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<br /> TQO�THHR WiTH all tha lmprovcments now on c�rcattcr crxtcd on thc propcny,and aU casemenu,appurtenances.and
<br /> ftxtures now or hereaitcr a put of the property.AU rcplacemcnts und odditions shaU also He covcred by this Security Insirumcnt.
<br /> All of tho fixcgotng is refecrod to in this Sxurity instrument as thc"Property."
<br /> ...-��" BORROW&R COVBNANTS that Bortawcr Is lawfully sciscd of tho cstate hereby convcycd end has the right tn grant and
<br /> •�M�• �"r' comcy tho Propaty and Uut the Property is uncncumbcrcd,except fa cncumbcances of rccord. Homawcr warrants and wUl .
<br /> defend generally ihe tiUe to tha Property against ail claims and demands,subject to any encwnbrances of recard.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INS7RUMHNT combines aniform covenants for nadonal usc end non•unfform covenants with lirNted
<br /> varietions by jurlsdktion to consdwtc a uniform security instrumcnt covuing real property.
<br /> UMFORM COVFNANT'S.Bocrower and L.endu covenant and agroe as foUowa:
<br /> 1.Pxyment ot Princip�l aed Interest;Prep�ymeat and LAte Char�e�. Borrowu shall prompdy pay when due ihe
<br /> princlpal of and intcrest on Ihe debt evidencod by thc Notc and any prepayment and late charges due under the Nota.
<br /> 2.�nda tor Taxea and Iosuraace. Subjoct to appllcable law a to a writun waiver by Lendu, Borrower shaU pay to
<br /> Lender on ilw day moathly paymenu are due undcr iho Noto,nntll the Notc�S paid in full,a sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly tmces _
<br /> and as.sassments which may atroin pr�ocity over this Security Inswment a4 a Ikn on the Property;(b)yearly leasettold payments _
<br /> „ � . °r gr°nnd rents on the Fropaty.if any:(c)Ycarly ha•rard or�xoperiy insurana premiums:(d)Yaarly fload insurancc premiums,jf �.
<br /> �Y:(�)Y�ly moetgage insuraRCe pmmiums,if any:and(�any sums payabk by Borrowu to Lender,in accordance with the �y
<br /> �` provisions of pazagraph 8,in liw of thc payment of mortgage Insurence premiums. 'Ihese Items are caUed "Fscrow Items."
<br /> ,.� Le�der may,at eny time.colloct and bold Funds in en amount not to exaed the maximum amount a lender for a federally related �, �
<br /> rporigage loan may require for Bocrower's escmw account undu the federal Real Bstate Seulement Procedures Act of 1974 a4 �::
<br /> amendod hom time w dma,12 U.S.G Sectbn Z601 tt stq. ("RESPA").unkss another law that applies to the Funds sets a lesser —
<br /> �. anwont ff so.Lendcr may�at any time.coUect and hold Funds in aa araount not to excced the lesser amoun�Lender may �.,._
<br /> . estimau the amount of Funds dua on the basis of cwrent data and reasonable esdmaus of aapendlwres of future Bsc�ow Items or =
<br /> ot�arlse in accordance wtth applkabk law.
<br /> 'Ilx FY�nds shall be held in an InsHtut�on whose deposits ue Insured by a fcderral ageACy,instrurnentelity.or endcy(including
<br /> ' I,endu.�f Lendu is such en insdtution)or in aay Foderal Home Loan Bank Lender shall epply the Funds to pay the Escrow
<br /> ----__= Items.Leadu may not cl�arge Borrowu for hoidL�g and upplytng the Funds�etuivally analyzing the escc�ow eccount,a vuiiying
<br />-� the Bscrow IWns,ankss Lendet pays Borroau inurest on the Funds and applkable law permits Lender w make such a charge.
<br /> ' Howevu.La,der may roquira Bocrowu to pay a one-dme chorge for an independent real estate tex reponing servke used by
<br />'' I�ender in coiu�xtton wlth this lo�n.unkss applicablc law pmvides otherwlse.Unkss en agra.�►ent La made a applicabk law
<br /> re��Ires interost to be paid L.emkr shall not be ro4uired w Pay Borrowu aay int�erest a eamings on the Funds. Borrower and
<br /> -� � Lender may agrx in writing,tw�vever.that interest shall be paid oa the Funds.L�ender shall gi�e to Bortowa.whhout cts�age.an
<br />_ :,..:•. . • annual a000undng of the Fluids�shuw�ing ccedits a�d debits to the Funds and the purpose fa wfiich each debit w We F�nds was
<br /> " made.'!he Funds ere plodged aa additional security for ell sums secured by this Sxurlty Inslnuncn�
<br /> �..; ,., . ' If the Fonds held by La�da exceed the amounts permittod to be held by applkabk law.Lenda shall account to Borrowet for
<br />�,;;,:: ' ' tl�e exass Funds in accordmce with the requinenents of applicabte law.If the amount of tbe Funds heW by Lenda at any tirtw is
<br /> j`:;�';�`", ., not safficient w pay the Fsaow Items when due�Lender may so aotify Borrowu in writing.and.in such case Bomowu shall PaY
<br /> T'`:�;:+�:�. . '. to Laxkr the amount necrssary oo make up the deficiency. Borrowa shall make up the de,�'icieacy in no more thaa twelve
<br /> ��:��'�� monthlY PQY�m•at Lenda's sok discredon.
<br />_��':'!�"e�. � � UP�PaY�t in full of all sums secured by this Securiry Instrumen�Leader shall PromPaY refund w Borcowa any Funds
<br />-:�.�;;�..r�� . ' '' held by I.,ender.ff.unda perag�h 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Prope�ty.Lender,Arbr to the acq�isidon or sak of tho
<br /> 3'.F'r,':-;:'?• ' Prq�aty shall eppty any Funds held by Lenda at the tlme of acquisidon or sale as a credit against tho sum�sxt�red by this
<br />_ -=�•. • '�: .
<br /> .;':'�;�;.• Securiry Inst�umenG � '�.': �
<br />=�:?�`•. 3.Applic�ttioe at Psiyments. Unless applk�ble law provjdes othawise,all payments roceived by Lender unda panigrophs
<br />-�.�.,,.,., ,:
<br /> ,..�,��_ ,� ., 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to anY F�P85'mem ctiarges due under tlise Nole:second.w amounts payabk undu pna�aph 2;
<br />_���:-=�= ..-`�" third,w intuest due:fourth,to prie�cipal due;and last,to any late charges due under the Nou.
<br /> :n.•. ,
<br />_ -_�,-.._
<br />,�-�•,,�:� �� . 4.Clwr�ea,Lkns. Bomower shall pay all taxes�aasesstaents. char8es.fines and 'unpositions aurlbutabk to the Propetty
<br /> :-r� �4.lir •
<br /> -�;�.'� ' � which may attain prlority over this Sxiuity Instnument,and leasehold paymwts or ground rerrts,ff any.Barowa shs�l pay these
<br /> .. �.. .:. , obligadons in the msumer providal in paragraph 2.ur if not paid in thet manner.Borrowu shall pay them on time directly to the
<br />- . " person owed pay�nenG Borcower shall prompdy furnish to I.ender all notices of amounts to be paid under this peiagraph. If
<br /> � . IIomnwer makes these payme�ta directly,Borrowu shall prompdy fumish w Leader roceipts evidencing the paymeras.
<br /> Borrower shatl promptly discharge any lien which has prlority ova this Sxurlty Instrument unless Borrowa:(a)ag�ras in
<br />- wridng w ihe payment of the obligadon secured by the licn in a manna acceptable w Ltndu;(b)coat�ests!n good faith itie iien
<br /> by, or defends against enforcement of the llen in. kgal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operau w prevent ihe
<br />'' enforcement of the lien; or(c)secures from d�o holder of the llen an agceement satisfacoory w Lender subordinating the lien to =
<br />- ' � this Securiry Insueiment If Lender dctetmines that any part of the Propctty is subjact w a lien which may atffiin prioriry over this
<br /> Seciuity Inst�ument,I.ender may give Bomower a nodce identifying the llen.Borrower shaU sadsfy thc lien or talce one or more
<br /> of the acdons set focth atwve within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> ;, Form 302! YI�O
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