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<br /> �� 1'OGfi'1'1�R WITH aU thc improvcn:ents now on c�rcaftcr crcctcd on thc property,nnd ull cascmcnts,appurtcnanccs,und _,
<br /> ,t Cuctures now or hercafu:r a part of the pmperty.All rcplacemcnts and additlons shull elso bc covcrcd by this Sccuriry Instrumcnt. •
<br /> All of the foregoing is refeired w in�his Security Instrument as thc"Propeny."
<br /> HORROWER COVENAIVTS tlwi ��rrower is luwfully seised of tha estute hcreby convcyed and hos ihc right to grant nnd �
<br /> �:?�� convey the Property and that the Property is unencumbered, except for encumbrances of record.Borrowe� wa�rents and will _
<br /> � _ defend gcneraUy 1he qtle to the Prop�ty against aU claims and demunds,subjoct to any cncumbrenccs of rccord.
<br /> Tl�IIS S�CURITY IIVSTRUNIFNI'combines uniform covenants for national use and non-uniform covenants wlth limited �
<br /> varfarions Ay jurfsdiction m consdtuua uniform securlty instrument covering rcal property.
<br /> � UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrowc�and Lendcr covenant and agrce as foUows: F
<br /> 1.Pnyment oi Princips�l And Iaterest; Prepaynient and Late Cha�ges. Borrower shall prompdy pay whcn due the _
<br /> princlpal of and interest on the debt erldwiced by the Not�and any prepayment and late cha�•ges duc under the Note. _
<br /> 2.Funds for T�uces and Iasur�ace. Subje:.t to applicable law or to a wriucn waiver by Lender, Borrower shell pay to =
<br /> . Lender on the day monthly paymen�are duc under the Nou,until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for:(a)yearly ra�ces _
<br /> and assessments which may attain prio=ity over this Security Instrument as a Uen on the Property;(b)Yearly leasehold payments _
<br /> or ground rents on Ihe Propertyr,lf eny; (c)yearly h�ard or property Insurance premiums;(d)yearly tlood insurana premlums,if =
<br /> any;(e)yearly mortgage insurancepr�miums,if any;and(�any sums payable by Bonower to I.ender.in accordana with t1►e =
<br /> provisions of paragr�h 8, in Ueu of the payment of mortgage insurance premioms.Theso items are rs�lled "Fscmw Items."
<br /> , Lender may.at any time,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the maximum emount a lender for a federaliy related
<br /> � J mortgage laan may require for Bortower's escrow account undar the federal Reat Estate Seulement Pn�cedures Act�f 1974 as
<br /> . . J amended&om tune to time, 12 U.S,C. Section 2601 et seq. ("KESPA").unless anothcr law that appHes co the Funds sets a lesser
<br /> ��� amosu�� If so,l.endcr may, at any tlrne.collect and hold Funds in en emount not to exceed tha lesser amoun4 Lendu may
<br /> � esdmate the amount of Funds due oe tl�e basis of current data and reasonable estimates of expendiwres of future Escrow ltems or
<br /> � othenvise In accordance with applicabl�hw.
<br /> 'It�e Funds shaU be held in an i�titudon whose deposits are insured by a fedcral agency,inspumentelity,or enHty(including
<br /> Lender,if Lender is such an instituuon)or in any Federal Home I.oan Bank.I.ender shaU apply the Funds to pay the Escrow
<br />_ Itcros.Lender may not charge Horrower for holding and applying the Funds,annually anelyztng the escrow accaunt,or verifying
<br /> ,,.,,_ • `� the Escrow Items,unless I.ender pa�s Borrower interest on the Funds end appllcable law permits Lender to meke such a chargc.
<br />;;,,�; ,';::-, • Ho�vu.LCt1dCt iisa y n x jui:t Bair�'�ec tts ps� 8 o[te-tim:zh8tg�P4i�� in�1r_.pen�lent reel e.ttate tex renorting se[viCC n.ced bY
<br /> • Lendu in connecflon with ihis loa�,unless epplicable law provides otherwise.Unless an agrcemenc is made or applicublc law
<br />- .�:�,,�' requires interest w be paid, Lerider shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or eamings on the Fur►ds.Bqrrowcr and
<br />'�':��F�����' � Lender may egre�In wrlting.however�lhat interest shall be paid on the Funds,l.ender shaU give w Borrowu.without chargo,an
<br /> •-�°%` ' annual accoundng of the Funds,stawang credits and debits to the Funds and the puipose for which each debit to the Funds was
<br /> ;:-„�:�'.�i�
<br />=-_;�-��a� made.'Che Fnnds are pledged a�additiond security for all sums secumd by this Security InstrumenG
<br />_"�"�'�� � If the Funds held by Lender exaed Ihe amounts pe�miucd w be held by upplicable law.Lendu shall account to Borrower for
<br />-��.�;'� � the exccss Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law.If the emount of the Funds held by I.enda at any dme is
<br /> `�"�'.`� ; not safCjcient w pay the Bscrow It,e� when due.I,ender may so notify Borrower in wridng,and.in such case Horrowar sha11 pay
<br /> ,..:���
<br /> ; w Lendu the smount nxessazy b malce up the deficiency. Borrower shall mako up the deficiency in no more an twe vc
<br /> =�'��.,� ' monthlYPaYments,atL.ender'ssoledis�redon.
<br /> ---°`-- � Upon payment in full of aU sums saured hy this Security Insuument,Lendu shall promptly nfund W Barrowu eny Funds
<br /> >-�3.�,:.,. � heid by Lender.If,unda paragrap121,Lender shall acqulee or sell the Property,Lender,prinr to the acquisidon or sale of tha
<br /> °"''-�!a 1'roperty�shall apply any Funds Ixld by I.cnder at the tIme of acquisidon or sale as a crcdit against the sums secured by this
<br /> _.._.�.� � Security Instrument
<br /> = — � 3.Appikation o�Payments. Urikss applicable law providrs othawLse,a11 paymente receival by Lender under paragrephs
<br /> -�L,�.� 1 and 2 shall be applied:Fiist,to any prepaymcnt chargcs due under the Nata;saond.w amounis payable under peragraph 2;
<br /> ,_� ° third,w inta�.st due;fourh.to prindpal due;end last,to any late charges duts under the Note.
<br />-.��:a:_�uy� 4.Charges:Lkns. 9orrower�hall pay all ta�ces,a9sessmer�ts,chuges,fines and impositions aaributable to the Proputy
<br /> -�- which may attain prioriry over this Security Instrument,end leasehold payments or ground rents,if any.Borrowa shall pay these
<br />---��_� obllgations in tha manna provided in paragreph 2.or if not paid in tlu�t manncr.Borrowu shail pay thom on time directly to the
<br /> :__=`-"-��-x'�°-- pason owed paymen� Borrower�hall promptly fumish to L.et�a�dnot�s of amounts to ba paid under this paraqraph. If
<br /> .;� Borrowu makes these payments dircctly,9amwa shaU prompdy fumish tn Lender receipts cvidencing tha payments.
<br />���,<.�;��� Barrowu shaU pcompdy dlscl�rge any lien which has pdodty over this SocurIty Instrument unless Bomowa: (a)agrees in
<br />-- � :,; , wridng w the payment of tha obliguian secuoed by the llen In a manner ecceptable w Lendu;(b)contests in good faith tho tien ;
<br /> _ � by, or defends against enforcemcu af the Gen in, legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operau w prevea�e the
<br /> • enforcement of the lien;or (c)scxrore�from the holdcr of the lien en agreement sadsfactory to I.ender subordinadng ihe llen w
<br /> �his Socurity Instrumenx If L,enderdezcrmines that nny part of the Prope,rty is subjoct to a l�en which may attain priority over ihis
<br /> Secur+ty Inatrument,Lender may giv�Borrower a nodce idendfying the lien.Borrower s6all satisfy the lien or take one or mare _
<br /> ' of tha acdons set forth above withi�]O days of the giving of notice.
<br /> Form SOZB �tl10
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