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201208064 <br /> 12. Borrower No4 Released; Forboarance By Lender NoY a Waiver. Extension of the Yime for payment or <br /> modific�tion of'amortlzation of thc sunaa secured l�y this S�curity Inst�'mnent grairtecl by I,euder to Borrower <br /> or any Succe�sor in interost oPBorrower shall not opar�ta to release tl�e]iability c�f Borrower or any <br /> Successons in interest of Borrower. Lander shall not Ue requircd to comn�ence prooeedings agninsY�tny <br /> Successor in Interest of I3oirower or to refuse to cxtend Yime�for�ayment oc otherwise modif'y amorkiaation <br /> of the sums aecw•ed by this Security lnsri'iuneut by reason of any demaaid mada Uy tl�e origina] J3orrower or <br /> any Successors i1i Iuterest of Borrower. Any£orbet�rance by Lender in oxcrcising any rigli[or remedy <br /> nioludin�, without limiC�tion, Lender's acceptance of paymenLs&om third pei�sos�s, entities or Succe,ssors in <br /> intcrcFt of IIon�ower or in aanounts less than tl�c amount then due, sha11 not be a waiver of or proclude the <br /> exercise of any right ar remcdy. <br /> 13. Joint and Several Liability; Co-signers; Successors and Assigns [3ound, Borrower covenants and <br /> agrees that Borrower's obligations �uid liebility sha71 Ucjnint and several. IIowever, any Bouowar wl�o <br /> co-sigis tliis Security Insh�unient but doe�not oxocuCe Che Nole(a"co-signai"): (a) is co-SiSming tlus <br /> Security Instruinent only Yo mortgage, graut and ooxrvay the co-signer's interest in the Properly under the <br /> Lcx�ms of this Secw'ity Instrutnent; (b) is not personally obligated ko pay tl�e eume secured by tMs Security <br /> Inetrument; and(c}agrees tl�at Ler�ider and any oCher F3orrower cau ngree to extend, modiFy, �Porbear or makc <br /> any accommodatione with reg�rd to tihe tenns of this Seciuity Snshwnent or the Note without thc co-aigner's <br /> consent. <br /> Subject to the provisions of Sectiion 18, any $uccessor in Interest of I3orrowcr wl�o assnmea Borrower's <br /> obligaLions under this Security Insfrument in writing�, aud is approved by Lender, shnll obtain a11 of <br /> Boxrower's rights aud Ucncfits under this Seeurity instrumcnE. Borcower shall not be raleased from <br /> Borrower's obligatione and liabllity uuder T1iis SeoLn ity Inslrument uuless Lander agrees to such release in <br /> writing. 'I'hn covenants and agreements of this Sccurity Hisdvment shaIl bind(except as provided in SecYion <br /> 20) and bene$t the successors and assigns of Lender. <br /> 14. I_oan Charges. Lender may charge Borrower Peea for services performed in couneokion with Borrower's <br /> de�nulti, for the pmpose of protc:cling Lender'e intierest in the ProperCy�nd rights uuder Yliis Security <br /> Instrument, inclndiug, but not limited to, attorneys' fees, property inspection a�id valuation fccs. T�z regard#o <br /> any othcr Pees, the absenoe of express euthorily in this Securitiy Instrument to cl�arge n speciflc fee to <br /> Borrower shall n�t be eone�ived as a.prohibilion on the char�,ring of such fee. Lende�'may not chu�ga fees <br /> thaf arc ex�ressly prohibited by this 3eow•ity L�slrutnent or by Applicablc,Law. <br /> If the l.oan is suhjeot to a law which sets maxin�un�lofln eharg�es, and that 7aw i9 fivally inferpreted so tliati <br /> the interest or other loau charges collecked or to be collectied in oonncction wifh tfie Loan exceed 11ie <br /> �ermitted limifs, then: (a) any auch loan ch�rge shall Ue reduccd by the unount necessuy Co reducc the <br /> eh<u�ge Yo the permitted limit; �ncl(U) any smns alrcaely oo7leoted from Borrowar wl�ich excculecl�ermitted <br /> limits will bo refimded to Borrower. Lendcr may choose to malce this refiand by rcducing Lhe principal owed <br /> Lwdor khe Note oz'by inaking a direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principnl, Yhe reduction will <br /> be treated as a partial prepayment without aary prepayu�ont charge(whether oc not a prepayinent charge is <br /> provided for �uider Uie Note). Rorrotvei's awcpl�nnce o£nny suoh rafund made Uy dircct��ayment to <br /> Borrower will coxistiCute a waive�'oi'any right of action Borrower might Uave arieing out of such overcliarga. <br /> 7 5. Notiaes. All notices given by 13orrower or Lender in covnectioix with tl�is Seciuity Inshnment must be in <br /> ��n-iCing, Any notice to]3orrowcr in connection wiYh this 8ecurity InsLrmnent shnll be deemed to haue bcon <br /> given to Borrowar whcu n�2iled by first class mail m �vUon actually deliuered to Borrower',s noticaaddrese if <br /> senti by other incans, NoCice to aary one T3orro��er sl�all consritute notiice to a�ll Borrowers unlcse Applicable <br /> Law axpressl�requires otherwise. "I'ho notice address ehall ba the Property Addrese unless Borrower has <br /> —�—`-- zaoazz�o <br /> NeBfWSKA-Single Family-Fannie MaolFreAdla Alac 11NIFORM INS"fRUPd ENT form 3020 1l07 <br /> VM P 6y VM17 P6(NF)(11061 <br /> WolYars Kluwer f-irtencfal Ssrvicee Pa�a 11 of 11 <br />