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� "� .:�.:�, _:.. ._ <br /> � ... . . . _,..:h�; ,:���.J�v��,,,o.nii.r.;s___.,i.1-'sf:�rei?.nc,__ <br /> . -�,.,fF1ua�� ,.p,t`,. � .r,:,..,.-,.-°TJfr��1s�.,=i <br /> ,..�,ri-r1ua'$ ' , �O;Y'AMn j • . .. .. ... .. ' .. !. ...... ... . . . � ' ' <br /> _.,.n...... ry <br />:'`�k"���"•� 16, eorrower's Rl�ht to Relni�te. II BorrowN meet6 certein conditlonn, Borrower shall have the rfpht to how <br /> � anforo�m�nt of thls &curriq Inat�ument dlaoonthu�d �t any timo prior ta the aartler oi: (a)6 daye (or auoh athar p�rbd�s �pplictbN <br /> kw may epeairy lor rehstelxnenq belors oab of lh� Property pursuant to eny power of saq contalned In thls S�curRy Instrum�nt; nr � <br /> (b) entry of a Judgment Rnbroing thls Security Instrument. 7hose condHlons are that Borrowor: (a) pnye Lender all eume whbh ihon � . <br /> would bY du� undei thls Securily Instrumant Ynd the Noto as II no aCCeleratlon hnd occurred; (b) cures any de�auR ol any othar __ <br /> . oovonnnt or apreorrwnts; (c)peys all expensos Incurre0 In onforclnp thls Securlty Instrument, Inctudhg, but nol IImR�d to, ra�ombN �� <br /> z° �ttomaya't�as;and(d)tak�a such actbn as Lender mny raaconebly requka to assure thet the Iten ol lhls Sacurity Instrum�nt,L�ndN'b � <br /> riphtG In ths Property and 8orrower's oblyation to pay the 8ums secured by this Security Instrumenl shall oontMu�unahsnp�d. Upon <br /> • • �; reinstatem�nt by Borrower,Iht�SecurRy Inatrument and the ob�q„e case of acceierebonsundereper qraph 1���No ae M no acaMrttbn <br /> � hnd occurrod. However, thb rlpht to rel�state shall nat appy <br /> 19. Sele ot Note;Chonge of Loan Servicer. 7he Note or a pan�ai h�eres� �n �ne Noce (►ooetner wNA thls Security � <br /> ._�F� Instrument) maY be sold one ar more times without prlor not�e to Borrower.A sale may resuR In a Chanpe h the entity(known ae th• <br /> � " " "LoBn Servtcer")that collects monthy payments dua undsr the Note end thls Security Instrument. Thore niso mey bs on� or mor� � <br /> ohanpes ot the Loan Senrker unrelated to a sale of the Note. II there Is a change ot the Loan Serv�er, Borrower wiil be pMen wrftten <br /> � - notke of the change h accordance wRh paragraph 14 above and appi�able law• The not�e w il l s ta te the name and addre86 of the <br /> r, new Loan Servber and the address to wh�Ch payments shauld be made. The not�ce wfll also contah any other information requked bv <br /> f' epPltcable law. <br /> 20. Hazardous Substanaes. Bortower shall not cause or permit the presence, uso, dispossl, storese, or release of nny <br />- Hazardous Substances on or In tho Property. Bortower shail not do, nar allow anyone else to do,enything afteotinp the PropeRy th�t <br /> � Is in vblatbn of any EnvPonmental Lew. The precedinp two sentences shali not apply to the presenee, use, or storape on the <br />_ . Property of Smali quanttties ot Hezardous Substances that ere qenerauy recopnized to be approprtate to normal resldential uses and to <br /> mahtenance of thA Properry. <br /> " L,'' Borcower shall promply give Lender written notfce of eny fnvestigation, clakn,demand,lawsuit or other aCtbn by any qovimmental <br /> or repuietory ayenoy or prNate party hvoNlnq the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Envkonmental Law of whbh Bortower has <br /> . 'r •�.� • actual knowledQe. I(Borrower leams, or ts notifbd by any povernmental or reguiatory authorfty, that any removai or other ramedlettan <br /> � ry of any Hamrdoue Substence aNeclhg the PropaAy Is necessary, Bortowar shall prompty take all necessary remedial acttons h <br /> " '"r eccordanae wkh Environmentel Law. <br /> ' . .: , As used h this penpraph 20, "Herardous Substances" are those substances detned as taxic or hazardous substences by <br /> 'r,-..:.,; Envkonmental Law tnd the tollowfng substances: gasoline,kerosene, other(lammable or tox� petroleum products,toxb pest�ides and <br /> �'" herbbtdes, volatile eobants, materia�s contflMing asbestos or formeldehyde, and radioactNe materials. As used h this parapreph 20, <br /> . '••�.y ,. "Envkonmental Law' msens federai laws and laws of the Jurisdiction where !he Property is located that relete to heaRh, safery o� <br />;:." ; envlronmentai proto �1on. <br /> �'�#•� NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Londer further covenent end agree as foNOws: <br />�•� '-'��Y. 21. Acceteration; Fiemediea. Lender ahsll gtve notice to Borrower prior to acceleration tollowinq <br /> V�:�: � � <br /> ,.:.,,•ti Borrower a breach ot sny covonant or agreement in this Securtty Instrument (but not pr�lor �W <br />-'�� y� ecceleration und��pn�reg�r'Ah 17 unleas ep�*Qceble law providea otherwiae). The not(ce shall ecity► <br /> -_,f���. � (sj il�., tl..tas.i, { , h_ __ n ►equlred to cure the deteult; (o) e date, not leas than 30 days irom the <br /> `.�,�tw,,:r�; date the notice fa piven to Borrower, by which the detautt muat be cu�ed; an� �d) fnei iaiiu�e tv ��i� <br /> ,;;+;,''��x;�* the default on or before the date apecifled in the notice mey reault in accelera�tlon of the aum4 <br /> "=''==���` secured by thts Secu�ity I�sVument and aale of the Property. The notiee ahefl further tnform <br /> ��,��� Borrower ot the riqht to relnstate efter ecceleraUon end the right to bring a court ection to estert the <br /> -__;�_� non-existence of a detault or any othEr defense of Borrower to ecceleretton and aate. If the deteiult is <br /> ;.,���Q� not eured on or betore the dete apeclited in the notice, Lender at Its optlon may �equire tmmedlete <br /> payment In tull of all aums aecured by thia Seaurity Instrument without iurthe� demand and may <br /> ----- �' invoke the power ot eate and any other remedlea permitted by applicebie law. Lender ehall be <br /> ---��$� enUtkd W collect ell txpenses incurred tn pursuing the remedtea provided (n this para�r�ph 21, <br /> -'""`�` i�cludiny, but not Ilmited to� re�aonable ettorneys' tees and coata ot tttle evidenae. <br /> � If the power of sale is invoked, Trustee shell record s notice of default in eaah oounty [n whieh <br /> any pwt of the Property ia loceted end aheil mail aoplea of such nottce in the menne� preacribed by <br /> --- eppliaabte law to Borrower �nd to the other persona preac�f6ed by eppDcable tew. After the time <br /> requtred by appliceble law, Truatee shal! ylve publtc notice of aele to the peraons end In the m�nner <br /> prescribed by appllcsble law. Trustee, wtthout demand on Borrowe�, ahall aell the Property at puhlic <br /> -- auctlon to the hiyheat btdder at the ttme and ptace end under the terms desipnated in the notics of <br /> sele in one ot more parcela end In eny order Trustee determines. T�uatee may postpone sale of �II <br /> -� � o� any parcel of the P�operty by public announcement at the time aad pleoe of any previoualy <br /> --�-�-- s�cheduled sale. Lender or its designee mey purchaae the Property et any sate. <br /> ---- Upon recetpt oi peyment of the price bid, Truatee ahall deliver to the purchaaer T�uatee's deed <br /> � conveyiny the P�operty. The recitels in the Truatee's deed aheil be prims facie evldence of the truth <br /> - of the stetementa made thereln. Trustee shall apply the proceeds of the aale in tha fo��owinp order: <br /> °�� (e) to ell costs and expenses ot exerciaing the pawer of sAle, end the aale� ineludln� the peyment of <br /> �� -=�"° the Truatee's feea ectually incu�red, not to exceed 3 °�ot the principel amount of the note <br /> "'"`�''`�"�" at the tlme of the decleration of dett+ult, and reaaoneble attorney'a tees aa permitted by Isw; (b)to �II <br /> _.��_,� <br /> auma aecured by thla Security Inst�unient; and (c) eny excess to the peraon or peraons legally <br />=�_:A�"� entitled to It. <br /> -=�;��;a�.°:� 22. ReconveyallCE. Upon payment of al1 oums secured by th►s Security Instrument,lender shnll roquost Trustee to reCGnwy <br />__..,.,�.,t.v <br /> ;,^ i �, the PropeRy end shall surcender this Security InsWment end all notes evldencing debt cecured by this Securky Instrument to N6ti�. <br /> -� Trustee sh&11 reCOnvey the Proporty wkhout warcanty and wkhout charge to the person or persons lepally entRled to k. SUoh parson ot <br /> ,.__ - . . persona shall pay any recordation costs. <br /> . � <br /> � � '� 23. Substitute Trustee. Lender, at fts optlon, may from time to tlme remove Truatee and appoint a successor hustee to <br /> any Trustee &ppolnted hereund6r by an instrument reCOrded �n the county In which this 5ecurity Instrument is recorded. W�thout <br /> .�~;�r� • conveyanCe o� the Property,successor trustee shflli sucCeed to all the title, power and dutles conterred upon Trustse herofn and by <br /> annllcabl9{aw. .._�. _..�..�� <br /> �._ '���'��'- T� 24. Request tar Noticea. BOrtower requB5t6 th8t Cople3 of the nOtiC85 oi qereurt end saie oe s�rt�i iv S'v�;..:..�v.,.......- <br /> which Is the Property AGdress. <br /> 2b. Ride�b LO thia Security Instrumen� if one or more rlders are executed by Bortower and recorded topether with <br /> this Security Instrumenl,lhe Cuvenants and apreements of eaCh such r(der shall be incorporated into and shall amend and supplement <br /> the covenants and ag►eements ot this Security Instrument as If the rider(s)were a part ot this Security Instrument. <br /> � For�,aoze vroo <br /> Fiose.�nna ts�e�) aao.a c�s <br />,� sei <br /> . � � ._ � � ... .. -- _ -�.�����„uv-ei+rp+.n+.�Mfi�lt�"----- _y:_:- . .,-�.:-� - . . ._ <br />