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201208058 <br /> for tho rcpairs and restoratiou iii a aingle payment or in a series of pcogress paymants as lhe work i5 <br /> oompleted. If 4he iusurancc or conde�nnation proceeds are not sufflcieut to repair or restore Ehe Properly, <br /> Borrower is not relieved of Boxxower's obligatioii for thc complefion of such repa�ir or restoration. <br /> Lender or iCs agenC may make reasonaUlo entrics upon and inspectiovs of the Proparty. If'it has rensonable <br /> oause, Lender may inepect the interiar of the im�roven7enfs on t9�e Properly. Lcnder sha11 give Borrower <br /> notice ak the tinae of`or prior to such au interior inspeoYion specifying auch re�sonnble cause. <br /> 8. Borrower's Loan Application. Borrower sha11 be in def�ult if, during the Loan application proccss, <br /> Borrowor or any persous or antities acting at tl�e direction of Borrower or with Borrower's lmowledge or <br /> consent gave materi111y false, misleading, or inacct�rate iuformation or statoments to Lender(or failed to <br /> provide Lender with material information) ln comiection wlth the Loan. MatexiAl represe�ita�ions include, but <br /> a�e iiot limited to, represe�itatione coneerning Borrower's occupanc�of tlia Property as Borrower's principal <br /> residenee. <br /> 9. Protection of Lender's Interest in the Property and Rights Under this Securi4y Instrument. If(n) <br /> Bortower Pai]F ko�7orform t7�c covenants at�d a{,rrccinonts containcd in Yhis Sccurity lnstrument, (b) there is a <br /> legal proceeding that might significan[ly afCec[Lencier's interest in the Properly�ncUur rigl�is'undcr this <br /> Security Histruineirt (suoh as a proceeding in banlu•uptcy, probate, for conclemnation or forfeiture, for <br /> . enforwnzcnt of a lien whicl�may attain priority over this SecLuity.fnsfrument or to ent�orce laws or <br /> regtilations), or(c)Borrower haa ab�ndoned fhe ProperLy, lhen Lender may do and p�y fnr whatever is <br /> reasonable or appropriaYe to protect Lender's inYerest in the Property and righta under this Security <br /> lnstrument, including protecting uid/or assessing the v�1ue of the Properry, azid secw•ing and/or repniring <br /> the Vroperty. 1..ender's actions can include, bnt are uot limited to: (a)paying any sums secured by a lien <br /> which hae priority ovcr Hiis Security Inetrumont; (b) appearing in court; and(c)paying rcasonable attorncys' <br /> fees to protect ita interest in hhe Property�ud/ot righ[e under tlue SeoiviCy Instrument, inoluding iCa seorired <br /> position in a banlauptcy proceeding. Securing Yhe Property includes, buC is not limited to, entering the <br /> Prop�-ty to mal<e rcpar`rs, chango locics, re,place or hoard up doors and wipdows, drstin water fi�om pipes, <br /> elimineke bnilding or other code viol�tions ox dnngerous conditions, nnd h�ve uliliCies furned on or ofP. <br /> Although Lender may talce action under tl�is Seotion 9, Lender does vot ha�e to do so and is not under eny <br /> duty or obligation f�� d� eo. Iti is agrccd that Lcndcr incure no liahiliiy for iiot talcing any or all actions <br /> authorized undar this Scction 9. <br /> Any ainounts disbursed by 7,endex under this Secrion 9 sha11 become addifionel debt of Borrowex secured bg <br /> lhis Seourily Inslruii�onG These azi�ounte shall bcar internst at the Notc ratc fi��m{��E�9aYe of disbursement <br /> and shell be payable, with such interest, upon noLiee fi�om Lender Co Borrower requesUivg payment. <br /> If this Seonrily Inahlmient is on n leasehold, Borrower-sh�ll win��ly with all tiho provisions af tl�e]ease. [f <br /> Borrower acquiras fee title to the Property, the leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender <br /> agrees to the merger in wciting. <br /> 10. M ortgage Insuranee. IP Lencier reqtureci Mortgage Insurance as �Eonditiou of malcittg the Loaa�, }3orro�ver <br /> shall pay the premiums required to m�intain the Mortgag�Ineuranoe in effect. Tf, for any renaon, Cl�e <br /> Mortgage f�ismaaice coverage required Uy Lender ceasas to Ue available from Uie morYgage inaurer th�t <br /> previously provided sucl� ins�irancc�and 13on'ower wes requircd to make separately desiguated paymants <br /> toward fhe pre���iums for MarCgage Insuranoo, Borrower shall pay U�o promiY�ms requirc,�d to obtain coverage <br /> snbstnntially equivalent to the Mortgage Insnrence previously in effect, nt a eosC snbsCantially equivalc��t Yo <br /> the eost Yo Borrower of tha Mortgage Inswance praviously in eFfect, from an alternAte mortgage insurer <br /> solected by f.e��de��, if substantially equivale�it Mortgago]nsiu�ance coverage is not auailable, Botrower shall <br /> e�oazzos <br /> NEBRASKA-SIn91e Famlly-Fannle MaalFreddle Pd ec UNIFORId INSTRUId ENT farin 3020 Uai <br /> VMP OO VMPB(NF.)p 10b) <br /> VJalte,rs Kluw nr Flnannial Snmir.�s Pn9e 8 nf 1'! <br />