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<br /> 97--iQ�oi3
<br /> " ' p�ym-.�ts may no longcr bo rcqul�eA,et Ihc opibn of Lender,ii mortgagc lnsurance coverage(in the amount and for Iho perlai
<br /> Fthat l,cndcr rcqui�es)provWcd by an insurcr approvod by L,cadu aBaln bccamw aveitable and is obtained.aorrowcr shell pay thc
<br /> � premiums roqulrcd to m�lntal� matgagc insaranca in cffocb or to provldc e bss reservc, until the rrquircmcnt for mongage
<br /> ,� insuranee ends in acoordanco with any wduen tgroement between Bortower and Lender or applIcabk law.
<br /> ,.� 9.I�apcctbn. LRnder a Its�gent msy mako reasonabb antrias upon +nd insAectioas of thc I'roputy.L.cndcr shnil�ivc �^
<br /> Bomower notice at thc time of or prlor W m inspc�don spoc[tytng reasonabb cwse for the L�spectian.
<br /> ,,.,�.��.�+�c 10.Coademaatbn. 'It�e pmcoeds of any rwud or claim for damagea,diroct or consequential, in connecdon with any
<br /> �•w���' cwidemnatlon or other teking of any p�rt of iha Propaty.ar fa conveyanco in Iku of condemnation.aro hixeby asslgned and
<br /> ' shall ba pn�d to l.endcr. �
<br /> In the event of a totel iekL�g of the Pnoperty.tha proceods sh�ll be aPP1ieG to ihe sums sccurcd by this Sccurlty Instrument, �.
<br /> �, w1�e12�cr or nat then due.with any wccess paid w Barowa.In the ovent of a priial tekIag of the Propc�ty in which the fair maricet _
<br /> '' value of tbo Propaty immed�auly boforo the taking is equal w a gceata than the amount of the sums secured by this Socurity -
<br /> ;� Insuumait immodi�tely befon the taking. unless Bormwu artd Lrndec othawise agcee In wri�ng, the sums securod by tdis =
<br /> . ' � ., Socurlty Instrumerit sha111�e roduced by Ihe unount of tho proc�xds muldpllod by tho following fraction:(a)the total�nount of .
<br /> the suma socuced Lnn�dlatcly bcforc ihe taking�divtded by N)the falr ms�icet value of thc Pcoperty immedLvely befa�n the �
<br /> �' W�ing.My baWwe shaU be paW W Bomuwa.Ia the eva►t of a pe�tlal taking of tt�a Property in which the fsur market vatue of the _
<br /> pt'nP�.rty' immaliately before the teking is kss tb�n the amount of the sums soc�ued immodjat�ely before thc talring� unless �
<br /> � Borrowu and Lender othawlse agroe in wridng or unkss appikabk law othelwiscs providcs.the proceeds st��tl be applkd w the
<br /> sums secured by this Sacurlty Inswment whether or not ihe swns aoe then due.
<br /> ' If�he property LS abandw�ed by Barowu.a�f.after notke by I.ender to Barower that the condemnar offus to make an
<br /> � award a sctUe a cWm fa d�nages,Barowa fail9 w nspond w I.e�i wiWin 30 days aflcr tho date the notice is given,L.endu
<br /> a is anthocizod to colkct and epply the pmcoods,at its opdoa�either w resrnratlon a repair of thc:Properey or to the sums secured
<br /> by this Seciuity In�nt,whetha or aot tha�dua
<br /> Unkss I.ender pnd Bamwer ott►erwlse a�ee in wririn8.enY ePPiica�on ot pince�s to principal shall not eacta�d a postpone -
<br /> the due date of the monthly ptyments retemod to in Parn�ePhs 1 aad 2 or change the amount of sucb payrt�►ts.
<br />� 11.Borrower Nut Rekased;For6araeoe B�I.ender Not�t Waiver. Futension of the time fa paymeat a modification
<br /> of amoct�ion of the snms sociued by this Socurity IasCUment granud by Lende,r to eny suocessor in inta�est of Bomower stwll
<br /> . . . aot osxsate to rekase the liabitItY of the original Barowu a Borrower's suaessors ia intues�Lenda shall not be roquirod w
<br /> � ���P��Ba��aay a�oa�9oc in inta�est a refuse to exte,rb time fa paymeat a ottx,rwise modify mnocdraoon oi
<br />-� the s�uns seciued by this Sociuity InstrwneAt by rea9on of any dunend made by the originel Bcxrow�x or Barowa's a�oct.ssora
<br />:;.�� ia intaest.Aay fabearance by LRnder in exercising any right or remody shall not be a waivr�r of or procludr,the e�c�cise of any
<br />�:�,:�:�. ' rightotc�emedy.
<br /> .,' 12.Sucoea�rs and Msijns Boundc Joht and Sevenl Linbilit�i Casi�ers.'il�e cova�ants and agroanents of thts
<br />�'�,'•_•. - :.'� Sociuity Inst�ment shall bind and baki"t the auocessors w�d acsi6ns of La�da and Bocmwet. subjxt Oo the provisions of
<br />_-„�1:T� �:r,� p�g�ph 17. Bamwer's oovemnts md �oana�ts shall ba joint aad s4vetel. My Bom�wet who co-signs dils Sa�ritY
<br />� ... Instrumait but does na euocute the Nae:(a) is oo-si�in8 thia Sxurity Ins�unent only to mo�tBABa B�►t ead canvey th�t
<br /> Bomowa's intaest ia the ProputY under ihe tams of d�is Security In�uumrnG (b) is not puson�(ly obligated to PaY the smns
<br />�•.•,::•i;� securad by Ihis Securiry instrumen�and(c)�gc�aes that Lender md eny other Boirowu mey egrx to exte�d.modifY�fabe�r a
<br />��• . mate my a000mtnodations wtth rega�d to the tenns of this Security It�sorumeatar thc IVote wlthout d�at Bamwer's ccxuent
<br />-_ .-.:,,a��. 13.I.o�a C6ar�a. V the lom socund by tt►is Socurlty It�u�xat is aubjat w a law w6ich seta tnuimwn lom chrge+.
<br /> i�°��.:',�• and th�t l�w is fin�lly in�rpretad�011yt tt�e intaest ar oU�losn ch�rBes colfected or w be colbcted in oonaecdoa vvi@t the jon
<br />_°- ���' ea�oeed the pamitted Wnits.then:(�)a�►Y such 1au ch�rge sNall be rod��oed by the a�namt nocess�ry b ceduce the chrge to the
<br />_-.��,��,i�=°m�� pexmiqed limi�and(b)�ny�ms already colbcud fmm Barowa which ea�caded pelmiued Wnits will be refundod w Boamwa.
<br />�,:`�.c:�,,.� Lender m�y cboose w mako this cefund by roducing the princtpiJ owed unda the Nosa a by m�icimg a diroct py�neut lo
<br /> `�`=�--�' Bocrowa.If�refund reduces principd, the reduction wiU be treatod ac a portW PrePaYme�t witt�out�nY P�PaY�� �B�
<br /> rii:c-�
<br />_�.,a•'k• under Ihe Note.
<br /> _==�::�; 14.Notieea. My nodce w Bomnwer provided fa in this Socucity Inmwne�t stwll be given by delivaing it a by roailing it
<br />��"--- by first class mail unkss applicabb law roquires use of anottKS mettwd.'Runotice shall be dirocled W the Piropaty Addnss or
<br /> il°'•.`�.� any other�ddress Barowa designates by nodoo w Lrender.Any notice to I.eader shall be given by fuat class nwil to Lander'�
<br />=--�"^""' � addtrts su�tod hereln a any otha addass I.ender designates by notice to Bamaer.My notice provided for in thi9 Socurlry
<br />_: --^'!�''".� . Iaurument st�all be damed to have beai given w Bomowa a Land,a whai give�a�pmvided in this pacagt�h.
<br />_ - -..�.:.
<br />� . 1S.fiaversin�I.�w;Sevmbitity. 'Il�u Socurity Inshumait shall ba governod by federal laa md the lnv of the
<br />-_ �. jurisdiction in wdkh the Pmpeity is locaud In the event tt►at my pmvision or cla�se of thu Security Instruma�t or the Note
<br />- conflicts with applic�ble law.such conEtict ahsll not affect ott�a provisions oF�his Security Instrumau a the Note w61ch an be
<br />": . ';;� given effect wiWout the contlicting provisiai.To this end!he provisions of thtr Security Inatruma�t and tfic Note are declarod b
<br />���., be sevc.�abk.
<br />�,.. �,
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