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201208064 <br /> AlI insuraaice policies requircd by L�ider avd renewals of such policies sha11 Ua subject to Loncicr's rigl�t to <br /> disapprove such policies, shall inelude a standard inorEgage clause, and sha11 namc� f ender as inortgagee <br /> and/or ae an�aclditional losa payee. Lender shall have the rig1�Y to hold the�olicies and renewnl cerrificaEes. If <br /> Lender requires, Borrower shall proinptly give to L�ider all receipts of pnid premiums and ranewal notices. <br /> If Borrower obtains any form of insurat�ce cov��t'�ge, not otherwise required by Lander, T'or dainage to, or <br /> dastiructiob of, the Property, suoh policq shall ineluda a standard mortgage c1auao and shall nnn�e Lender as <br /> mortgagee�nd/or as nn ndditionallQss payee. <br /> tn thc cvent of loas, Borxower ahall give prompt noti,cc to the insurance carriex and Lender. Lan$er may <br /> inalce proof of loss if not made paoinptly Uy 13orrower. Uuleae Lendex and Borrower otherwise agree in <br /> wxiting, any insurance pror�ecds, whcther or not[he nnderlying inaura�nce wae reqnired by Lcncler, sl�all be <br /> applied to resCoration or repair of the Property, if the restoration or repair is economically Feasible and <br /> I.entier's Fecuri[y is tiot leasened. Duritig sLicl� repaix and rastoralion period, Lender shall have tl�e right to <br /> l�old such inaurnnce proceeds until 1'.ender l�as had an opporhmity to inspect such Property to e���urc thc <br /> work hns been eoinpleted to Lcnder'e saCisfaotion, provided that such inspection bhall hc undertnken <br /> promptly. I.e��dcr may dimburse proceuls for the repaire and restoration in a single payment or in a saries o't' <br /> progress plyments ns the work is coinpleted. Unless an agreement is made in writing oi Applicable Law <br /> requires interest to be paid on stiich ineur�nce proceeds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower�ny <br /> inYeresti or eaminga on euch proceeds. reea for public adjusters, or other third parties, retained by Borrower <br /> shall not be p�id ont of the insw'ance proceeds and tihall be the sole oblig�kion of Borrower. 1'f the restoratioi2 <br /> or repair is not eeonomically feasihlc or Lender's security would be lessened, flie insurancc prooeeds shnil be <br /> applied to the swns secw�ed by tliis Seourity InsGunient, whether or not th�n duc, witl� the exoess, if nny, <br /> paid to Borrower. 5ucl� insu«noe proceede shall be applied rn thc order provided for in Section 2. <br /> If Borrower abandons the ProperCy, Lender may file, negotiate and settle a�ry available instv�noe claim and <br /> related matters. If Bon�ower does not respond within 30 days to a notice from Lender th�t Yhe inaurenca <br /> carrior has offered to settle�claiin, tlie�i 1.endcr may negotiate and settle the claim. Tlie 30-day period will <br /> begin when the notice is given. In citiher event, or if Lender acquires the Property undcr SecCion 22 ox <br /> otherwiee, Borrowor herel�y assigne to Lender(a) Bocrower's righte to any iiu9ur�noe proceecls in an nuiomrt <br /> flnt to exoeed the am�unfs unpaid under the Notc nr thi� Secuiity Inetrument, tuid(b) any otlier of <br /> Borrowex's righYs (oflier than tho xight Eo auy refund of uneu'ned preiniwns paid by Rorrower) under all <br /> insurance policies covering the Property, insofar as eucl�righCs e�e applieable to the coverage of'the <br /> Pxoperty. Lender may use the inaurance prowode eilher to repnir or restore the Property or to�raq amom�te <br /> nnpaid under tha Note or this Secivity Hlstrument, whether oc not tihen due. <br /> 6. Oeeupancy. Borrower s1�a11 occupy, cstahlish, and use the Property as Borrower's priiicipal reside��ce <br /> within 60 days after the excc�ition of fhis Security Instrument and eha11 contimie to occupy the Property as <br /> I3orrower'n princi�al residenoe for at le�et one year a£ter the daEo of occupzncy, unless I.ender otherwise <br /> agrees in writing, which consent sUall not Uc uurcaeonably withheld, or uuless extenuaYing circwnstanoes <br /> exiet which are bepond l3orrnwer's oontrol. <br /> 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspections. Borrower sknll not destroy, <br /> da�nage o�' iiirpair ehe Property, �llow the Property, to detcrioratc or coivmit waste on the Property. VJhaChe�� <br /> or not Borrower is resieling in the Properry, Borrowcr shall mniutain tihe Property in oider to prevent tlie <br /> Propert}>from deteriorating or decreasing in vahie due to its condition. Unless it is determined pursiu2nt to <br /> Section$ that repair or resf�rati��n is not eoonomicnlly feasible, Borrower a1�a11 promptly repair 6�l�ie Property <br /> i£damaged to auoid fiu�Cher deterioration or d2tnage. If insurancc;or condcmnatiou proceeds nre pnid in <br /> conncction witli datnage to, or the takinb of, the Property, Borrower shnll be reaponsible f'or repairing or <br /> resCor•ing the ProperCy only if LonCicr l�as relenaed proceeds for such pmposes. Leuder may dieUursc proceeds <br /> znaazzvs <br /> NEBMSKA-Single Femlly-Fennie PdaelFreddie Mac UNIFORNI INSTRUMENT Form 3020 1101 <br /> yp�p� VM P6�NE)(1105) <br /> Wolloro Kluwr,r Financial Services P29e"!of 1] <br />