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201208064 <br /> desigzeted A substitule notice addiess by notice to T,encle��. Rorrower s1�a11 promptly notify Lcnder of <br /> Borrower'a cl�ange of address, lf Lcndcr spec;ifies a proeed[ire fot reporting Borrower's ohntige o£address, <br /> thetl Borrower sl�al] only report a change of addrese through thnt speciffed proeedure. <br /> There may Ue only one dcsignatcd nofice address Lmder this Securiiy Iustrument at nny one time. Auy notice <br /> to Lendc��shall bo given by delivering it or by m�iling it by first class mail to I,ander's address stafed herein <br /> �rnlone Lenc{er has designated another address by notice to Borrower. luiy notice in connection with YUis <br /> SecuriCy Tnetrunient shall not be deemed to have been givcnt to Lcndcr until acPually received by Lender. If <br /> any noYice cequired by this Security Inshuincnti is also reqiured under Applioable Lnw, th�Applicable Law <br /> reqnirement will satisfy the corresponding requirement under this SecueiYy Instruinent. <br /> 16. Governing Law; Severability; Rules of GonsYructlon. Tliis Security Instrument shall bo govcrnedby <br /> federnl law And the law of tl�e jurisdiction in which the Vt�operty is locatca. All righCs az�d obligaHons <br /> oonfained in tlris Security lnstr�n��cnt�re stibjecC Co nny requixementa nnd limiterions of Applienble La�w. <br /> Applicable Law�night¢xplicilly or ii�uplioitly allow the pnrties to agree by contract or it might be silent, buY <br /> suc11 silenco ehall nol be consttued zs n prohibition Ag�ainat agreement by contract. In the event that any <br /> provirion or olnuse of thia Security Instruineiit or the Note conflicts with Appliu2blc Law, suoh con�tlich shall <br /> not affect otl�er provisions o£this 9ecLu ity lnst���imcnt or tUe NoCe which can be glven efFect without the <br /> conflicting provieiou. <br /> As used in Uus Security Instrumcn�t; (a)words of the n��setdine gender ehtill motm and include corresponding <br /> nauter words or worcls of ihe fenvi7ine gender; (b) words in tihe singiilar shall meul and includo tbn plm'al <br /> and vioe vers�; and(c) the woid"may" gives eole discretion wi4hout any ol�ligaCion w take Any�crion. <br /> 17. 6orrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one copp of the Notc and of this Security H�slrument. <br /> 18. TransFer of lhe Properfy or a 13eneficial In4erest in Ciorrower, As L�sccl in ti�is Section 18, "Iu[srest in <br /> ilie Property" means any lagul or beneficial interest in the Yroperly, including, but noC limited to, tliose <br /> benefiaial interests traaisferred in a bond for deed, conlract for deecl, installmenY eales oontract or escrow <br /> a�greement, the i�stent of whieh ie the transfex of fitle by Borrower at a future date to a purcl,ascr. <br /> Tf all or any pert of thc Proporly or any Intereet in tlie Proparty is sold or transfen�ed(or if Rorrower is not a <br /> natura7 per�on and a bene$ci�l interest in Borrower ts sold or tr ansfon�ed) without Lender's prior written <br /> consent, Lencler inay�equirc immediaha plymerit in full of at11 sums secured by tilris Security Lnsh w��ent. <br /> Howover, tUin option ehall not be exercised by Lender if such, excecise ie proUibitecl by Appliot�ble Law. <br /> If Le��der excrcises Chis opdon, Lender ehall give Borrower notice of acceleration. '1'he;noHce shnll provide a <br /> �}�eriod oP not less Chen 30 days trom Y7ie�daCe Uie noEice is giwn in 1ec ordance with Seelion 15 within whioh <br /> Borrower muat pay all swns secured Uy khis Socurity Inslrument. If Borrower faile to pay thase sums prior to <br /> the ex�iralion of Uiis periocl, Lcnder may invoke niry remedies permitted by tliis Securitv Insbument without <br /> furfher notice or doinand on Borrower. <br /> 19. BorrowEr's Right to Reinstate AfterAcceleration. IfBorrower meets certaiv condit'r�ns, Borrower <br /> sl�all have the rigl�iC to have enforoemanti of Y7�is Sectiu'ity Instrttment discontinned al any iime prior to the <br /> earliest of: (a)five days before sale aF thc Proporty purslu�nC to any power of sale conYained in Y1�is Security <br /> Inat�wnent; (b) s�ach other period as Applicable Law mig'ht s�eoify �£or the terminakion of Bonrowor's righ6 to <br /> reinskatc; or(c) antry of n judgment an�Forciug this Sectiu'ity Tnst�'nmvnt. 'Chose oondi6iotis ere thatt Bon•ower: <br /> (a)pays Lender ell swns whioh then wou1d be dixc undcr thiF Secnri6y Instrument and the NoCe as if no <br /> nccelerntion had occun�ed; (b) cures any defaiilt of�ny other covenants or agreements; (c)pays all exprn�scs <br /> incurred in enforcing this Secnrily I�ishnment, including, but not limited to, reasonablc atEorneys' Pees, <br /> pro�erty ii�specCion anci valnation fees, and other fees iacurred for tho purpose of�roteccing Le�ider's interest <br /> zaoozzaa <br /> NEB'MSKA$Ingle Femlly�Fannle MaelFredtlie Maa UMFORM IN6l'F2VA�ENT Porm 3028 1707 <br /> VM P n VM Pfi(NH)(1105) <br /> Woltcre Kluwer Flnancial Services Nnpe 19 oi 1"! <br />