstate as provided in Sectlon 19, Uy caueing fhe acCion or proceedin� to be dismiesed with� <br /> ruling that, in Lender's judgi��ent, prccludes forfeitur�of the Property or other nutterial impairment of' <br /> Lender's interest in il�o Proper'Cy or righte under this Sectuity Inst'a'umwlti. The proceeds of anq award or <br /> claim for damages thnk are ath'ibutisd�le to the impairrueirt of l.ender's ink;rest in tl�e Properk�are hereby <br /> assigned and shall bo paid to Lender. <br /> All Miscellnneous Proceede tlk��t Are not applied to restoratron ar rcpair oP the Froperty sha11 be npplied in the <br /> arder provideci for in Section 2. <br /> 2A002344 <br /> NE6MSKA-Sl�gle Famity-Fennle M aelFretldie Idnc UNIFORM INSTRUMfNT Form 3026 1701 <br /> VMP OO VbIPB(NG)(11051 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Flnenoiel Servicec Pa9n90 n117� <br />