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<br /> � S.HAZard or Property Insurance. Bocrawcr�haU kccp thc improvemcnis now ca�sting on c�rcaftcr crccu;d on�hc Prapctty t
<br /> insured against loss by fuc,dar�rds includod wi�hin thc term "e�tcndcd coverage" and any athcr herards. including tioucls or �•.
<br /> floadins,for�vhich L.ender re�uir�w iesurence.'R�is insurancc ahall bc maintaincd in thc amounts and for thc periods�hst l.cndcr �
<br /> '•I roquirey.'lt�e insurence carrier providing the ins��rance sh�11 be clasen by Baaower subjoct to Lender's approval whlch ehW nc�t _
<br /> bc unrcasonably wlthheld,If Bocmwcr fAils to m�nt�in covcregc dcscribcd abovc. Lcnder may, at Lcndcr's c�ptian, obtain �
<br /> � coverage to protoct I.endu's rights in the PropenY in eccordenc�wiih puagnph 7. E
<br /> `°'", � All insurance poUcies end renewals shaU bc acapt�bk to L.cndes ond shall includc a standard mortgagc clause.l�ender sh�ll �
<br /> tiavc the dght ta hold the p�llcies and m,newals. 1t Lender ra�uins. Borrowcr st�all prompUy givc to Lendcr all rcccipls o[patd �
<br /> pna�iums end renewal notioa.s.In the eva�t of bss,Borrower shall givc prompt nodce w the insurana cacricr and l.endu.Lender ¢
<br /> t may malce proof of loss if not made promptly by Bomowu.
<br /> s� Unkss l,endcr and Sarowu otherwise agroe In wridng,insuran�ce procceds atwll be appUcd to restoration a rep�ir of thc
<br /> �P�Y�a8ed,If ihe restoradon or npair is er,atomlcally feasible artd Lender's securlry is rwt lessenod.I[the rat�aation or
<br /> repatr is not oconomically teasible or Lensiu's securtty would be lessertod,the insivance pcoceeds shall be applied w the sums
<br /> secured by this Securiry instrument, whether or not then due.wlth eny eacess paid w Borrower. If Barower abetxlons the
<br /> Property,ar does not answer within 30 days a ndke fran Lender that the insurancc ca�rier hag offaed to seu3e a claim.tl�n
<br /> I.endix may coUxt tLe inswBnce prueeeds.L�e,�►dcr may use the proceeds to repair or restore the Prope�ty or to pay sum.c�ocuced _
<br /> by this Socurity InstrumeAt,wtiether or not then due.'I1�e 30-day puiod wW begin whct�the nodco Ls given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Bo�rowu otherwise ag�te in wd�ng,aY oPP��of proocects to pdaclpal s6a11 not extend a postpone
<br /> the due data of the monttily paymemg referred to in paraBr�aphs 1 and 2 or change thc amount of the paymeats.If undu paragreph =
<br /> . 21 the Proputy is acquired by Lender.Borrower's rtght tn any insurance policies and proceeds resulqng from de�nage W the --
<br /> �;K ptoperty prio[W ihe ecquisltiop shaU pass to 1.entlu to the extent of the sums socured by this Security Instntment immodiately -
<br /> :;�°:. , prior to the acc{uisidon. —
<br /> 6.Oocupancy�preservadon�M4intenana ond Protectbn dt6e ProP��'�Yi Borrower's Loan Appik�tioni LaaehoW�. !�-
<br />. Bo�mwu stiaU occupy��steblish.and ose the Prnpacy as Bomnwer's principal«sideace within sixty days aftu the execution of
<br /> ' this Socurity Inswment and st�all continue to occupy tlie Property as Borrower's principai residence for et least one year after the
<br /> - '����`' date o�'occupancy, wles�L.cnder otheiwLse aBras Ict wriung.which consettt shall not be unreasonebly wlthheld.or unless
<br /> ;'.�:•..:.:
<br /> _= - cxtcnwiii,�g eui;u��sGS��w.ist wttfsh�c�,oss�Borro��'s�^_n!n•t.Arxmwer,chall nac deuroy:damage or imQa'v the Pr�o�xm. ,
<br /> ,,,,�.,��.���,� albw the Property to detaiorate. a coramit waste oa the Property. Borcower sdall be in defazilt if aay forfeit�re actbn a
<br />� '.�.';��^"� � procood3n8.whe�tKr civil a criminal,is 1xBun that in Lendu's good faith jud�oa�t cauld cesult in fafeiwre of the Pmpeity or
<br /> '��,�:"n;i��t', aherwLse materiaUy impair tbe Ikn created by this Securlty Inswme�►t or l.endv's securIty intaes�Bomowa may cure such a
<br /> , '�_:``,��,..� default end reu►state�as provided in pnra�aph 18.by eausing the acti�on a pcocoeding W be diamissed with a culing that.in
<br />_ , '4`'°` . Lenda's gaod faith daerminabon.Arccl�des forfdwre of the Barower's inttrest ln the Propeny or other mataial imp�Mtent of
<br /> '''��.��=`''�•W �he lien aeate�by thi4 Security Iastrument or Lender's socuriry inta�esG Borrowa st�all also be in default if Bomowa,durlag d►e
<br /> ; V,.+�. loan opplk�tion proc�ss.gave mat�lly feLse or inaccucete inforn�atiion or statements w L,enda(a faiied w provide Lrnder.vidi
<br /> _'.�Y.�.....•.: any materIAl Snfo��atlan)in connection with the loan avklencal by the Not0. including, lwt rwt limitod to. �presentations
<br />_= -.•. .r conceming Barower's oaupancy of the Propetty aa a princlpal resitknce.If this SocurIty InsOivment ls on a lea�ehold,Barower
<br /> �`r;.� ;� shall comply wlth all the provisions of the lease. If Barowu acquir�es fee dtk to the Propc7ty.the leasehoW and the fee dtk shall
<br />'��.YG.i����;;
<br /> + c 110[IIIC!$C W�tiS�GI�C��fC�ES(O 1210 Illll$Ci�II W[111I1$.
<br />=%":'�"�'�'�_, . . � 7.ProtecNon of Lender'e Rf�hts in the Praperty. If Bomover f�ils w paform the covaiar►ts and�greanarts contained in
<br /> ls�:»--- '!� this Sccucity Iastnu�t.a thae is a kgal p�ocading that may signtf'�caady affect I.enda's rights in the P'ropaty(such as a
<br />�,'`""-="". • procading In bankruptcy�probue.for condunnatioa or forfeftare or w caforce lxws or reguladons).d�a�La�der mzy do and P�Y
<br /> ,.�,.:
<br />--::• ::; fa whuever is aooessazy a protect the vaiue of thc Propeity and L�aider's dgh�in the Prap�ty.I�ender's acdons may include
<br />-y%%�: -' po�yin8 any sums isecured by a lien which has priority ova dds Securiry Iastrument, appearlag !n court, puyLig nason�bk
<br />�::,}�t• �ttwneys' fees and entc�ting oa tho Pro�xrly W make repairs.Although Lander may take action under thi.s psragraph 7.Lrnder
<br />=�:,�Y�,► does not have to do so.
<br />-�„��,�,. My amounts disbursed by L�dec undu this para�raph 7 shall beoome additl�onal debt of Bamwu socuc�ed by this Sec�city
<br /> :.;?"•_.�?"."� Insuume,��Unkss Borrower end I.eader agree w other terms of PaYmait,theso amo�nts slwll bear int�rest fran the dMe of
<br /> ,L,.- - -= disbursanent at the Note cate and shall 6c payable.with int�erest,upon notke from I.ender to Borrawa ce9�8 PaYmenL
<br />�.,;Ni%'k''.`.''°-
<br /> _=�-+,;� r�. 8.Matg�ge Insuranoe. If L�der requirod morlgage insurvice ag a cooditan of making tl�se loan secured by this Securtty
<br />_ t..l_.,-:R
<br /> �•�. '- Insuunxnt, Barnwu sh�U pay the premiums roquired to maintain the mortgege insunance In effx� If. fa any nason.tho
<br /> . moitgage insurarwe covc�nge requlred by L.ender lepsos or a�es to be in effect.Barnwa shall pay the pmmiwns roquir�od w
<br /> obtain coverage substantietly equivek.nt w the moetgaga insucsu►ce proviouslY in effoct�at a cost substentjally equivala�t to the
<br /> cost w Borrowu of the mortgage ins�uanca pc�evio�sly in et�'ect, from an altemate mortgeBe insuru approvod by Lender. If
<br /> ' . substaadaUy oquivalcnt mortgage insuran�wvuage is not avail9ble,Borrowa shell pay to Lendet each month a swn oqual to
<br /> one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurence pcemium being paid by Borrower when the�nsuranca covdage lsy�secl a ceased to
<br /> .. be in effxG Lender will eccept, �se and ntain �hese payments ns a bss reserve in lieu of mortgagc insurance.Loss resave
<br /> Form 00Z/ Y/Y0
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