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201208064 <br /> requitcd by RESPA, ttnd Borrower shall pay to Lcndcr the amount neceseaxy to m¢ke up Yhe deLiciency in <br /> accord�nce with RCSPh, bLit in no morc than 12 monthly paymenCs. <br /> Upon payment in full of atll sums seciued by this Sccurily InsCrument, Lender shall promptly refiwd to <br /> Bprrower any Punde held by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower sha11 pay all taxes, as�eFsments, chnrges, fines, and iinpositions artrib�dable to <br /> the Property whioh can aftain priorityover Chis Security Snstrtunent, le�seliold payinonte or gronnd rents on <br /> the Property, if any, and Con7innniiy Aesooi�kion Dues, Peas, aiid Asse;ss�nents, if uiy. To the extent fliat <br /> tliese ite�ns aro L�sccow IEems, Bon•ower sha11 pay thev�in the mnnner provided in Section 3. <br /> Sorm��er shall piromplly discharge any lien which has priority over t{iis Security Iusi�mnent�nless <br /> Boirower: (a) agrees in writing Co 6he paymenY of'tlie obli6ation sccttred Uy hhe lien iu fl mantier acoeptaUle <br /> to Lender, Uut only so long as Barrower is performn�g euch agreement; (b) contests the liaii in good fsith Uy, <br /> or defands agaiilst enforcemenY of(�ia lien in, logal proceedings wbich in Lender's opinion operate to prevent <br /> the enforccmenl o£the lien while tlxose procccdings are pending, but only wrtil sucb procccdinga are <br /> couclLidcd; or(c) secures from the holdcr of the lien an�greement satisfactory tc� Laide�r subordinaYing the <br /> lie�n Co ttris Security Instrmnent. If I,ender determines that any part of the Property is su6ject Yo a lien wl�ich <br /> cten aYtflin priority over tUis Seourity HistrumenC, Leuder may give Borrower a notiee identifying the ]ion. <br /> Witl�in 10 days pf tihe dnEe on wliloh that notice is given, Bon�ower shall sa�tiefp the lien or tttke one o1'more <br /> of tho�otions set forth above itt this Section 4. <br /> I.endcr niay require Borrower to pay u on�lii2�e chnt•ge£or a real estate tax vorificalion and/or reporPing <br /> servioe used by Lendet in counection with this Loau. <br /> 5. Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep the improvements now existin�; or liereafcer erected on Che <br /> Property insuxed agaivet loas l�y�re, hazaz•ds ineluded witl�in thc term"ex0ended coverage," and any other <br /> hazerds iucludin6, Uut noC liiniteft to, euthquakes and floode, for which Lender requires insurance. 'fhis <br /> insurauce shal]be n��intainecl in the ainounts (including deductible levels}aud For Uie perioda th2f Lender <br /> rec�uires. What Lender raquiies pursuaut to fhe precediug senYences can change dur"vig 11ie tertn of the Loan. <br /> The insuaAnca earrier providing Che inaurance shall be chosen Uy Borrower auUject to Lender's right to <br /> disapprove Borrower's choice, which right sha11 noti be exeroised um•easonably. Lender�nay rcquire <br /> 13oxrowex to pay, in connection with this Loan, either: (a) a ono-fiine ol�aige£or flood�ono dotormination, <br /> cerfification and fraclrirtg services; or (U) a c�nc-tinic ch�rge£or flood zone determination and ccrtifioa6ion <br /> scrviccs �nd subsequent cl�arges cach tiine retnnppiugs or similar changes occur which reasonably might <br /> aLfect ench daterinination or oerhi$cntiion. Borrower sha11 �leo b�rasponsible far the payment o4'any fees <br /> imposed Uy the 1'edcral �mergency Managament Agency in conneotion with the review of any flood ronc <br /> deCesminatiou rceniting fi•oin an objection by$orrower. <br /> If Borrower fails to main[ain eny of the coverabes dcscribod al�ove, Lender may obtain iasurance coverago, <br /> at T,ender'e option and Borrowex`s expenso, Lcnder is under no obligation tio purcl�ase any�acticular type or <br /> amomit o£cove�•age. Therefore, such coverage ahnll cover Lattder, Uut might or mighC not protect Borrower, <br /> Borrower's eqtiuty in thc Property, ar tha contients of tha 1'roperty, �gainst�ny riek, hazard or liability and <br /> inight provide greatex or lesser coverage than was preuiously iu effaot. Borrov�er aclmowlndges Chal the cost <br /> of the ineurAnce covara�e so oUtained might eignificlnYly exceed t1�e co�t of insurunce thnt Borrower could <br /> have obtained. Auy amotmCs disUursed by Lender undor this Scctioii 5 shflll become Tdditional debt of <br /> Boirower secured by tlus Security Instrume�iE. '1 hcse mnounCs shall bear interest at the Note rate fi�om ��he <br /> date of dfisbursement eucl shall ba payab7o, with suoh inEerest, upon notioe'fi'om Lender to Sorrower <br /> requcsting pnyment. <br /> zaoozz�o <br /> N ETIRpSKA-Single Fam Ily-Fannle M aelFreddie M nc UNIFORM INSTRl1M ENT Form 3028 1101 <br /> VM P(ry VM PB(NE)(T1061 <br /> W oltere KNw ar Flnanolal 6orvlaee Pngn fi ni 1 Y <br />