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201208064 <br /> 23. ReConveyance. Upon payment of all eums secured Uy this Security InstrumenE, Lender ehall xequesC <br /> Trnstee Co ieconvey Che&operty and sl�adl surrender tl�is Sccurity Insh�ument and all notes evidenciug deA�t <br /> securec1 hy Elris Secuxity Histrument to Truatee. Truscee sh�ll reconvoy N�c Property without warranty to the <br /> person or persona leg�lly entitled to it. Sueh person or persona shall pay�ny reoorda�ion costs. Lcnder may <br /> charge such parsan or persons a fee f'or reconveying t1�e Property, but only if the fee is pnid lo a third party <br /> (such as t1�o'I'rustee) for services rendereci avd the cl�arging of the fea is permikted under Ap�licable Law. <br /> 24. Suhstitute Trustee. I.ender, at its option, may from time to tiime remove Trustee nnd appoiut a successor <br /> L�uslee Co �ny TrusCee appointed 1�crcur�ck;r by an instrumc�tt recorded in the county iti whieh this Seourity <br /> Inahvn7ent is recorded, Withoiit conveyt�nce of the Pmperly, [he successor h'ustco shall succeed to all the <br /> f.itle, pnwer and dutiea conferred upon Trustee herein e�nd Uy Applicable L�.w. <br /> 25. Request for Notices. [�orrower requeyts t1�at copies of the notice of default aud sale be sent to I3orrower's <br /> lddrees which is tl�e Property Acidress. <br /> zaoozzi¢ <br /> NEBRASKA-6ingle Famlly-Fannls MaalFfoddle Mao UNIFORM INSTRUMF.iJT Form 9028 1/07 <br /> VMP OO VMPti(NEl(110u1 <br /> Wollers Kluwer Finnnalzl 6ervices Page 45 0119 <br />