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201208211 <br /> continue to pay tio Lender the amount of tUe separatcly dcsignntcd paynlents ChaC were due wheu the <br /> insm'uice coverage ceased to bc in effeck L�ixier will acoepC, use nnd retatin these peyments as a <br /> non-reflindable loes roaeive in lieu of Martgage Insurance. Such loes reseiwe shall be non-teftuldaUle, <br /> nolwithstanding the fect that tlio Loan is tiltiniately paid in ftill, and Lcndcr ehall noE be renuired Co pay <br /> Bon•ower any interest or earninge on suoh loss rescrv€. I,onder can no longer require loss xeserve paymants <br /> if Mortgage lnsurance coverage(in Lhe amoLmt and Por the period that Lender requires)provided Uy an <br /> insm'cr selecled by Lender again becomes available, is oUtiained, and Lender requiras aeparatioly designaled <br /> paymenEs towaz•d the premiwns Por Mortgage Insutaiioc. If Lender reqnixed Mor[gage Instirence as A. <br /> condition of malcing the I.o,u� and 13omower was re�uired to mnke sepaz•ately dasignated payinents toward tho <br /> preiniwne for Mort�agc Insurance, Borrower ehall pay tlle premituns required to maintani.Mortgage <br /> Insuranoe iu effect, or to provide a non-refiwdaUle loss resc�roq until Lender's requirement for IVIortgage <br /> Insuxnnce ends in accordance with any writtc;n agreen�enL�l�ehveen Borrowec and Lendar providiug �Por snch <br /> terminetion oc until termivation is rcquired by Applioable Law. Notlung in this Section 10 aff'ecke <br /> Borrowei's obligaHon to pay inCerest at the rate�rovided in the Note. <br /> Mortgage Iusurance rcimbursoe Lender(or any enEity diat pw'ehases the Note) for certaiu losses iL may inciu <br /> if$orrowcr does noC repny the Loan as agreed. Borro�er is noY a party to U�c Morlgage Insurance. <br /> Mortg�tge insurore evaluate fheir Wtal iislc on all sucli insurance in forcc frnm Lime to time, �ncl may enter <br /> into agrceinents with other perties tiha�ti share or modify t'l�cir riek, or reduoe losees. These agreemente are on <br /> ternis and conditions tliat are aetisfactoiy t��the mortgage inaurer and Yhe other party (or perties) fo thcao <br /> agreements. These agreemants may rcquire the morCgnge insurer to inake paymants using any sourc�of fimds <br /> Yhat the mortgabe insurcr may haue auailable(which may include funds oUtaincd from MorCgage H�surance <br /> premimns). <br /> As a result of thosc�g}�eeinente, Lender, twry purchasei�of the Note, anot�er insurer, axry reinsurer, zny other <br /> cutity, or tu�y affilia[e of any of�the foregoing, may rcceive(clirecCly or indirecYly) amowrts that deiivo from <br /> (or might ba characterized as) a portion o�P Borrower's payznents for MorCgage IneLiraneo, in oxchange£or <br /> sharing or madifying Che mor[g�ge insurer's risk, or reducing losses. If such agreetnenC provides thflt ui <br /> � aEfiliate of Lender tadces a share of[he insw�er's risk in exchange for a shu•e of the premimns paid to tho <br /> insurer, the arrangeinenf is ofte��tcnnx,�d"oaptive reinsurence.° Further: <br /> (a) An,y sucli agreemenCe will not xffecY tl�c amonnts fh��f.Burrower l�;�s agreed to pay for Mortgngc <br /> insurance, or any utlier terms of thc Loau. Such agreemenCs will �mt increase tlm amom�t <br /> Borrower will owo for Mortgage lnsimance, and they will nof entitle Bm•irower to any refund. <br /> (b) Any such agreemenCs will iiot a1'1'ect tl�e righUa Boirower l�xs-if nny -wiCh rcepect to tlie <br /> Mort�age Insnrance under tlie Homeowners ProtecCion Act of 1998 or ;u�y uther law. 'flicsse riglits <br /> may iuclude the righC to receive certain disclosares, to re��nest and obEain cancelinCimi of Chc <br /> Mortgage Insm�ance, to ltave Cl�e Mortgage'Insurauce Cerminatecl nntomfltically, and/or to receive <br /> a refm�d of nny Mortgage li�surance preininms that werc aucarncd nk the time of such <br /> canecllntioi�or terminatlm�. <br /> 11. Assignment of M iscellaneous Proceeds; Forieiture. All Miscellaneous Proceeds aro hercUy aesigned to <br /> aaid shall be paid to Londcr. <br /> If the ProparCy is damageil, euch Miecellaueous Proeeeds sha11 be a�pp1ied to restoration or repair of the <br /> Px�oparty, if the restoiztion or repair is econoinically feasible And Lcudor'a secn�'ity is not lessened. During <br /> such re��vr ancl restoxakion�eriod, Lander�hall have thc right Co liold auch Miaeellaneous Proeeeds Luitil <br /> Lencier hae had en opportunity to inspcct euoh Property to ensure the work has Ueen complcted to Londer's <br /> zaoozaaa <br /> NERRASKA-91ngleFamily-FannleMaelfr�tldleMecUNIFONM INSTRUMENT Form3028t107 <br /> VIdP� VMPfi�NE)(11061 <br /> W olfsra I(luw ar finanolnl Servloes Pxge 9 of 1 Y <br />