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201208064 <br /> Any npplication oEpayments, insmance proceeds, or M�sccllaneous Proceeds to priucipal due Ltnder Che NoPe <br /> shall not extand or postpone tlie due dah:, or cl�ange Che amount, of tihe Periodic Pnyments. <br /> 3. I'm�ds fm�Escrow Itonts. Rorrowar sh�tll pay to Lcndor on H�c d�ty Periodic Paymenis axe d�ie under the <br /> NoYe, until the Note is patd in fu11, a sum(thc°Funds") fo provide for payment of amounts due for: (a}taxes <br /> and aesessin�nts and othcr itcros which can attnin priority over this 5ecurity HistrmnenC as a lian or <br /> cncumbranec on the Proper6y; (b)leasehold pa�ytnents or groniid renta on fhc Pxopc�'ry, if any; (c)prciniuins <br /> for �7y and all insurance required by Lender unde�� Section 5; and(d)MorCgage Instv�ice pTemiiuns, if any, <br /> or any�emns payable by Barrower to I,ondcr in lieu of the payment oP Mortgage Il�stu'uice preiniums in <br /> accorde�nce with thc provisions of Seolion 10. These items are called"F.scrow Items." At originaHon�r af <br /> zny t:une during U�e Cerin of the Loan, T,ender may require that Cnnitnimily A�soci2tion Dues,.Pees, Fmd <br /> Assessmeuts, if any, be escrowcci hy Borrower, And sueh dues, fees �aid assessments shall Ue an 8scrow <br /> Item. Norrower sl�all prompkl�furnish to Lender a11 noticas of amonnts to bc paid undnr H�is �ecCion. <br /> BorrowcK�shal]pay Lender the Punda for Eserow Ifems uu1ess Lcndcr waives Borrower'e oUligation to pay <br /> tihe Fuuds Por any or all Eecrow Itams. Lender may Waivc Borro�er'e obligation Yo pey to Lender Fmids for <br /> nny or all Escrow Itiems a�ti any tiine. Any such waiver may only be in writing. In the eve�rt of sucli Waiver, <br /> Borirower shall pay directly, when and where pnyable, the amounts due for any�,scrow Items for whioh <br /> �ayinent of N'�mde has been waived l�y Lender aud, if I.ender rcquires, shall furnish to Lender receipts <br /> evidencing such payment�within such tiine poriad ns Lender mny require. Borrower's oUligatiou to mal<o <br /> suclx p�yments and to provide reccipts eh�ll for all pur��oses be deeined to be a covcnaut�nd�greemenE <br /> conTained in this Sccurity Ins6rument, as the plu'ase "coveuant ttnd agreement" is used in Section 9. If <br /> ]3orrower is oblignted to pay Escrow Items directly, piu�suant to n wnivex, and Borrower fails to pay the <br /> �monnt cfie for an Escrow Item, Lender may exercise ite rights undar Section 9 �nd pay sucl� aii�ounC enci <br /> Barrower shall Uien Ue oUligntcd under SecCion 9 to repay to Lender any such amounG Lender m1y reuolce <br /> the waiver as to any or all Escro�v Items at 2uiy time by a notice give�i in necordanee with Section 15 and, <br /> upon such revoeation, Borrower shall pay to Lender all Nunds, and in such amounts, t1�aC v'e tlien rec�uircd <br /> imder thia Section 3. <br /> Lender�nay, at any time, eollect and hold Funds in en amount (a) su�cienC to peimit l,c��der to apply the <br /> Funds at the Giva specified under liESPA, and (b)not Yo exceed the,m�imum amo�mt a lender onn require <br /> uuder RESI'A. LciYder shall estimnte the ainount of Punds duc on the baeia of enrrent data and raasonaUle <br /> estin7aEes of expendituxes of fuhirc L�scrow Iteins or otherwise in aecordance wiYh Applic��ble Law. <br /> The Punds skall ba held in pn institution whose depoeiYe are insiu'ed Uy a Fedcral agcncy, insC�vn�ecitadity, or <br /> entiry(including I.ender, if Lcnder ie an inerituYion whose deposit� are so inaXued) or in any Pecieral Hoine <br /> Loan Ranlc Lc��dcr shall a�ly the Funds to pay the}?scrow Iteina�io InEer than the time specitied mider <br /> Rb'SPA, Leucier shall uot charge Borrower for holding and a}�plying the Funds, auvually analy�,inb the <br /> eaoxow account, oc vexifying the$scrow Items, ui�iless Lender pays Borrower intcrest on tiho F�mds and <br /> Applicable T,aw pein�its Lender So make euch a cliarge. Unless an agrcemenC ra made in wriring or <br /> Applieable Law requires interest to be paid on the k'unds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any <br /> interest or earnings on Uie Funds. Borrower and Lender can agree in writing, Uowcvcr, thae inCerest shnll be <br /> paid on the Fm1ds. Lcndcr shall give to Borrower, withotitt chargc, an anmial a000unting of the Funds as <br /> rcquired b,y RLSPA. <br /> If thero ie a eurplus of runds held in escrow, as dcfinecl�u�cier RESPA, Lender shall accowit to I3ouower Por <br /> ilie excess funds in nccordance wiUi RRSPA. IC 1liere is a shortnge o£Punds held in escro�v, aa doGned ivider <br /> RESPA, Lender shctll noGiEy]3orrowcr as requireci by RESPA, tuid Borrowor shaU pny 4o Lender Che amoturi <br /> necessaiy to make u}�tP�c shorfage iu nccordance with RESPA, U�it in no inore lhnn 12 monthly paynienta If <br /> there is a deficioncy of P'unde helc�in escrow, as defincd under RL�SPA, Lender shzll notifq Borrower Ts <br /> 2aaozzie <br /> NEBRASKA-Sin91e Famlly-Fannle A7ae(Fred�le M ac UNIFOf2M INS'I RUA4 ENT Form 3028 1101 <br /> VMP Q V�NP6(N�17105) <br /> WOHersKluwer Finanoiel Servloee PWA�a�'�� <br />