<br /> satisFacfion, provided fhat snch itiepecuon shell be undertaken promptly. Lender inay pay for the re�airs
<br /> and resloration in a eingle cliel�ursemenY or in a seriea oF progrese payments as the tvorl<is complclui.
<br /> Unless nn agreement ia inade in wrifing or Applicable Law requires interesf t'o be paid on such
<br /> Miscellnneous Proceeds, Lender shall not Ue rcqliirecl eo pay Borrowec eny interest or eaznings on such
<br /> Misoellancons Proceede. IP Ch�reshoration or repair ie not econo'mically feasible or Leuder's security wotidd
<br /> be lesFened, che Miseellaneoue Prnceeda shall ba applied to the smns eecured by thia Sccurity Insh�misnf,
<br /> whetfier or naY then due, wiUi the excesa, if aay, paid to Bo�rowcr. Sucfi Miacellaneous Proceecle shall be
<br /> applied in tihe order provided for iu SccCion 2,
<br /> Tn the eveut of a total talcing, destruction, car loss in vali�e of lhe Property, the Miecellaneous Proceeds shall
<br /> Ue applied to tlie sums socureci by this Seeuri6y Instrument, whether or not then due, wiUi tl�e excess, if�uiy,
<br /> patid to Borrower.
<br /> In thc cvenf of a partial taking, desh�uctioi�, or loes in vEtlue�of the Pro}�c��ty in wl�ich khe f�ir mnrket value oP
<br /> t�he Prope�ty immediately be£ore Uie pu�tial taldng, dcstrucfion, ur loss in velue is equal to or greater than the
<br /> amount of the smns secm�ed by this Scourity Inetrument iirunedi�tely befora the parCial tal�ing, dest��uction, or
<br /> loss in value, unless Borrowcr and Lender ofhen*riae agree in writing, tl�e sume securcd by this Security
<br /> InsirwY�cnt shall be recluced by the amount�of'Uie M�scellancous Vrocccda inuluiplied by the following
<br /> fraotion: (a) the totAl amount of the sums seoared irnmediately bePore the perCial tatung, desfruction, or lose
<br /> in value divided by(b) the fair market value of the Pibperty invnediataly before the parYial Yal<ing,
<br /> dest��uckion, vr loss in value. Any balnnce shall be paid to I3orrower.
<br /> In tihe event of a partial talcing, destiuofiari, or loes in value of the Property in which tl�a Pnir annrket valuo of
<br /> tl�e Yroperty immediately before tihe partiial tialcing, de�truction, or lose in value is less than the�amouut of the
<br /> sums secured itnmediately before tha partial tal<ing, desuuction, or loss in value, unless Rorrower a��d
<br /> Lender otherwise agree in wrlting, the Miscellaneoue Proceede sh�ll be applied to the sums sccurcd by ltils
<br /> Security Instrnment whcfher or noC lhe sunis nre then due.
<br /> Tf the Property is abandoneci by Borrower, or if, afler notice by Lender to T3orrower th�C lhe Opposing Party
<br /> (ati defincd in tha next senten�e) ofPers to inake an award to sottic a ellim far damages, Borrowar Pails to
<br /> respond to Lender within 30 days after the dato the no[ice is given, Lender is �ntkorired to collect znd a}�ply
<br /> the Miscellaneous Proceeds cithor to re.sCoratiou or repair of tlie Property or to U1e sums sceared by Lhis
<br /> Securiiy Inslrunient, whether or not then c�ne. "Qpposing Paxty" meane the thircl ptw•ty that owes Borrowor
<br /> Miscelleneous Proceads or the p�ty against whom Barrower has n right of action in re�ard toMiscellaneous
<br /> Proceeds.
<br /> Borrow✓er sha11 Ue in clefaLilt ifany action or proceeding, whether oivil or crimin�l, is Ucgtm Chat, in Lender'a
<br /> judgment, could resid�in forfei6ure o£the Property or other materia1 itnpairmenC of Lencler's interest in tihe
<br /> ProperCy or rights under Yhis Sectuity Ins6'amc�nt. Borrower can cure euch e default and, if'accelerat�ov has
<br /> oocurred, relnsCate as provid�d in SccLron 19, by cnueing flie action or proceeding to bc disn2icsed wiCh¢
<br /> ntliug that, iu Lcnder's jndgment, precludes Porfeiltiu'e of the Property or other v�aCerial impaiiment of
<br /> Lcnder's in[erest in the Property or rights under tl�is Security Inslrument. The proceeds oPany award or
<br /> claim for dunt�ges that are attributablo to the impairment oP Lender's inCerest in tl�e Property arc hcroby
<br /> assigned and sha11 Ue paid fo Lender.
<br /> All Miseellazieous Procecds t1�aC are noe applied to xestoration or rep�u� of tlio Proporty shall be applied in the
<br /> ordex�invided for in Seotion 2.
<br /> � sqoozz�o
<br /> NEBIWSKA-Singla Femlly-Fannie Maclfre�dle A7ac UNIf-OR�d INSTRl1M ENT form 302ti 1l01
<br /> yh�p�ry VM Pfi(NC)(11�5)
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Financlsl�ervicas Pe�e 10 of 1 p
<br />