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201208064 <br /> seatences sliall not apply to the presence, uae, or sWrage on th�Piroperry of sme11 quantities of Hazardous <br /> Subetances that Tra generally recogiuzed to be appropriate to normal residential uses a�ici to inaintenance of <br /> Uie Property(including, but not liiniCed to, hazardot�s substances in eonstiuner prodtiicts). <br /> $orrowec shall proinpCly give Lender writCen notice of(a) any investigation, claim, deinand, lawsuit or other <br /> aotion by vry gove�'nmenta1 or regtiilator}^agcncy or privatc party invoTving tl�c Property and any Haz2rdous <br /> Sulast�ncc or L�i�viromnenlal Law of whioh Borrower kies achinl lniowledge, (b) nny Enviromnental <br /> Condition, including but noY limited to, eny spilling, lealcing, discharge, release or tlueat of'release of any <br /> Hazardous Substance, axid(c) �iy condition caused by thc prescnco, use or reloase of a Ha9ardous Sul�stance <br /> whicl�zulversoly affccts tUc value of the Property. If Iiorrower le�rns, or is noCiIled by�ny govermnental ox <br /> reguletoxy authority, or flny priva#s p�•ty, th�1f eny remoual or okher remediation af any Aazardous SuUstance <br /> affeeting the Property is necessary, Borrowcn'sl�all prom�tly take all nececeary remedial acfiona in <br /> accordance with Rnvironn�cntal Law, Nothing herein shnll cre�tie any obligatiou on Zender for an <br /> Lnvir�m��enlal Cleamtp. <br /> Non-Uniform Covenants. Borrower and Lender covenant aud agree fls followe: <br /> 22. Acceleration; Remedies. [.ender ehtill give notice to Borrower prior to ncceleration followiug <br /> Rorrower's breach af any cnvenant m•agreement in Yhis Scem�i ,ty I��strmnent(bnt nut priur to <br /> flcceleratiou uttdar Scetiott 18 nnlass Applicnble L:�w provide5 otherwise). 'The noCice 9ha11 specify: (n) <br /> []m dofaalt; (bj the actiun reqnired to eure tl�e defaidt; (c) a dat�e, not less fhmi 30 days from tl�e dato <br /> tl�e notice is give�7 to 1Sorrower, by w1�icL tlie defanit mnst bo curod; and (d) that fxilure to cnre the <br /> defanit on or befm�e the date specifiod v� tl�o notice m��y residt in:mcelerution of the sim�s secw�od by <br /> tLis Secnrity Tuah�nment end sale of'tlie Property. 'f'he notice shall 1`arCher inform Borrower of Uhe <br /> riglit to reinstate xf'ter nccelerxtiun nnd the AighC to bring a courC nction to assert tl�e non-existencc of n <br /> def'�nit or auiy other defense nf BnrrnWver lo �ccelerntion nnd snla If the default is not ctitrod on or <br /> befm•e Clie dafe specified in the notice, Lendor nt its optim�m;�,y require inunediute payn�ent+n ftdl of <br /> all stune sectired Uy Wiis Socm•i1y Inetranle�it without fnrther demand and rnay iuvoke CLe power of sale <br /> nnd any otlier r€medies permitted bY AppLicable L1w. Lender shxll be enHtled to collect all capenses <br /> incurred in pursiting Che remedies pirovidod in Ylus Scetion 22, includin�, bnt not limited fo, reasonable <br /> nttoG�neys' fees and coste af titic ovideuce. <br /> If Uie power of sxle is involced, 'Pruslee shall rewrd ti notiee of defanit in each wnnty i�}wldch any <br /> pxrt of 19�e Properiy is locflhed and sLall tnail copice of snch noGec in tlio mnnner prescribed by <br /> Applicflule Lnw to Borrower and to thc othcr persmis prescribed by Applicxble Law. After fhe faiine <br /> required b9�PPlicnblc Law, Trasfee sliall give public notice of sale l�o the porsons aud Li CLe mamier <br /> prescribed Uy Applic�ble I,aw. 9'n�stee, withonC demand on Borrower, alinll sell tl�e Property aC 7�nblic <br /> �uction to the 1�igl�esC l�idder af Lhe dme nnd pince nud nndor Clte terms dosiguatcd in tl�c notico of sale <br /> in mie or more pnrcele nnd in nny order Trnstec deEerinuies, Trustee may puskpune sale of all or ;my <br /> parecl of thc Property b,y pablic xnnmincenient aC Che Cluie and placa o�f any previouAly scLednled sale. <br /> I,ender or itS designee may�nrchase Che Piroperly nt any snle. <br /> Upon receipt of p;�yment of tlie pnice bid, Trnetee sl�flll deliver Co Y1�e purehaser Trnete¢'s dcal <br /> conveying the Property. TLe recitnls in Yl�o Traetcc's deed sl�nll be priina facie evide��ce of tlie trnth of <br /> the statcuxents mndo thcroin. Trnskee shall .ipply the proceeds oP the ssile in tl�e Following order; (a) to <br /> all coats nud uxpeusee of exercising the power af�aley aud the sale, inclnding tl�e pnyment of the <br /> Trustee's fees actnally inmirred and renennaUle attorneys' foes as permitted Uy Applicnblo Law; (b1 to <br /> xll sun�re secm•ed by GLis Secnrity Instr�uneut; and(c} nny cxcess to thc person or Neismis legally <br /> entiCled to it. <br /> — — -- – zaooazao <br /> NEBRASKA-Sinqle Famlty-Fennie MaelFredAle A7ac UNIfORM INSTRl1MEN7 Form 3028 1/01 <br /> VM P� VM POjNE)(11 a51 <br /> W olters Kluw e�flnanclal Servicea Pape94 of 7 j <br />