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<br /> payments may no longu bc rcquircd,at thc optlon of L.cndar,if mortgegc insurencc coverage(in thc amount and for the perlod
<br /> ihat Ler�dcr n9uires)Provided by an insurcr approved by Ltndcr again bocamc�avallablc and!s obtained.Borrowcr ehall paY thc -
<br /> pre.miuzny requlred to melntain mortgaga insurancc In effect, or to provide a loss rescrva.undl the requirement far mortgage
<br /> � �ns�t�nco�nds in aceordanca with eny wdtten agnxmant batwxn Borcower t+iid Ler�der or appllc�sble!s►�v.
<br /> g,Iaspectbn. Lender or its aget�t may malco reasonable entriee upon ead Inapecdons of tho Propecty. I.onder shaU give
<br /> �^�'�''�` Botrowu nodce at tlio dme af or pr�or to an Inspecdon spxtfying ressonable cause for the inspoct�on.
<br /> � 'M�""" 10.Condemn�tbn, 'Itia proceeds of any award or claim for damages�diroct or consequendal, in connection with any
<br /> cond�mnadon or othu teking of any part of tha Prnparty+.or for conveyance in 11cu of condcmnadon,ara hcrcby assigncd aad
<br /> sh�ll be paid to Lender. �
<br /> !n tho avent of a total taicing of iho Proputy,the procaeds sha11 b°ePplied�°tha swns secured by this Security Instrument, :
<br /> wheiher or not then dno,with any eacoess Paid to Borrower.In tha event of a pactial teking of tha ProPeriY in whlch thc fair market �.^
<br /> .. �. value of the Proputy lmmedlauly before tho taking is equal to or greatu than the amonnt of the sums secured by ihis Securiry
<br /> Inswment immedlately befom tho taking� unless Borrower and L.ender otherwise agrae In wrtting,the sums secured by �is �
<br /> ge�ity,Inspnunent s}�eU be redueed by tha emount of the procoeds mul6plied by the following fracdon:(a) the tntal amount of
<br /> � thes aums sacurod immuUstely before tho talcing,divided by N) the fair market value of the Property immed3ately before the �-
<br />�-.,'°:.;:;,,�.:; � tufdng. Any balsnca shall bc paid to Botrower.In ihe event of a partlal taking of tha Property in which the fair marku value of�he �.�
<br /> ., '.: � pr�operty immediately before the taking is less than the amount of tho sums secur:d immediauly before the teking, wile�ss �_.'
<br /> � Bortowa and L.ender othawise e,gree in wrldng or unless appUcabla!aw otherwise provides�the proceeds shall be applied to�he _--
<br /> sums sccured by this Securlty Insuument whether or not the sums are then due.
<br />_ �`1.' ., If t�e Aoperty is abandoned by Borrowu.or If,after nodce by Lender w Sorrower that the condemnor offers to make an �_:''
<br />� � award or seWe a claim for damages.Borrower fails to respond to L.ender within 30 days efter the date the notice is given,L.ender
<br /> �.�
<br /> .. is fn�horized to colkct and apply the procoods,ac its opdon,either W rescorada►ar repair of the Property or w the sums seciued �
<br /> by�Spc�c(ty Instrument,whether or not then due. _-
<br /> � vnkss Lendu and Botrower othecwise agree in wddn8,�Y aPPUcadon of proceeds w prjncipal shail not extend or postpone __
<br /> ` the due date of We montt�ly payments refeirod co 1n ParaB�Phs 1 and 2 or chango the amouat of such payments. -
<br />� 11.Borrower Not Rekased;Forbes�*anc�BY Lendea'Not A W�ivrx. Bxter.sion of the dme for payment or modification
<br /> � �s wn��loa of tha sums sxured by this Secur[ry instivumment granted by I.a�der tp any snccessor in interest of Borrowu sl�ll
<br /> s
<br /> - -_-___= notopaate to rekase tha liabitity of the orlginal Borrower or Borrowu's suxessors in incaes�.Lu,c;i�i�w�t nc,t bs rc�q�tc _
<br />} . . � co�xnp�ce proceedings a�alnst�ny successor in incerest or nfuse to axund time for payment or otherwise modify amort�on of
<br />;1. � ' th�aumv secured by this Securlty Instru�ment bY ceason of any demand made by the odglnal Borrowu or Bonowa's successots
<br />��;':k�- ', in h�t�aest»My forbcatance by Lendu in e�cercising any rlght or cemody shall not be a walver of or proclude ihc oxcrcise of ny
<br />;,r....,._ .,�. �a remedy.
<br /> �r_ `•.:...'" is.Succe�ora and MsiLns Bound;Joint and Several Li�bilityi Co-at�rs.lhe covenants and agreemaus of �his
<br />.:_,... : � _.,�.
<br />�^!,. .:,� Set�nriry Instcuma�t �hall bind and benefit the successors and assi�ns of Lender and Dorrowu, subjoct w the provlsiona o
<br />�`�'�:,�,:�.� .� P�Ph 17. Barowu's covenents and egraanents shall be joint end several. Any Borcower who co-signs this Seciulty
<br /> �--�,r=��.., _, I�un�wnt but does not execute the Noto: (R) ls co-signing this Secatity Inshument onty to mortgago.Scant and conv�y Ihat
<br />-�-�-�:�'��;�° • d 9aao�rer's intetest�the Pm(x�rtY undar the tams of this Security Insuumrn� N)is not pusonally obligaud to PaY the sans
<br /> _`•"`L:,,.. '` sa�uc+ed by this Sociuiry Insuumeit�and(c)egrees that Leada end any otha Sormwa may agrea w extend.modify.forbar or
<br /> ......�._�,�:._:• r
<br />�"`��-�` m�te�►y accommodAtione with ngerd to the tcims of this Security Instiument or the Nota without thst Barowa's oon9ent
<br />—_ '. �� `
<br />��=z��'��=� � 13.Loan C6ar�ee. If the loen sxurod by this Security Iasuument is aub,joct to a law which sets maximum loan charges,
<br />_..�;_ee:.r;. and tiiat law is fu�lly intapreted so that tho intaest or whu io�n charges collected or to be collected In oonnxti�on with tha Io�n
<br /> �_�.;�'`'�� . excoed the pamiuod limits�then:(a)any auch Wan charge sh�ll be roduced by the amount necessACy w raduca the chacge ia the
<br /> �.::..�.,:.
<br />_����s��� pnmiued limit;and(b)anY sums already collect,ed from Barower which excaded pumitted Umits will be refundod to Borrorrer.
<br />_�y';�j � �d,er may �hoose w m�ke this nf'und by roducing the prL�cipal owed undu the Nou oc by making a diroct payment w
<br />—.,•,.-x:w�°; .. Barowu. ff a nfund nduces princiPal.the reducdon wIll be treated as a pur�ial PnpaYment without w►Y P�Y�t chttge
<br /> �--��';��`- � under the Note.
<br />-"""'��":='� `� 14.Notioes. Any nodce tn Borrowu provided for in this Security Inst�ument shall be givcn by delivuing it or by maillog at
<br />�"�'��•� licabk law requires use of another method.'I7knodce shall be directed to tho PropeRy Acldr�,a ot
<br /> Rz-c��,..;, ,�_ by first class mail unkss aPP
<br /> .t.'�► -
<br /> '�"�r��j;-",:`,:..' any otlKt�ddress Borrower designates by notia to L,ender.Any notice to Lenda shall be given by first class meil to Lendx's
<br />��,-:�:�� �-�, a d d r e s s s t a t e d herein or ari y other address Ler►der designates by notice to Borrower.My not�ce provided for in this Security
<br />_ � •- Insnument shall be doemed oo have bxn given to Bomnwer or Lendu whea givcn as provlded in th�s paragraph. _
<br /> . iS.Governing Law;Sev�..rability. 'It►is Securiry Insttument shall be �ovemed by fed�ral law and the law of ttae
<br /> . . jwisdicdon in which the Propaty �S located. L►the event that any pmvi.sion or clause of this Socurity Inst�ument or the Nnu
<br /> canflicts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affect ottier provisions of this Security Instrument or the Nou which can be
<br />� given effect without the conflicdng provision.To this end the provistons of�his Sectulty Instmment and the Note are docland t�o
<br /> � Uesevetable. -
<br /> Form 302a lla0
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