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<br /> 7.�PIObCt1011 Of L�nder'� Ripht� In Ih� Prop�rty. It eorrowor tal�s to portorm tha cov�nante and �pr�rNnta
<br /> OonlalnW h thN S�CUriy Initrurt»n!, or Ih�r� Is � Ipal procNQhp Ihtt may spnMiCanlly nNac!L�ndwr's rfphtb in th� Ptop�rty (OUOh as
<br /> �pracNQhp !n b�nkruptoy. R�otitt�,lor cond�mn�tbn or Ior/rMur�or to�nlorc�Uwa or rpu4tb L`^�a ;M�d�►mn�yyd�vQ�n�pp y�Q
<br /> wh�twa N n�csfary to prot�ot th� �aiu• 01 tn+� Prop�rty and L�nda'� rlphte ki th� Property.
<br /> �ny tum���cund by �li�n whloh h�� prbrRy ov�r thK S�ourity In�lrurrNnl,app�arinq In court, peyMp reueonabfe attom�y's I�aa�nd
<br /> �ntwlnp on►he PropOrty to m1k� upaln. ARAouph L�nd�r may teka�atbn under Ihls p�nyraph 7,LsntNr dosa not hav�to do ao. �
<br /> My �mounts disburs�d by Lmd�► und�r Ih1s p�npraph 7 sh111 b�oom� addNbn�l d�bt of Borrow�r s�our�d by thls S�curky �
<br /> Instrum�nl. UnMe� Bonow�r �nd Lend�r oprN to oth�r t�s ol p�ymMt, th�s� amountt ahall b�ar ht�n�t Nom th� daU ol
<br /> dltbun�nt�t th�Not� rat��nd�n�11 b�piy�bM,wNh Int�r�s1, upon notic�kom L�nd�r to Borrowor nqwstinp p�Ymait.
<br /> 0. Mort�e�e Inwrance. If L�nd�r nquV�d moRpaq� InfuranCe �� �condNkn of m�kinq the b�1n s�CUr�d by ihfe SaCUrRy ••• �
<br /> Instrumont, HoROwe �hali p�y the prwnlumr wqukcd to m�tntaln Ihe mortpnfle Ineurence n aHoct. II, for my rosson, tli� moAq�p� � �
<br /> Insunna�cownp�nqulrod by L�nd�r �psa or cras�s to b� h �N�et, Borrow�r sh�ll pay th� pnmbms r�quk�d to oDtain Cowrlp�
<br /> eubst�ntttlly �quN�Nnt lo th�moRytp� Ineurancs prwbutty fn�H�el, al� cost substantlally �qulvaMnt to th� aoat to Bonow�r ol th�
<br /> mortqap� haurance pnvbualy In eH�ot, kom an �Rarn�t� morlqa�l hsurer approvad by LMda. If eubstmtialty squN�bnt mortp4po
<br /> hsunnc� covernq� Is not avaflabN, Borrower ehaN p�y to L�nd�r each month s eum equal to ono•twsMth ol the ysary mortytq�
<br /> tnsuranc�prsmlum belnp pald by Borrower when lhe insurance covera�a apsed or ceaeed to bs in eHect. Londw wfll aCCept,us�antl ,
<br /> relah thes� p�yments as a bss ressrva In Ifeu of mortpage hsuqnce. Lo�s reserve paymants may no bny�r bs requked, �t th�
<br /> optbn ot Lender, M mortpago lnsuranc� covM�ye (tn the amount and ior the period that Lendor requkes) provided Dy an bsura
<br /> hsua ca h atecta or�to pro de �sbas ins�rva,�unfll he�requkome t fo�mortpape Insun c��n�s h accordmc��kh any w��n
<br /> �p►eanwnt b�twNn Bortower tnd Linder or epplSCable law.
<br /> 8. II1�fECt10t1. Lender or Ra aysnt may make reaaonabk antrtes upon and Inspeotbn� of ths Propsrty. Undx shaM piw
<br /> Bortower not��at th�tim�of or prbr to an inapaction spaaHyinfl r�sonable cause tor the Inspactbn.
<br /> 10. C011dEmR�U011. Th� procsads of any �W o tor con eyance in bu o!co�ndemnatbn,e� htireby assqn�d �nd sh� W
<br /> cond�mnatton or oth�r takinp of any paR of►he RropeRy.
<br /> patd to Londer.
<br /> In ths event oi a total takinp of the Property, the toroceads chall be applfed to the sums securod by h��°t�Ihlr muk�t
<br /> whethar or not then due, with any excass paid to Borrower. In the event of a partfal takiny ot the Property
<br /> valw of th� Propertyr fmmedintey bofore tha takhp Is equal to or yreater than the amount ot the sums secured by thts Sacuriry
<br /> Instrument Immedittay before the takinp, unless Bortower and Lender otherwise epree h writing, the sums secund by thb S�CUrky
<br /> Instrument shaN be reducsd by the amcunt of the proceods mukiplied by the tollowinq traCtion: (a) tha totai amount of lhe sumf
<br /> secur�d Ynmed(ntey be�ore the tekhq, dNid¢d by (H)the taM m�rket value ot the PropaRy Immediately betae the takinp. My b�t�na
<br /> sh�N be paW to Borrower. In th�svent ol a partkl takiny of the Propertyr fn whbh the fak market value of th�Property Irm�dyt�N
<br /> tratora th� takinp Is kss thon tha amount of the sums seaured immedlatety before the takhp, unles�Bortower md Lender othmvls�
<br /> aqre� In wrkhq or untess epp8oeble law otherw�se provides, the p►oceeds chall be appNed to the aums aacund by thfa S�cu►1ry
<br /> InsWrt�snt wheth�r or not the sums are then due.
<br /> ii ii,.F�o�Yr is aba�.�arssd h;�9ors�Wx.nr H, .kar not�e by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor oHers to rrwk�an awWd a
<br /> 6ettle a Claim for damapes.Borrower fails to respond to Lender wilhin 30 days efter!he date the notce fs piven,Lantl��s autnor�d
<br /> to colleCt end appty the procaeds,at its optbn, either t0 restoratbn or repak of the P�opeRy or to tAe sums secured by thb S�CUrky
<br /> Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> Unless Lender and Bortower otherwise aqree in wrdin�. any epplication o}proceeds to princpal ehall not extond or poatpon� th�
<br /> due date of the monthy payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chenqe the amount of such paymenls.
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Helesaed: Forbea�ance By Lender Not s Watve�. Extensbn of cha nme tor paymmc a
<br /> mod'AbRtbn of�morttratbn of tho 6ums secured by this Security Instrument pranted by Lender to any successor in int�nat ol Borrowrr
<br /> shaA not op�raN to releas�th�Il�biiity of the oripintl Bonower or Bortow�s succassors in hterest. Lend�r ehaM not W nquY�d ta
<br /> comrt�enae prxNdinpa a�ahst any successor In int�est or retusa to extend time tor payment or otherwiso madiy unortis�tion of tM
<br /> sums tsaured by thls Sacurky Instrument by rsason of any drnand made by the orlpinal Bonowar or BoROwors successo►� in
<br /> tnt�nst. My torbaaru►ce by Lende► In exercistnp any rpht or remedy shaN not be a waNer of or pnolude the�ois� ol�ny rqAt a
<br /> ra�MdY.
<br /> 12. Succesaors and Asatgns Bound; Joint and Several L(ebiltry; Co-aignen. Tne cown.nts �+a
<br /> �yrprn�nta ot thls �CUrfty InsWment shell bad end DenetA the suCCessors and flssipns of Lender �n� BorrowK, aubj�ct to the
<br /> provisbns o}paraproph t7. BartowGr's coven8nis and a9reementb shaM be�oht and several. Any BOnowYr wh0 CO�s�pns thk SICUrMy
<br /> tnaWment but doaa not �xecuto the Note: (a) fs co•sfynhy this Securky Instrument only to mort9apa. pn�t, md Conwy thlt
<br /> Bortowws IntK�st h th� Property undar tho tertns ot lhts SecurNy Instrument;(b) h not personaly obligand to pay lh� aums i�cur�d
<br /> by thts Sseurity InsWment; Bnd (c) ayrees that Lender and any other Bortower may a9rae to ext�nd, modNy,forW�r or mak��I�ny
<br /> accoR.modatbns wRh ropard to terms of this Security Instnrment or the Nole wkhout that Bortow�r's cons�nt.
<br /> 13. Loan ChKqes. It th� loan securod by lhis SecurilY Instrumsnt Is subJect to e law which f�ts mu�imum ban Ch�r�M,
<br /> and tlud kw k flnaNy Intsrprstad so that the Intarest or other b�n charpes colleCted or to bo coNeCted h conn�otfon wAh ifN b1n
<br /> wccaod th� pemkted Nmfts,tAan; (a) any such ban Charpes shau be reducad by the emount �ec�saM�to nduc�ths oh�10 tM
<br /> pKmkbd Nmk; �nd (b)any aums already collected trom Bortower whbh exceeded permitted li�nks wIA bo retundsd to Borrov�. L�nda
<br /> may ohoos� to mak� this refund by reducinp tha principal owed under the Note or by makiny a dlroct payment to 8orrow�r. II�
<br /> relund roduC�a pnc�fpal,the reduction will be treated as a parttal prepayment wkhout any prepayment charp� undir thY Not�.
<br /> 11. I�IOtICEB. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shnll be 9NOn by d�llveriny k or Dy maiWp k by
<br /> flrst ci�ss mall untess applleabls law requlres use of another method. The not�e shall be dkeoted to Ihe Propeity Addhsa or �ny
<br /> other address Bonower deslpnates by notice to Lender. My notice to Lender sheu be yh+en by first ewss meil to Lend�s �ddress
<br /> stated h8r8in or any other address Lender designates by �ot�ce lo Borrower. Any notfce proviCed for in this S�CUrily Initrument shtN
<br /> be deemed to have baen gken to Bortower or Lender when piven as provided In this parepreph.
<br /> '15. Governtng Law; SEVC�8bllity. This Security Instrume�t shetl be qovemed by federal IQw ond the I�w ot tA�
<br /> jurtsdiotbn h whfah lhs Property ts bCated. in the svsnt that any provisbn or clausa ot this Socuriqr In6UUm�nt or th� Note contlktt
<br /> wkh applicabb I�w,6uch confl�t ahall not attect other provislona of thia Security Instrurtwnt or th� Nol� wh�h ou+ !�ptwn afl�ct
<br /> wkAOUt tht oontliatin9 ptovision. To this end the provisbns ot thls Security Instrum9nt a�d th� Noto a�9 d�ot�nd to ba swKabM.
<br /> 16. Bo�rower's Copy. Bortower shau be qken one conlormed aopy ol the Note and of this Socurity instrument.
<br /> _ _. .�_ ..�.._.... ... � Q�nr�Inl�l Int�reet in Bnrrnwe�. If all or �nY O�n ot th� PropKty or any
<br /> j%. �fetlilCf vt u�c r�vpv•� r. .. - --
<br /> Interest h k IS s0id or transferred (or N a beneliClfll.htore5t In Borrower Is sold Or trensterred end Borrower k not a natunl pKaOn)
<br /> wRhout Lender6 prlor written consent,Lender may,at tts optlon,require immodiate payment In fu�� ot all sums secund by ihts S�curiy
<br />'_•� Inetrument. However, this optbn shall not be exercised by Lendor if exerclso is prohibtted by tederel law as ot the dlts ot thls S�cunly
<br />-�; InsUument.
<br /> „�� If Lender exerCises thfs opdon, Lender shall QMe Borcower notice ot acCeteratbn. The notice shall provide n perbd Ot no! NSs
<br />=^ than 30 days trom the date the notfce Is delivered or maued wnhEn which the Bonower must pay all sums secured by this Secunly
<br /> ' Instrument. It Borcower faus to pay these sums prbr to the expintion ot thls periad,Le�der may invoke any romedtes pwmNted by thk
<br /> SeCUriry Instntment without lurther not�e or demand on Bortower. Form�oza vloo
<br /> Ff029.LM0(e/Y7) Pap�8 0�6
<br /> 6E7
<br />