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<br /> . S.Horard or Praperty Insurance. Horrowcr shaU kccp thc impmvemenGg now exlsdng on c�rcnftcr crcctcd on thc Properry
<br /> insured agninst lo�.�by �re,hs�.erds included within the term "extended coverage" and any other ha�.�trds, including f!oods or
<br /> �, tlooding,for which Lcndcr rcµuires insurancc.'IUis fnsurancc shall ba malntelncd in thc amounis und for thc perlods that L,cndcr
<br /> � rcquims.'llic insurancc csurlcr pmviding tho jnsurancc shell bc choscn by Borrowcr subjoct to I.cndcr's approval whtch s6all not
<br /> ba unrcasonubly wtthhcld. If Borrowcr fails to mainteia covcrngc dcscribcd abovc, L.cndcr may, at Lcnder's apdon, obtain
<br />_,� coveragc to protoct I.cnder's rights in the Property{n accordancc with paragreph 7.
<br /> . AA insurance policies and renewals shall be acceptable to Lender und shall include a standard mortgage clause.Lender shaU
<br /> have the dght to hold tha policics and renewals.lf I.ender requires,Borrower shell promptly give w L.ender ell receipts of paid
<br /> . prcmiums end tencwal noticcs.In tha ovent of loss,Borrower sheU glvo prompt noticc to the insurance cArricr end I.ender.l.endu
<br /> • may make proof of loss if not made prompUy by Borrower.
<br /> ` Unless Lender and Borrowcr othcrwisa egroe in wrldng. insnranca procccds shall bc appG�co restoradon or repair of the
<br /> "' Property demeged,if the reswradon or repair is economically feasiblc and I.endu's scciuiry is n�t lcssenod.If the restpradan a
<br /> � rcpair is not economically fcasi�le or Lc:nder's sccurity would be Icssened,ihc Insurancc pr�cecds s6all be applied w the sums
<br /> secured by this Security Insuument,whether or not ihen due, with any cacess paid to Borrower. If Borrower abandons the
<br /> Progeriy,or docs nat answa within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance camcr has offued tn settle a claim. then
<br /> L,cndei may copect the insurance procoeds.L,ender may use the procecds w repair or restore the Property or to pay sums socured
<br /> by this Secuc�IIty Instrumcn�whether or not►hen duc.'ilie 30-day pcxiod will begin when the notice is given.
<br /> T Unless I.etider and Barrower otherwiso agrce in writing,any appiication of proceeds to principal shall not eatend or postpone
<br /> _ ....� the dua date of the monthly paymenis refe:red to in paragrephs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments.If under paragraph
<br /> �'. 21 the Pcoperty is acquimd by Lender, Borrawer's right to nny insurance policies and proceeds resulting trom damage to tne
<br /> Property prior to the acquis3don shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums�cxured by this Secnrity Insm�ment immediately
<br /> prior w the acquisition.
<br /> 6.Occupancy,Preservatbn,MaintenAace�nd Protectbn ot the Property; Borrower's L,oan Applkation;Le,aFChoWs.
<br /> . --� Borrower shall occupy,estabUsh,and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within six�y days afur the euecution of
<br /> this 3ecurity Instrument and shall continnue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal resIdence for at least one year after the
<br /> - -- datc af cxupsssc„ asil�.° Leisder oshr-^-�1-�' o-°*t+!�s �n wry�ng, wh�ch cnn�enc shall not be uimrasons�bly withheld.or uNess
<br />- extenaating cirenmstances exLst which are beyond Borrower's control.Borrower shall not destroy,damage or impair the Proprity.
<br /> '� �� aUow the Propc�ty ta deterlorate, or commit waste on the Property. Bomowu shall be in dafa�lt If any forfeiwre action or
<br />_ � proceoding.whether civil or criminal,is t�egun that in L.endec's good feith judgment could msuit in forfeiuue of tha Property a
<br />-'-�•��'::•, otherv�rise matetlaUy impair the Ikn creatod by ihis Securiry Inswme,nt or Lender's secuclty inuresG Borrower may cure such a
<br /> �.:
<br />--• . � default and rainstete. as provided in paragrsph 18.by causing thc acdon a proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling ihat,in
<br />�`�".`�';:'•�`` ' Lcadar's good faith determinatiion.prxludes forfaituro of the Borrowu's inunst in the Property or ott�er materlal impainnent of
<br />�"`���" the lien cneatcd by this Securlty Inst:ument or Lender's securlty interest.Horrowa shall also be in default jf Barowa,doring tbe
<br />�,i�,��IhY.
<br />__�.;;;;�,,,:., loan epplication process,gave materlally false or inaccurate infannaaon or statements w I�der(a failed to provide I.,erider with
<br />_��'����•-"' any mataial infomiadon) in connecti�n with the loan evfdenced by the Note. including, but not Iimited w, relx�esen�ions
<br />''';"�'�� concem�ng Borrower's occupa�cy of the Property as a prIncJpal cesidence.If this Security Instrument is on a kasehold,Borrowa
<br /> �-�' �` ' shAll comply wlth all the grovisions of the Iease.If Borrowe�acquires foe title to the Proputy,the lea9ehold and the fee title stu�U
<br />-�:.���;� not merge unkss Lendu egcees w the merger�n writfng.
<br />--��--Ts',�„°::� 7.Protection ot I.eeder's Righls in the Property. U Borrower fa�7s to perform the covenanu and agraments c,ontained!n
<br /> �„�°`�.� this Secudey Inswment,a the,re is a legal proaxding that may significantly affect Le,r►du's r�ghts In the Pc�operty(s�ch a�a
<br />,�'���� proceeding in bankcuptcy,pcabate.for condemnadon a forfeiwre or to enforce laws or ceRuiadons),then Lendar may do and p�Y
<br /> �===� fa whatevu Ls nccessary to protect the velue of the Propertyr and Lender's dghts jn the Property.Lerider's actiona may include
<br />==w��;`� payIng any sums secured by a iten which has priority ovu this Security lnstrument,appearinB in court,ps�yin8 reaSOnable
<br /> y;w�� attomeys'fas and enterIng on ihe Property w make repairs.Although Lender may take acdon undu this paragraph 7,I.ender
<br /> --- docs not havG W do so.
<br /> �� :�-,— Any art�ounts disbursed by i,ender undcr this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this Sec�uiry
<br /> .�iw�:-;: Instrumu►� Unless Borrower and Lender agra to other Wms of payment,tl�ese amounts shap bear inunest from the date of
<br />�°�•� .. disburscanent at the Note rate and shall be payabk,with interest.upon notice from I.ender w Horrower requesoing paYrt�t
<br />_':`;`krt'��� ' a.Mortgage Insurance. If Lender rCquired mortgage instuAnce as a wndition of making the loan secured by this Scx�uity
<br />�''�� `��. � Insuvment, Borrower shall pay the premiums raquired to matntain the mortgage insurance in effocG If. for any rc�son.iha
<br /> � ' ' ' rtwetgege insivance cov.�age re�uired by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effec�Botrower shall pay the premiums c�equired to
<br /> �� � obtain coverage substantially equivalent w the mortgage insurance prcvbusly in effect,at a cost substuttially equivaknt w tha
<br />_ wst to Borrower of tha mortgage insuran�e previously in effect, from an alt:ernate mortgege insurer approved by Lender.If
<br />= substandally equivalcnt mo�tgoge insw�ance coven►ge is not available,Borrower shall pay to Le;nder each month a sum equal w
<br /> one-twolfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower wuen�e insurance coverage lapsed or eeased to
<br />. be in effec�Lender will accept, use and retain these payment� as a loss c+eserve in lieu of moctgage insivanoe.Loss resave
<br /> Form 302s i110
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