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201208064 <br /> far the rcpairs and resCornLion in a single paymenti or in a series of progrces paymunt� as fhe wark is <br /> completed. IC Che insurance o1 condeimiation proceeds arc not suPfinienG fo repeix or restore tlte Property, <br /> liorrower is not relieved of'Borrower's oblig;rtion for �tie winpletion of such repair or restoratiion. <br /> Lcnder or its agent may mzlce reasonable entries upon aud inspecCiot�s of�[he Property. If it has reasonable <br /> ot�uae, Lender niay inspect the 3nferior of tl�c itnproveinents o�i the Property. Lender shall giv�Borrower <br /> notice at the time of or prior tio such�n interiar inspection specifying such reasc�naUlc cau�c. <br /> II. fiol'rower's Loan Applieation. Borrower shnll be in�default if, dm'ing the i,oan ayplication process, <br /> Borrowcr or any per�ons or enrities acting aY the direction of Borrower or wiCh Borrower's lmowledga or <br /> consent gnve materially false, inisleadiog, or inaccura4e inforination or st�tements to Lender(oi failed to <br /> provide l,ender with materill information) in connection wiCh thc Loan. Material represent�tions include, but <br /> are not limited to, representtirions conceriung Borrowcr'�s occupanoy of the Properry Ta Borrowar's principal <br /> residcnce. <br /> 9. Protec4ion of Lender's Interest in the Property and Rights Under this Security Instrument. If(a) <br /> Bbrrower fnila to perform the covenants and agrccn�ients oontained in tl�is Seetvitiy Instrument, (U) there ia A <br /> legal proceeding tlutit might significantly affect Lender's ii�terest in tl�e Property and/or righCs uncler thie <br /> Security Ivstrtunent(such as aproceeding in Uanla�uptcy, proUate, for condemnation ar f'orfeiture, �for <br /> cnforcement of a lien which may a�ttain pxiority ovcr this Seotuity Instrument or tio enforce laws or <br /> ragulations), or (c) Borcower has abai�doned lhe Property, then Lander may do and paiy for whntevex is <br /> reasonable or appropriatc to proteot Lender's interest in t1�e Property anci righSs under this Security <br /> Instrument, itieluding proCeoting and/or assessing tl�e value oP the Property, nnd securing and/or repairing <br /> thc Property. Lender's actions can inclnde, Uut arc not limited to: (a)paying any stuns �ecurcd Uy a lien <br /> which I�as priority ovar this Security instruinenC; (b) appearing in courf; and(c)paying reasonable nitorneys' <br /> fees to protect its interest in tl�o Property and/or righYs mi�ier tliie Security Tnstrument, including its sectued � <br /> position iu a Uankru��ticy prooeeding. Seouriug lhe Property includes, but ia uot limited to, enteriug flie <br /> Property tc�make re�airs, ch�uge locks, replace or board up dooxs end windows, drnin water fi om pi�es, <br /> eliaunate building or other code violations or dnngerous couditions, <v�d have utilities turned on or off. <br /> Although T.ender m�y take acCioii under this Section 9, Londcr does nol haue to do so nnd is noti under anp <br /> du,ty or obliglCion to do so. It is agreed fliAt l.endcr ineurs no linbility for noE CTlting auy or all actions <br /> autliorizecl tiuider tl�is Section 9. <br /> Any amonnta diabursecl Uy Lender undex this ,S'ec6ori 9 shall become additional deUt of.I3orrowcr scciu'ed Uy <br /> thie Seourity Instrument. These amounts shal]bcac interest at tha Note rn�te from fhe daic oP disburaement <br /> �nd shall be payable, with sucl� intcrest, upon notice fcom Lender to Borr�wcr requesting payment. <br /> If this Secucity Iusk'tunent is on a]casehold, Borrower shall comply with all U�c proviaions of the leAse. If <br /> Borrower acqLzirea fce title to fhe Pi operfy, Yhe leasehold aa�d ih�Feo title shall noti merge unless Lender <br /> a�;rccs lo the merger iii writing. <br /> 10. M ortgdge InsUrance. If Landcr required Mortgage Insw•auce as a conditi�n of niaking Che Loan, Borrower <br /> sha1l pay tl�e premimias reqiured to mnintain Che Mort6�ge Ineiu�ance�iv effecf. If, for an}�reasoii, tlje <br /> Mor�gage IveLn�woe coverage requ'sed Uy l,ender ceases to be available from the mortgaga iusurcr fl�ati <br /> previously provided suoh insuaance and Borrower wns reqLured to malce sepaaately dcsignated payments <br /> toward(1ie preinituns for Mortgagn H�sutance, Borrowar sh�ll pay the}�rcmiums required to obtain coverage <br /> substantiially equiv�lcnt to the Mortg�ge Tneurance previously in nffect, ak a cost subatantially equivalent Yo <br /> the cost to Bortower o£Lhe MorYgege Inemance previousl�+in efFect, from nn elternatie mortgage insurcr <br /> selected Uy Lender. If substaaitially equivalcnt Mortgage Insurnnce coverage is not availablc, Borrower ehall <br /> � � zaoozx�e <br /> NEBf'V(SKA-Singla Famlly-Fannlo MaelFY9ddle�Nac UNIFORM INS1'RUMENT FoYm 30281167 <br /> vn�Pc� vnirs�Ne����os� <br /> W olters Kl�w er flnencial.3ervlcae Page 0 oi 1] <br />