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<br /> ; L J 'POOfiTNHR WI'TH all thc improvcments now or haeafter crcctcd on thc propcny,end ell cascmcnts. epPurtcnanccs,wnd -
<br /> 1 fixtures now on c�rcaftcr a part of thc proputy.All replaccmcnis nnd addidons shall also bc covcred by�his Sccurity Inwumcn� R
<br /> .. . �;6� All of tha foregoing is rcferred to in this SocurIry Instrument a9 thc"PronertY.,' r
<br /> � BORROWBR COVENANTS that Borrowcr ls lawfully seistid of thc cstatc hercby convcycd and lits the d�ht to grant ond �
<br /> � cnnvey the Propecty and that the Yroperty is unencumbued,caccept for encumbrances of rccord. So:rower wartants�nd will 6.
<br /> � � defend genuelly the dde to the Proputy against all cleims end demands,subjoct to any encumbrances of record. �,
<br /> [�IIS SECiJRITY INSTRUIu�NT combines unifocm covenents for nadonal use and non-uniform covenants with limited ��.
<br /> � varieHons by jurisdicHon w consdwte a uniform aecurtty lnsarument covering real property. �
<br /> , LJNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrowu�ttd Lender covenant and a�ee as follows:
<br /> . 1.Pitymeat ot Priaclprl pnd Interest;Prepayment and L�tte CdArQes. Borrowcr shall promptly pay when duc the _
<br /> ' L principal of and interest on tha dobt evidenced by tha Note and any prepayment and late charges due and,er ihe Note.
<br /> • 3� 2.Funds for Taxes aad Insurana. Subject to applics�ble 18w or w a writun waiver by Lend,er,Sorrower shall pay to =
<br /> n Lender on the day monthly payments are due under the Note,until the Note is paid in fu11,a sum("Funds"� fa: (a)yea�ly taxes
<br />-. .� ead assasments which may auain pdorlty ovu thLs Securiry Instrument aY a Ikn on the Property:(b)yearly leasdiold p�yments
<br /> or gound rents on!he Property,If any:(c?Yearly hazard or property insnrance pre,miums;(d)Yearly tlood lnsuranca premtums.if �
<br /> anY; (e)Yearly mortgage insuranc6 premiums,if any; and(�any sums payable by Borrowu w Le,nder,in a�ordance with the
<br /> ' �. provLsions of paragraph 8, in lieu o£the payment of mortgage insurance premiums.Thesa itcros are called "Escrow It,ems."
<br /> Lender may.at any time,collect end hold Funds in en amount not w eaceed the maximum amount a lender for a federally relatcd -
<br />* mortgage loan may require for Bomnwer's escrow acc�wt undu the federal Real Fistate SeWement P,rocedutts Act of 1974 as
<br /> ��. amendod from time w time,l2 U.S.C.Secdon 2601 er seq. ("RESPA"),unless another law that applies to the Funds sets a lesser
<br /> amounG If so.I.endu may, at any dme,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to eacad the lessa anwunc I.ende,r may
<br /> esdmata the amonnt of Funds due on the basis of cunent dsita end reasonable estimates of expendinues of futuie Escrow Items or
<br />- ' otherwlse in accordance with applicabEe 1$w.
<br />_. 'Il�e Funds shaU be held in aa insdwtton whose deposits arc insured by a federal egency,instrumentelity.a endty (includ�ng
<br /> Lender.if Lender is such an insdtudon)or in an�r Fedeial Home Loan Bank.I.ender ahall apply the Fluids to p�y the Escmw
<br /> j-'•- ' ' +�' Tt�.mg,I.ender rnay�at charae Borrower for holding and epnlylug ttte Funds.annually enalvzit�g the e,scrow aaoant,or vprifyin8
<br /> � `� the Bsaow Items,uNess Lender pays Borrower interest on tha Funds and applicable law pemiits Lendu to make auch�c�rge.
<br /> ., .
<br />"'',,,� '' � Hawevv.Lender may raqnire Bomoau w pay a one-time cUacge for en jndependent real estau tax nport3ng savica used by
<br /> ��'�±:.:',i�;,'�;; :+ Lenda in oonnxdon wIth this loan,unless appllcable law provides otherwlse. Unless en agraement is made or appliabla law
<br /> n°;,,:: �;•r.,� ,,, requins intaeat to be paid.Lender ahall not be requirod to pay Barowu eny interest c►r eamings on tho Funds.Bortowet ond
<br />_�,,,•:;;:,•; � Lender may agi+ee in wridng,hoaevcr.that interest shall bc peid on the Funds.Lendu shall give to Borrower,witlwut cMrge,an
<br /> :�4.'�'F �- annual eccountiag of the Funds,showing crodits and debits co the Flu�ds and Ihe purpose fa which rach debit ta the Fwds wac
<br />%"`'''�;:o;^` made.'R�e Funds ere pledged as addIdonal security for all sums secured by this Security Instrument
<br />�;{`.'`'�� If the Funds held by Lender excad the amounts peimitted w be held by epplicable law.Lende:ahall�ccount to Borrowa for
<br /> .
<br /> y;',Y'" the excess Fluids in accordance with the requiroments of appllcable law.If the amount of the Funds held 6y I�der at any time is
<br /> �Y�.�,.,.,;�,;?�. not sufficient w pay the Bscxow Items when due.Lender may so nodfy Borrowa in wridng.end�in such c�se B�nower shall PaY
<br /> °-:�'�i;;,,;= w Lendu Wa amount nocessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deHciency in no inore th�n twelve
<br />===---��I�C monthlY I�Y���at Lenda's sole discredon.
<br />-�,�'�..r��� UPa►P�Yma�t in full of all sums secnrod by this Securiry Insuument,Lendu shall prompdy refuqd a Bomower any F1mds
<br /> .r�.�.�.. ---
<br /> ,�,:� i heW by Lender.If,undex paragraph 21.Lcnder shell acquin or seU the Propaty.I,ender.prlor ta the xqubidon or silo of the
<br /> ��`�'��� P(opGty�shall apply any Funds held by Lender at thc dme of acquisidon or sak as a credit against tUe sums �xured by thls
<br /> a,'d•,-,��, `: .,� .�r .
<br /> -�-�r.G_r"r�,. $CCLLtjty IIISf[UiI1C[It. �'�l��/+•��
<br />;,�n`^ 3.Appikatbn of Payments. Uuless ttppllcabk law provides oNerwLse,all payments nccived by Leuda unda prtgroptis
<br />-;EY'
<br /> � . 1 and 2 shall ba appliod:first,w anY PrepaYme�t charges due under the Note; second,to amoants pay�ble wda para�raph 2;
<br />'..!�����- third,w intaest due:fourth�to principal due:and last,to any late chatgea due unda the Note.
<br /> �"= 4.Chargesi Lkna. Borrower shal! pay all t�uces. �tsessmeats. charges�Cu�e.v end imposltions aiaibutable w tha Pnoperiy
<br />:���",�,' which ma aGain over this Seciui Instrument,and leasehold ents or und rents.if any.Borrowu ahaU y th�e
<br />_,:. u•:� Y P�tY tY PaYm � a
<br />�� �''�,�,.. obligadons in tha mannu providod in paragraph 2.or if not paid in thai maaner.Boaower shall pay them on tune dircdly to the
<br />=- �4ry::,..;. � puson owed paymertt Borrowu shaU prompdy fumish to Lender all noticcs of aanounts w be paid uadu thLs par�aph. Yf
<br /> s k.�: .:' Borrower makes thcse payments dincUy.Borrower shali promptly fumish to Lenda reoeipts avidenciag�de paymenb.
<br /> -. . � Barower shsll pronnpdy discharge any lien which lits pdority over this Sxurity InsOrument uniass Borrower.(a)� in
<br /> .•. writing to the payment of the obligadon socurod by the lien in a manner acceptabk co Lenda;(b)wnteuus in goad faith the Uen
<br /> by, or defends egainst enforcement of the lien in. legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operetc to pnveat the
<br />= ei►forament of the Hen;�r(c)sec�res from the holder of the lien an agreement sadsfacwry to Lendes subocdinating the lien to
<br /> " this Sccurity Instrument,F Lcnder determi�es that any pact of the Propetty is subject to a lien which may atiain�xiority ovcx this
<br />_ y . Security Insaument,I.ender may give Bocrower a nodce identifyifying the lien.Bocrowu sh�all satisfy tha Uen a take one or mom
<br /> of the actions set fo:th above within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> Forn��Ota 1/00
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