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201208064 <br /> contaiue to pay to Le��dcr thc amount of 4he separately designatied p�ytnents that were due when the <br /> insurancc cove��age ceasecl to be in effect Lender will accept, use and roYsin these pa�yinants as a <br /> non-refimdab(e loas xeserve in lieu oF Mortgage Insm uice. Such los reserve sha11 Ue non-refttndaUle, <br /> notcvithstanding tha fa�ct fliat the Loan is ultimately paid in full, and Lcndcr shall not be rcquired w�ay <br /> Borrower viy intere�t or earnings on sach loss reserve. I,ender can no longer require loss reseroe paymesits <br /> if M�rtgago ineurancc coverage(in the amount nnd for the period thnt Lender requires)provicied by ui <br /> insuxex selected by Lender agein becomes available, is obCained, and I,ender reqnires separately dcsigr�atcd <br /> pa}nnents foward the premiumg for Mortgage�Inauranco. IFLondor required MorCgage Insuranoe�ns n <br /> condition of malring tha I,o�u� and Borrower was required to u�eke separately deaignated paymente toward the <br /> prou�iums for Morl'gage Insurance, Borrower shnll pay the preiniuins required to inaintain Mortgage <br /> Instu'ance in ef£ect, or fo provid�a non;refundaUle loss resezve, until Lender's requirement for Martgage <br /> Insuionce ends in accortianpc wiLh vry written agreement between Borrower and Lendar prov�id'uig for such <br /> fiermination or unCil Termination ia reqiiiied by Applicable Law. Nothing in this Secrioli 7 0 afFccts <br /> Borrowex's oblignCion ta pay interest at the rate provided in the Note. <br /> Nlortgagc Tiisurauce rein�biu�ees Lender (or auy ent'ity thati pm'chases the Note) for cerfain losscs it may 3ncur <br /> if Borrower does iiot xepay the Loan as agreed. Iirn�rower is not a garty to U�e Morhgnge Insiu'nnoe. <br /> Mortgage insurers evniunte their total risk on all such i�,�surance in forcc from lime Co 6ime, and may enter <br /> into agreemente witli other pazties that ahare or modify lheir risk, or reduoe loases. These agreements are on <br /> terme aucl conditia�s tl�at aro sa�isfactory lo [he mortgege inetuer and Yhe othes'party(or parties)to tl�esc <br /> agrcoineuts. These lgceements may require tlie mortiga�ge insLtrar to make paymunte tisivg any source of fimda <br /> thaC the martgnge instuer may haue availaUle(which inay indude fimds ohCained 'fiom Mortgage Hisurtmce <br /> premiums). <br /> t�s n resulf of these agreements, Lender, aoy purchascr of Yhe Nole, anofher insurer, atry reinsmer, any otlxer <br /> entity, or auy aftiliate of a�iy of the farcgoing, nlay receive(directly or indirectly) unotwta fliat derivo from <br /> (or mig1it be cl�aractcrized�A) a por�ion of Borrower's�a�yinents for Mort�gage Ine�irancq in cxchange for <br /> �hruing or u�odiTying the mortgage insurer's risle, or rcd�icing losses. If cuch agreement�rovides that an <br /> nffilieke of Lander takes a sl�are of kh�ineurer's risk in exchange for �share of'tihe preiniums paid to tl�e <br /> insm�eir, the arrangcm�cuti is afCeu termed "captive reinsurauce." Further: <br /> (a) Ariy suah agreemenCs will not affect the Amoimds thaC 13orrower l�as agroed to pny for Mm•tgngc <br /> Ineurancc, or ruy other tern�s of tlie Loan. Such agreemeuts will not incrcese the a�momrt <br /> Borrower will owe fm�Mortgage Insnranee, and tl�oy will not cnkitle Rm•rower lo any reflmd. <br /> (b) Any such agree�nents wil�i�ot affecC the rigLfs Bortrowec has-if any-with rospect to t6e <br /> Murtg:�ge Irist�rance mider tlie IIaneownere ProtecLion Act o1'1998 or nny otlier law. 'I'}iese righfs <br /> � may inclnde tlie r�,ht to reccive cortai�i disclosiu�es, to requesC and obCain cancellaHm�uf tlie <br /> Mortgagc Insurnnec, to have khe 1l9ortg:�ge Iusnr�nce Cermivated nntomaticnlly, nnd/m� to receive <br /> a refinid of any Mortgnge Iusnrnnce preminms Yltnt wore mi¢arned at tlie time o1'such <br /> etlncella4imi m termination. � <br /> 71. Assignment of M iscellaneous ProCeeds; Forfeiture. �111 Miecel1a„ec�us,Proceede nre hereby assigned to <br /> anct shnll be paid to Lender. <br /> If the Propercy is clamnged, such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall bc applied ho restorafiou at re�eir of the <br /> Property, i£the xestoratiou or repair is eco�iomically feasible and Lender's aecurity is not laesened. Dwing <br /> such repAir end restioration period, 1,ondcr eUall liave the right to hold such Miscellaneous Proceeds until <br /> Lendar has had an opportunity lo ii�spect suoh Property Co ensttce the worlc has l�eon complotecl to Lencier's <br /> — � -- 240022]B <br /> NEBfiASKA-Single Fam Ily-Fannle M aNFretldle M ac UNIFORId MSTRO M[NT Potm 3020 7l01 <br /> VM P� VM FB(NE�(1106) <br /> W olters IQuw er Rnanclal Services Page 8 of 7] <br />