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<br /> � 16.Corrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one confonned copy of the Note and of this Security Inst=vmenG -
<br /> 17.'ISr�nater of tl�e Property or a Beaefklal Interest ia Borrower. If ell or any part af thc Property or eny interest in it is
<br /> sold or trensfcncd (or if a beneFcial interest�n Borrowcr is sold or transferrcd and Bonower is not a naturelperson) without
<br /> Le�tder's pdar writun consent,l.ender may,at its op6on.require immediate payment in fuA of all sums securcd by this Securiry -
<br /> ' InstrumenG Howevu, thb opdon shaU not be exercised by Lender if oxercisc is prohibited by fedeml law as of the date of this
<br /> Sceurtty Instrumcn�
<br /> ��";,,�,�,i, If Lender exereises this opdon,Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration.The nodce shall provide aperiod of not le.ss
<br /> than 30 days fmm the date the nodce is dellvend or mailed within which Bocrower must pay all sums securcd by this Seturity
<br /> InstrumenG If Borrower fatls w pay these sums pdor W the eapiration of this period,Lender may u►voke any ranedies pemutted
<br /> by this Secorlty Inshument wIthout further no@cx a danand on Borrower.
<br /> 18.Borrower's Etig6t to Reinstate. If $Orrower m ts certain condidons, Borrower shall have tht rIght na have -
<br /> enfoccement of this Security In�trumedt qiltin►1bd at an�time pdor W the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such other period a�
<br /> applicable law may spec •fo�rcinsta�ement�j Heftftte'sete o�' e Propc.-ty pursoant w a�iy power of sale containod in this Sxunry
<br /> e
<br /> Instrument;or(b)enuy o�a judgment enforcing this Sxuriry InstrumenG'Itiose r,ondidons are that Boaower. (a)pays Lender all
<br /> sums whlch then would be due under this SecurIty Instrument and the Not�as �f no acceleradon had occurnd; @) cures any
<br /> default of eny other coveaants or agraments;(c)pays all sxpenses lncucred L�enforcing this Security Instrurnent, including, but
<br /> . not limited to,reasonablo attomeys'fecs;and(d)taices auch acflon as Lendu may reasonably require to assure ihat the llen of this =
<br /> Security Instrument, Lender's rights in the Property and Borrower's obligaHon to pay the sums secured by this Sxusity -
<br /> ° � Instrument shell contlnue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrument and the obligations secured
<br /> . v� hereby shall re,main fully effecdve as if no accelerntion had occurred.However,this right to reinstate shaU noi apply in the case of =.
<br /> ' '� acceleradoa under pa�agraph 17. �
<br /> � 19.3sie of Note;Change ot Loan Servicer. 'Itie Note or a par[ial Interest in the Note (together with this Security _
<br /> lnsuument)may be sold one or more dmes without prior nodce to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in die entity (known -.
<br /> as the"LoAn ServIcer")that wllects monthly paymenis due nnder tho Nou+and this Secunty InstrumenG'Ihere also may be one or `,
<br /> „ more chenges of the Loan Scrvicer unrelated to a sale of ihe Note.If there is a change of the Loan Service=,Borrower will be _
<br /> ,, given wrluen notIce of the chai►ge in accordance with par�graph 14 above andapplicable Iaw.'Il�e norice will s�ate the name and =
<br /> address of the new L.oan Scrvlcer and the address to which payments should be made.'ll�e notice will also wnteln any othu -
<br /> infonnedon rcq�by appllcable law.
<br /> 20.IiAZUrdous Substanas. Borrower shaU not cause or permit the prGCence, use, disposal, storege.a release of any
<br /> HazaMous Substanas on or in the Property.Borrowu shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do,anything affecdng the Property
<br /> that is in violadon of any Environmental Law.'Ihe prxeding two seatences shall not apply to the presence,usc,or storage on the
<br /> -_---_- F�opuiY of arrwlt qwtni,lic�uf H�utuduus S►tir.ci,�,a:G;ttiat a�a gesc�aily rECO$tti:.cd i8�.,apgrogr,a�ia ftOZ:s�!:csit3tts:3,^!•',.�
<br />- and to meinunance of the Property.
<br /> Borrowu shall promptly give Lender written nodce of eny investigation, claim, deroand, lawsuit or otha acdon by any
<br /> . govrrnmental or regulatory agency or privatc party involving the Property and any Hezardous Substance or Lnvimnmentel Law
<br /> ., • of which Borrower has ectual knowledge.If Horrowa leams.or is nodfied by eny govetamental or reguletor�►authalty. tlut�y
<br />`� removal a othu nmediadon of any Ii��dous Subsnnce affecting the Proputy is neces.gary,Bomowes shallprompdy telce aU
<br /> . nocessary nmedial acaoas in accordance with Envlronmentel Law.
<br /> As usod ia this paragraph 20, "Nazardous Substances" are those substances defined as wxic a hazarebus subs�snces by
<br /> ' SnvIronmental Law and the following substances• gasoline, kuosene, othu flammabk or toaic peuoleum�roducts,to�cic
<br /> • `� pestic3des end habkides.volatila salvents.materlals contaIr►ing esbestos or fom�aldehyde,end redioactive mafa�ls.As usocf in
<br />' . . '; this h 7A."Envlronmental Law"mtans fedeni laws end laws of the jurisdkti�on where the Propaty is boatod thac relate
<br />;':,. �� to heal�ety or eavlmnmental protecdon.
<br /> y'�.1,. ,
<br />�.,��: ��:,�;� NON•UN�ORM COVBNANTS.Borrower and La�da further wve�ant aud agroe as foUows:
<br /> _��...� .,.,,,,,� 21.Aocekratbn; Remedks.Laader s6all�ive aotice tb Borrower prbr to aecekratbn tollowing Borrower'a bracb of
<br /> _:�.,:,.;,,�,�, - any rnvenant or aQreement in t6te Secur�ty Ia�rument (but eot prior to aocek�ation ueder par�ratpY 17 unleas
<br />_�:�� . ��-` aPPlkabk taw provkles otl�envise).The notke shan apecity:(a)the detaultS(b)the actbn rtquirtd to cure t6e derxdt:(c)
<br /> :`� � � A d�te,not Itaa tban 30 dayu itom the date the notioe b a[vm to Borrower,by Mhicb the defAalt mYSt k ewred; nd (d)
<br />__, n
<br />_� that hilure to cure t6e def'�ult on or befo�e the date apecif'�cd in tLe notke msy resuk in oocekraKo�ottY�sunos eecured
<br /> � '�` ' � by thfs Secudty Instrument and sak ot tde Propaty.T6e notice 6haU further inform Barrmrnr of t6e ri�bt to re(e.shte
<br />�;�x .:9�. �. h
<br />_-. ,,.;.. . a�(iter�cakr�tioa�nd t6e rlgM to bring a court�ciion to�.csert t6e non�etena ot a defauk or�ny atlear defeese ot
<br />'�'-"-�_ ' Borrow�er to�ccekration aad sale.U t6e default 4 not cured on or befon the date apecifkd in t6e notke, Lendeq at its
<br />:��:�-���;
<br />- optton�may requirc immeditts pAyment te tull of tq aums secured by t6is Securit�Inatrument withotit hartYer danand
<br />-''°��• ,� , aud may invoke the pmrer ot sak and any other reoiediea permttted by appikabk i�w.LeedK shall be ntitkd to coUect
<br /> �`'� •�r �� aU acpeioses incurred ia puranin; the remedks provided in thb p�ra=rnph 21,includieg,but not limited to,reasooa6k
<br /> attorneys'tees and costs ot tltk evidence.
<br /> , V the power ot sak is invoked,Trustee a6all record A notice ot defAUlt in ach eounty in whic6�ny p�rt o� the
<br />- Property is located aad ah911 mail copks ot such aodce in the maoner prescribed by Appika6k law to Barower aad to tk
<br /> " �� other persoas prescribed 6y appUcabk Mw.ARer the Nme required by opplicabk law�7Yusta�haU�ive public notice of
<br /> s�k to t6e persons and in the manner prescrilxd by appUcabk law.Trusta��vitbout demand oe Borrorer,dhall tdl the
<br />= Property At publlc Auction W the htghest bidder s�t the time xnd pLpc.e aed under tbe terma desi�uated in the notice ot ade
<br /> Form so2/0ll0
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