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<br /> �y' �, ' • .. :'';'�:�'
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<br /> 16.Barrower'e Copy. Aorrower shall be given one conformed capy of the Note end of this Sxurity InstrumenG
<br /> 17.Transte�of the Prapertr or n Benefici�l I�terest in Borrower. If aU ar nny pan af thc Properry ar any intcrest in it is
<br /> sald or vansferrcd(ar if u benefcial interest in Borrowcr is sald or tiansferred and Bonowcr is not a nuturalpersan) without
<br /> v.
<br /> l.ender's prior written conscnt,Lender may,at its opdon,rcquirc�mmediate puyment in full of uil sums securcd by�h1s Securily
<br /> In.cirumenG Howcver.thi.s opUon shall not bc cacrcisad by L.cnder d excrcisc u pcuh��ited by federal law as of thc date of shis
<br /> � Sccurity Inswmcn�
<br /> If Lcnder cxc.�cises this option,L�dcr shaU give Borrowes notice of acccleration.'Ihe nopce shall provldc apcdod of�ot lcss �
<br /> ~"""' then 30 days tresm thc ditw the notkc is dcl�v or mailed wi�hin which Borrowcr must puy all surns sccurcd by this Secsuiry �
<br /> "�''" ' InsavmcnG It Borrowcr fall�to pay t!►eao surns�p lor W 1hc e�cpiration of this period,Lcndcr may invokc any remedics perrnitced �:�-
<br /> by this Socurity�nstrumcnt without fuRhcr notice qr dcmand on Borrowcr. �.
<br /> 18.Borrower'e RI�At to Refnatata If Borrowu moets ceitain condidons. Socrower shall have the dght tn have `.
<br /> , enforcemont of this Securlty Insorument discontinued at eny wne prlor to the earlicr of: (a) 5 days(or such athes pedod as =_
<br /> n
<br /> appiicable law nlay spocify for rcinstatement)before sale of tho Property pursuant to any power of sale containcd in this Sccunty -
<br /> Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing th�s Soc�uity Insavmen�'Ihose condidons are that Bortower:(a)pays Lendrs aU
<br /> sums which Ihen would be dua undcr th�s Socurity Instrument and the Note az if no s�cccicradon had c�ccurred; (b)cures anY
<br /> defauit of eny other covcnants or agre�en►cnts;(c)pays all expenses incurrcd ia enforcing this Sccurity Insuument,including,but _
<br /> not Wniud to�reasonabla auonceys'foes;and(d)tekcs such a�:don ac Lenda may reasonably requine to assure�hat the lien of this
<br /> � Socurlty Instrumu►t, 1.onder's nghts in the Propeny and Bomowu's obligation to pay the sums secnred by this Securicy �
<br /> Iasvument shall continue anchanged. Upon rcinstaument by Sorrowu,this Socuriry Insuument and the obligau�O��urcf _
<br /> hereby shaU remain fully effecdve as�f no ecceleradon had occurred.However,this right to refnstate shall not app�y Is� �
<br /> accetcrat�on undcr paragreph 17.
<br /> 19.Sak of Note;Change ot�.oan Servioe�. '1La Note or a pardal interest in the Nota (togethec, with this Securiry
<br /> Instntment)may be sold one or more tlmes without prior natice to Borrower.A sale may result in a change�n the entity(frnown
<br /> ' as the"Laau Servicer")that collects monthlY 1�Y��dua undu the Nou and this Secunty Instr�ment There rallso may be one or
<br /> .--- more chat►ges of ihe Loan Serviccr unrelated to a sat�oi the irote.Ii iherG u u�Y,n,�ge of ihe I.�rs Scr.rixr,BQSro••,•�Qn.11 be ._
<br /> gi���y�i�en notke of tho�hange in accordance wiih pa�aph 14 above and applicable law.The noticce will state tha name and
<br /> address of the new L.oan Servker And the address to w h paymenu should be made.Tde no8ce wlll also contain any othcr
<br />' informatkm ro4uircd bY 8PG�k law.
<br /> 20.Nwrdous Su6stancrs. Borrower shall not cause a permit the presencc. use. dLspo�al.storage. or release of any
<br /> . Hazardous Substances on or in the Prope�ty.Borrower st�all na do,nor aUow anyone else w do,anything affectIng the Propc�ty
<br /> that is in violation of an�r Environmental Law•The Proceding tx'o sentences shall not apply to tho presence,use.or storage on the
<br /> " Propaty of tmall quanatjes of Ha�ardous Substances that are generaUy recognized to be appropnau to normal residendal oses
<br />' � - end w mai�►unancc oi the T�mpucy. °
<br /> Borrowa shuN prompttY givo Lender wriuen notice of any 3nvesdgation. claim, demend,lawsuit or other action by any
<br />-- � , govemmental or ngulawry aB�Y a'P���P�Y involving the Property and any Hazar�dous Substeace or finvironmental Law
<br />�" �`�' • : of which Barowa has acwal knowlodge.If Bocrowa leuns.a is notlf'kd by any govemmcntal or regulacory suthority,that any
<br /> -s=�:�,�� � removal a olher re�iadon of any Iia7ardous Substance affxting the Pr�perty is necessary.Bormwec shall promptly take all
<br />�+r_,�.~••�•. II�CSSBty IdllOd�BCI�Of13lfl 8CC0[d8110E W��1 EilVl[iOM1G118�T.iW.
<br /> Tt,;�.i, �,aY,�� As usod iin thi� psragraph 20."Hazardoos Subuanas" are those subswnces defined ac to�cic a ha7ardous substanc�s by
<br /> '��y�s� � Environme�W Law end the followiag substances: gasotino,kerosene, other tlammable or mxic petrokum Frod�icts. toxic
<br />=i;;_;.�; Pe�cides ond habicldcs.voladle solvents,mate�als containing asb�.stos or famaldehyde.and redioxdve n�s.As used in
<br /> ���`" � tttis paragraph 20,"F�►vimnmental Law"means fodaal laws and laws of tfie jurlsdictbn wtiaa Ide Ptopeity is locatod that reWe
<br />��;�A;�;;�r.'� . to health.safety a environmental protection.
<br />=�!�s-.�;:r� ' �
<br />_.::.�r'E"�._ NON-UN�ORM COVENAN7'S.Barowu and Lender funher covenant aad agroe as follows:
<br /> .�=�. 21.Aooderatbni Remalia.�.ender s6a11 givs notke to Borrower prior to aocekratioa idlowi�;Borrower's�reach of
<br /> _�;�,_� any wve�t or �ree�ent in th�s Secvrky In�truntent(but not prior to �oeekratbe nnder p�r�grap6 17 unlest
<br /> ___�_�•�� Appitabk bw►provides otberMiss)•T6e notia sWU apecity:(a)t6e detault;Cb)the action required to cure tbe detault;(c)
<br /> -�_v n� ������gp�yj{��date t6e notioe i� �tven to Bw�ower�by whk6 the defauk mnst be cnr+ed;and(d)
<br />-".=�`,� t6at taihre to cure t6e defank oa ar before tbe d�te apecNled ie t6e aotke m�y resuk in acoetention d ths wms secrr+ed
<br />---"'�� by tYia Secrrity Instrunent�nd s�tk ot t6e Propn�ty.T6e notioe slutll turther ieform Borro�rru ot We ri�ht to rebWate
<br />���� Atter aoeekration and the rig6t to bring a court nction W r�ssert t6e oon�e�tstwa d a def�uk or aa�Mber defeme ot
<br /> -�°:�::�':''-,� Borro�wer to acorler�tion and sak.It the detault is oot cured on or before the date apccitkd i�the notkY.l.eader��t it�
<br /> ---� -- option,mar require immedi�te pnye►ent ia tuU of wll sums aecured by th4 Security I�msnt witbout further danand
<br /> �-.71e"�'r.;s and ma�iovvke the power ot sAk�nd any other rcme�ia permitted by appticabk law.Le�ler shaU be entitled to coliect
<br /> -_r,�as'-..
<br /> —�....,.,,., a�pcpenses incunYd in pursuin`the remediea provided in Wis paraErapb 21,indudieg,but not limited W��bk
<br /> �=s:-;.,r x•, attorneys'fees�ed oosts ot titk evideoce.
<br />�`,.���....4.. It tHe powar ot sak is invoked, Trustee s1�wU record a notice ot dct�nit in each cornty is whkh any pact of t6e
<br />_ -..��.
<br />- . , propert�b be�tM and s6a11 mafl rnpks of such notia in the mAnner prca�xibed by applic�ble GM to Borrowar a�d to tbe
<br />_` other persons prescribed by applicabk law.AtYer t6e time required by sppiia�bk laa�,Trustee ehaU�ive public wtia of
<br /> �. `�'�:.. s�k to We persoes antl in the mAn�aer prescribed by tppUabk larr.Trustee.without dao�nd on Borrower,�ia�sell t6e
<br /> Property at pubt{c auction to t6e highest bidder at the time and plaa and under the terms desi�oated in the�wtioe ot sttie
<br /> s. : Fo�m 502� YlYO
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