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<br /> � „ �� paymc�ix may no longcr bo rcqulrcd,ot t�c opdan of Lcndcr.if mortgegc lnsuranco cavcrago(in tho amount ond for tha period
<br /> �, that L.endcr rcquirc.$)pravidcd by an insurcr approvcd by Lcndcr egain bocamcs availablc and is obtnincd.Barrowcr shall pay�hc _
<br /> � pnmiums ccquircd to maintaln mongnga insurancc in cffoct, or w provido a loss raticrva, unt(I thc rcquircmcnt for mortgagc _
<br /> .�""�.��; insura�cc cnds in accordanco with any wriacn agcecment between 8orrowcr and Lcndcr ar epplicablo law. �
<br /> �� 9.Iespectbn. Lender or its agu►t may make rcasonable enuks upon snd inspecdons o!the Properly.l.cnder shall give _
<br /> Borrowcr nottca at tho time of a prlor to an inspxdon spocifying rcasorubla causo for the inspocdon.
<br /> , 10.Condemnatba. The procixds of any award or claim for demages. diroct or consoquential, in connecdon with anp _
<br /> °` condr.mnadon or other taking of any paR of the Prc,paty.or for wnveyanco �n lieu of condemnat�an,are he�eby essigned end N
<br /> �, shall be paid to Lender. _-_
<br /> .�` In tha event oF a total taking of thc Property,the proceeds shnU bo oPPBed to t1�c sums sxnrod by this�ociuity Inswmcn�
<br /> � whether or not then due.with any exccss paid w Borrowu.In ihe avcnt of a partial wk�ng of tha Picoperty in which the fair market
<br /> . . � value of the Property immcdiatcly bcfore the teking�S cqual to or greatcr than the amount of thc sums sxured by this Security -
<br /> Instrument lmrocdletcly beforo the teking,unless Borrowu and Lendcr othcrwlsa agree in wr�dng. the sums scc�red by Ih�s
<br /> � Securtty Instrument shall ba reduced by the amount of the procoals muldpllod by the following fraction:(a)�he wtal amount of
<br /> ihe s��ms secured immediately beforc the taking,divided bY (b) the fair marlcct value of ihe Property immodiatcly beforo Ihc
<br />' tatdng,My balance shall be paid to Bortowu.In ths event of a partlal takin8 of the Propeity!n which Ihe fair marku val►�e of thc
<br /> �.. ' pioperty immediatcly befon thc tatcL�g is less than the amount of the sums secund immedlately before the teking. unkss
<br />- Honowu and Loadcr otherwisc egree in wridng or ualess applicablc law othcrwlse provides,ihe proceeds shell be applied w the
<br />_' �:..�: sums sacured by this Secudty Instrument whether or aot tho sums are thea►due. -�-
<br />.. .. .. "1 If ihe Properi.y i,ai,iuiduaal by ao�.�w�,ar if,afu7 aotice by I.euder tn BosroWer thet the ronde�n�►r�ffr�a tn make an _
<br /> h
<br />- , ��� award or seule a claim for damages,Borrower fails to respond to Lendu within 30 days after the date the notice is given�L.ender
<br />:;.,:;-,.:, is authoci•r.ed w coAect and apply the proceods.at its option.either w restoradon or repair of the Prope�ty or to the sums securod
<br /> ` � by this Socurity Instcument,whether ar not then dne.
<br />'�•�;`,. . �; Unless I.e.nder and Borrowu otherwise agre�in wridnB,anY aPPlicadon of proceeds to principal st�ll not eactend or PostPus�e
<br />���' `y':��� the due date of the monthly payments referrad to in paragraphs 1 er�d 2 a ctianga the amount of such payments.
<br />::��;li�•_�,° . 11.Borrower Not Rekas�ed;For6earance By I.ender Not a W�iver_ B�ctenslon of the time for payment a modfficadon
<br />;a4;:13's'�-�:(:,91�
<br />-_r.�•,;, ,., , of enwctIzetion of the sums secured by this Socurity Inawment granted by Le�der to any succe�r in ince�si oi Bc�nvwcr i��it
<br />�;,a�;:�,��7�;� j not opuate ta relcase the liability of the odginal BoROwer or Borrowa's sucassocs in lnca+es�I.axkr st�all not be�'e4uired to
<br /> '�;;�-��t� ' commenco prooeedings against any successor in intere.ct ar refuse to extend dme for payment or otbawise modtfy amort��or►of
<br />'��"����'' �' the sums sec�ued by this Security Insnument by reason of any dernand made by the origtnal Borrower or Borrowa's successors
<br />��r#p�{�:�� in intwresG My forbearance by Lcnder in exercising eny right or remedy shall noc be a waivu of a proclude the exacise of any
<br /> sti;et+n'w�i,:�'�
<br />'�'��:=.� < �gh 12.Sueceseora aad Assitns Bound;Jotat and&vual Liabtlity:Co-sigoexs. 'Ihe wvenar►ts �nd agrocments of tluis
<br /> �W�������' Security Instrument shall bind end benefit ihe s�tessors and assigns o f L�e n d u an d Borrowu, su b j e c t t o t h e p ro v 3 s i o n s o f
<br /> ��41---��� ' 17. Borrower's cova�ants and agrxments shal! ba joint ad several. Any Botrowu who co-signs this Secutity
<br /> ---_-=:� c P�►
<br /> ---`�=?� ; Insavmer►t but does not wcecute the Nou:(a)is co-signing this Security Instmmei►t only w macgage.gant and conv�y thac
<br /> "�'�"�` T�-� Barower's inta�est in the Pcoparty undu the tams of this Securlty Ins�C(b) is not pusonally obligatod W pay d�e sums
<br /> securod by this Security Instiument;and(c)a�oes that L,endu and any othu Bamwa may a�+ee to ea�tend,modifY,fabar or
<br /> -`—-""'�'— t make any axommodetbns with regard to the terms of this Socurity Instrument a the Note withont that Barowa's consent
<br /> 1�.I.o�n Cl�aetes. If the loan sec�ued by this Socurlty Instrument ia subjxt to a law which sc,ts maximum loan cltarges,
<br /> _----—v and that hw is flnally inte�pnted so thnt the intaest or otha loa�►charges collected or W be coUected in connection with tho loan
<br />�•�'°�� , ex000d the permiuod limit�,then: (e)a�►Y such W�n cdarge shall be reduced by tha amount ncoessAry w roduoe the chargo w the
<br />__- - --� Pamiued limi�and N)any swns already collected from Homower which exoeedod pem►�ued limits will be nfunded to Barower.
<br /> ---------- Lender may choc�se to make this refund by reduc�ng the prIncipal owod under the Notc a by making a direct paymait to
<br />—_ - --- ' Bormwer.If a refund reduces principal. the reducti�ou wlll be oreatod as a pacdal PcepaYment without enY P�Yment charge
<br /> —__� unda the�1ote.
<br /> 14.Notias. My aotice to Borrower provided for in this Sccurity Inswment shxll be given by delivaing it or by mailing it
<br /> _ — . by C�rst cla4s mail uniess appli�abk law requires use of another method.'Ifie nodce shall be directed w the Propaty Address oc _
<br /> -'•n="`,-.—.� any ott�er addnss Bomowcr designates by notice to L.ender.Any noda to Leasdet shall be given by first claSS mail W Lendu's
<br /> —"°'''�:�. adclress steted herein or any othu eddress I.ender d�signates by notice w Sarowa.Any notioe pmvi�ed for in this Socurity
<br /> = +`-��' � Instrument shall be deemod to havc been giver►to Bocruwu or Leader when given as pcovided in this paragraph•
<br />??.���Y�•��:Y ��, � iS.Goveraing I.pw;Severabqity. '1T�s Security Inshument shall be govern� by federal law and tbe law of the
<br /> '``�`• • .'. , jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Sxurity Insuument or the Note
<br />- - �� • � confUcts with appllceble Iaw.such contlict shall not affect othu provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can be
<br /> � ' ' � given effect wl�hout the conflkring provision.To this end the provisions of this Socurity Instrument and tho Nooe are doclared W
<br />�` . . � bc scvctab{e.
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