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201208064 <br /> in lhe Property and righta under this Seourity Instrwl�ent; ai�d(d) taku� euch aclron as Lender may <br /> xeasonably require to assure tl�at Lender's interest in the Prope��ty a�id rights uilder thie Seom•ity Instrument, <br /> and Borrowei's obligaEioi� to pay the aun�s secured by this Security SnstrtunenY, shall contiiune ua�changed. <br /> Lander may reqtiiire that Borrower pay such xeinstatemeuY smns aud expenses in one or more of the following <br /> fonlxs, as eolecCed by Lender: (a�cnsh; (b) money order; (c) eertified chccic, bank ohecic, trensurer's oheck or <br /> cashier's check, provided any such ehecic is clrawn upon an instiluCion whose deposits are instued by a <br /> federAl agency, insUumentalitq or ontiCy; or (cl)L+leolronic Puuds Tranefer. Upon reinstate�nent by k3orrower, <br /> this Secarity insdruincnt and o6ligations aecured hereby shall remain fixlly efFoctivc as if no acceleraCion had <br /> occurred However, this right to xeinstaT�e s1�a11 not apply in the c�se o�P accelaration under Sect�ion '18. <br /> 20. Sale of Nole; Change of Loan 3ervicer; Notice of Cyrievance. The Nole or n partial intereat in the <br /> Note(togather with this Seouri{y InsCrumen[) een be sold one or inore times without prior nol'ice Co <br /> Borrower. A sn7e inight resulC ni n ekiet7ge in the entity(laiown as tt�e "I oan,Servic�cr") Chat oollecta Periodio <br /> Paymente duc under fhe Note and this SecuriCy Instrument arrd porfonns other martgnge loan servicing <br /> oUligaCious imder the Note, tlus Security Inshmnent, and Applio¢ble Law. There also inight lie one or rnorc <br /> cliwges af'the Loan Secvicer uoralatcd to a s�le aP Che Note. Tf there is a cl�ange of We L<�an Serviccr, <br /> Borrower will Ue given�n'ittci�uoLice of the cti�mge which wi11 state the name and addreas of the new Loazi <br /> Servioer, thc address Lo which pfl}nnents should be inada and zny othet informAkioti RSSPA requires in <br /> comiecCion with a xiotice of'transfer of servicing. If lhe Note ia sold and Yhereafter the i,oan is sctvicc:d by a <br /> Loan Servicer other than the purol�aser of the Note, the inortgage loan servictng obligalions to I3orrower will <br /> reinain witl�the Loan Sexvicer or be tr�nsferred to a snccessor Loan Servicer and nre not essunled by tlie <br /> Note purchase� imleas otherwise provided Uy the Notc purchaser. <br /> Neither Borrowcr nor LeLider may commence,join, m Ue joincd to auy judicial aotion(as eithex an <br /> individu�l liLigant ar the memUer of a class) that arises &om the other p�u•ty's aotions pursuant to U�is <br /> Security Inah•umenk or that alleges that the other party hns bceached auy provision of, or anq detty owed by <br /> reason oF, this Secuiity instrument, until such Borrower o�Lender has notrfi�ed the olher party(with auoh <br /> notice giveti in con�pliauoe with Che requirements of Scction 15) of such¢lleged breaoh aud a4forded the <br /> other pnrty hareto a reasonaUle period after tl�e giving of such uotice to kake corrective action. If Ap�lion6la <br /> Lew provides a timaperiod wl�ich must elnpse Uefore certain action can Uc t��ken, t1iaC [ime period will be <br /> deemed to ho reasonable for purposas of this paragraph, '1'he notice of accelernkion and opporttmity to cure <br /> given to Borrower pm•suant to SecCion 22 and the noYice of acceleration givon tc� Borrower pnrsnant to <br /> Section i 8 sha11 be deeined to saNsf�the notica uid o�yortimity tio take corrective action provisions of tl�i5 <br /> Sectinn 20. <br /> 21. Wazardous Substances. As tised in lhis Secfimi 21: (a} "IIuzardous Substances" are tUoae suUstaiwes <br /> deflixed ae tozic or hazardous substanccs, pollufaz2ls, or waetes by EnviroinnentA�l Law and the following <br /> substances: gasoline, kerosenc, nther flnmmable or toxio petroleum products, toxic pesCicides and herUicidea, <br /> volatile solvents, materials oontaining asbestos or focmaldchydc, �tad r�dioactive materials; (b) <br /> "Envt�roramendal Law" means fedecallaws and laws of the jurisciiction whera the Property is]c�catcd H�aC <br /> xelate to health, safety or cnvironmenCal protection; (c) "�nvironmentu! Cleunup" includzs �ny response <br /> action, remedial action, or re�noval action, as defned in �;nvironment�l Law; nnd(d) an "Erivtronmental <br /> C,orutttiora"mepns a condiGon tliat ca�i cause,�con4ribuLe to, or fltherwise Yrigger an Enviinume�rtal Clcaintp. <br /> 13orrowcr eUall noC o�uae or permit llia presence, uec, dieposal, stor¢ge, or release of any Hazardouy <br /> Subsfances, or tl�teaten to release any i-Laz�trdous SnbsCanoes, ari or in the Propeity. Borrowcr sl�all noC do, <br /> nor allow any�one else to do, airyfhing affeoting tlie Property(a�)that is {n violation oF any L+nvironrnental <br /> Law, (U)whioh creatc;s �m Lnviromnental CondiYion, or (c)which, duc to Che preseiicey use, or release of a. <br /> f[azardous Subsfanoe, crefttes a condition that�dverscly affecha Uie valtte of the Property. Tl�e pxeceding ttao <br /> 29002276 <br /> NEBRABKA-Bingle Famlly-Fennie MaelFreddle Mec ONIFONM WSTRUMENT Forrn 30281707 <br /> VM P;� VM Pfi�NEI(N 05�1 <br /> W oltare I(low ar flnenclAl 3ervlces Paga 13 ot 1 Y <br />