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<br /> S.H�ard or Property Insurana. Borrowcr shall kcep the improvements now cxisti�g on c�reat�r crxtcd on 1hc Propetty
<br /> insurcd against loss by firc,har.FVds includcd within thc tcrm "oxtendcd covcragc" and any other he�.ards, including floods or
<br /> . tlooding,for which I.cndu rcquiros insuranco.'Ihis Insuranco shaU bc maintained in thc amounts and tor tlw periods that I.cndcr
<br /> ��, nquires.'Iho insuranca cardu providing Ihe insurance shall bo chosen by Horrower subjoct to Lendcr's approvd whlch shell not
<br /> , .�, be unreasonably withheld. If Borrowcr falls to maintaln coverage descdbed ubovo, Lend�r may. et I.cnder's opdon, obtnin
<br /> coverage to protect I.crtder's dghts in the Propeity in accordance wIth paragraph 7.
<br /> Aq insurance pollcies and ranewals shall be a�cceptable to Lcnder and sba11 Include a standard mongage clause.I.ender shall
<br /> bave the riglit w hold the poSicies and renewals.If L.ender ruqulres,Borrower shnU prompdy givo tn I.ender all rcxcipts of paid
<br /> pr�miums and r�ewal nodces.In the avent of loss�Bomnwcr ahall give prompt nodce to the ins�uence cen�er and Lender.Lender
<br /> may maka proof of loss if not made pmmpdy by Borrowu.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwLsc agroe in wrIqng.Insuraitce proceeds shaU be applied tn restoration or repair of the
<br /> Propaty damaged.If the reswratlon or rr�eir is ecanomically feasiblc and Lendu'a security is not lessuied if the mstoradon or
<br /> � repaIr is not oconomically feasIble or L.ender's securlty would be lessened,the insurance proceeds stiall be applied to thu sums
<br /> `�' secured by this SecurIty Instrument,whethec or not then due, with any wccess paid to Bomower. U Barrower abandons the
<br /> ' Praperty,ar daes not answer within 30 dsys a nodce kom Lender that the InsurencE carrier ha9 ot'fered to seple a clalrn,then
<br /> . � I.ender may collect the iasurance procoeds,L.ender may use the proceads to repair or reswre the Proputy or to pay sums secnred
<br /> ;, by thLs Sxtuity Instrument,whethcr or not then dua.'l�e 30-day perlod wlll begin when the nodce is given.
<br /> Unless Lu�der and Botrower otheiwlsa agree in wrldng.any application of proc�eds to principal shell not extend or postpone
<br /> „ . the due dete of the monthly payments refe,rred w in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If undu paragraph
<br /> 21 the Prope,rty is acquimd by L.ender, Borrower's r�ght to any ins�uance polIcles and procceds resuloing from damage to the
<br /> Property prlor w the xquisiHon shall pass to Lender tn the extent of the sums secured by this Sxuriry Insavment Mmediately
<br /> prlor to the acquisidon.
<br /> 6.Occupancy,Preservation,Matntenance and Protecdnn ot the Property; Borrower's La�a AppUcAtion;Lease6olds.
<br /> Borrower shall occupy.establish.and use the Proputy as Borrower's principal restder�ce within satv days after tlw oxocudon of
<br /> this Security Instrument and shall condnue to occupy the Property as Borrower's prinefpal msldencc for ae least one year efter the
<br /> __=__------ dase af s�ugancy. usl� I.cnd� othenvioe a�t� 3ss wzidssg. w2�cts can�i shal! noi �:.unr.asonabty�tt�atd, ar�st�
<br /> oxte,nuadng circumstances axlst which are bayond Bomower's control.Bomowu shall not destroy,damage a i�npeir the Aroperty,
<br /> , allow the Property w detadorate, or comaiit waste on the Prope�ty. Boirower shall be in default if any fodoit�ue scdon or
<br /> proceeding,wbuher civil or crlminal,is begun that�n Lendu's good falth judgment oouW resWt in fafeiwre of ttie Property or
<br />- atherwise mat�ulaUy impatr the lien creaud by this Security Instcument or Leada's sxurIty int�eies� Borrowtu may cure such a
<br />- dafault and rainstate.as provided in paragraph 18.by causing the acdon or procoading to be dlsmissed wlth a ruling thnt,in
<br />;�`'� � Lender's good faith detarnination�precludes forfeiwra of the Borrowa's interest in the Proputy a otlxr matedal impaimiont of
<br /> "'"''' :, ,.:: the lien cr�ated by this Secudty Instrument or Lendu's securIty interest Borrower shall also bo in default if Borrowu,d�ag the
<br /> .- .�,....h . luan appUcadon pracess.Save materjaUy false or jnaccurate infocraation or statements to Lende�r(a failad to pmvide Ler�der wIth
<br /> •� - any matuI�l Infonnadon) in connecdon with the loan evidencod by the Nota, including, Iwt not limitad w,represeAtations
<br />==� ;-s-; t � conceming Borrower's occupancy of Ihes Propotty a4 a principal residence.If this Securlty Instrument is on a leasehold,Bo�rowu
<br />�r��',;'l"'• shall camply wIth ell the provisions of tha lease.If Borrower acc�uLes foa titk w the Property.the ka.seliold end the fee dde shell
<br />='3°•�`�;�;; not merge ualess L,er�der agnes to the merga in wridag.
<br />-�'�;`�`'�� , 7.Protectbn oi Lender's Righis in tbe Property. U Borrower falls to perfarm the covenanls and agaemwts contaiaed in
<br /> yN',;;.,,..,.,: this Securlty Instrument, or there is a legal proceeding that may significandy affect I.ender's rIghis in the Property(such as a
<br />-n*`'�`�'-- P��B in banlc�uptcy.Drobata.for condemnation a forfoiauc or to u�force lawa or nguladons)�tlxn Lenda may do And PaY
<br /> �•.v•,,�;r;
<br />-� �-.::,;,, ..; fa whatever is necessary to protect the value of tha Property and Lender's rlghts in the Aropercy.I.ender's ecti�ons may inctude
<br />_�',.;,���� pay�ng any sums sec�ved by a lien Nhich hag priority ovu this Sxurity Instrument,appearlag in courc, paying reasonable
<br />___ attomeys' foes and entering on tl�o Property to make repairs.Although I.ender may ta{co acdon under this paregraph 7,Lendu
<br />"�`���`��-- does not have w do so.
<br />��'�'� Any amouau disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become addIdonal debt of Bocrowa secur�ed by this Secvrity
<br /> �`��.:•r.;; . Insuvm�nt Unless Borrowu and LpMer agrea to other terms of payment,these amonnts shall bear intexest from thc date of
<br />�r'`"�;�,.:,.; disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payabk.with intu�est,upon noHce Hnm Lender to Borrocver requesdn8 PaY��
<br /> : . ` ' a.MortgA`e Inaurance. If Lenda reqnired mortgage insurance ag a condidon of making the ban socured by lhis Seciuity
<br /> . . Insorument, Bamwer shall pay the premiums requlred to mainteiri thc nwrtgage insivance in effecG If,for tay reason. the
<br /> mortgage insuranco coverage roquired by Lcnder lapses or ccases to be in effect,Borrowes shall pay the prwniums requimd to
<br /> obtain coveragc substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurancc prcv�ously in effect,at a cost substu►tlally equivaknt to the
<br /> , cost to Boirowu of the mortgage insurance previously in effect, from an altemato mortgage insunr approved by L.ender. If
<br />_ aubstantially equivalent mortgege insurana coverago is not available,Borrowu st�atl pay to Lender each month a sum oqual w
<br /> one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the Insuranoa ooverago lapsod or ceased to _
<br /> be in effect Lender wUl accept, use and retain these payments es a loss nserve in Geu of mactgage insurance. Loss res�xve
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