<br /> All insurance policias required by Lender nnd renewels of such policies shall be subjecf io Lender's right Co
<br /> disapprove such policies, sh�11 include a sta�idard inort�age clause, and sh�11 name Lender as mortgngee
<br /> and/i�r a� an addiHoiial loss paycc. L��der shall have t1ie right to hold the policies &�id renewal cerCi�fioates�. If
<br /> Lender reqiiires, Bon�ower shall proinphly give So Lender all receipts of paid promiun�a and renewal notices.
<br /> If Borrower obtains any form aP iusurAnce coverage, not otherwise required by Lender, for damage fo, or
<br /> dzstiuction o£, tlie Property, such poliny sha11 include a standard ixiortgage olause and ehall natne Leuder as
<br /> morCgagee and/or as au addiCional loss payco.
<br /> I��Hio cvcnit of]oes, B�rrowcr shall givc prompti notice to tho ineurttncc carYicr and Lcnder, Le�ider may
<br /> malce proof oP losa if not made ptomptly by IIorrower. Unless Lendex and Bon ower oChenaise agree in
<br /> writing, any insurance proceede, whether or not the utidarlying insur�nee wea required by Lender, shall be
<br /> applied to restoration or rcpair of thc Property, if tho resto�•afiott or repair is wonomioally feasiblo and �
<br /> Lendar's security is nol lessened. During such repair and restorntion period, Lender shall h�ve fhe righti t'o
<br /> hold such insm•nnce proceeds until Lender hns had nn opportunity to inspect such Property to ensure the
<br /> work hea been completed to Lander's satisfaction, provided thaf such inspection shall Ue undertaken
<br /> promptly. I,ender may disbw�se proceede for tho rc��aiis and re�Yoration in a single�payniunt or in a eoriati of
<br /> progress paymcnte as the work is con�pleCed. Unless an agreernent is inade iu wxitin�; ar Applicable Law
<br /> rec�uires interest to Ue paid on such insurnnce proceeds, Lender shall not ba required to p2y Borrower any
<br /> interest or earniugs on suoli proceeds. Fees fox public adjuste�-s, or otl�er third pardcs, retained by Borrowe�-
<br /> shal l not ba paid out of the insui ance procceds and�hall be the sole obliga6ion of Boxrower. If the reaCora6ion
<br /> or repair ia not econonaically feasihle or Lender's security would be lessened, the iusurance proceeds shnll be
<br /> applied to the sums seeured by thie Security Inst�•wnent, whether or not then due, wiUi tha excess, if a�iy,
<br /> paid to Borrower. Such iusurauce proceeds shall be applieci in the order provided for in Section 2.
<br /> If Borrower ab�ndons the Property, Lender mfly file, negotiate and settla any available ivsurance olaim and
<br /> related mattei's. If Borrower does not respond within 30 days to a notice frorn 1.endcr that th�insurance
<br /> cariier]�as�offered to settle a claim, tlicn Lcnclor may iiegoCiate anci setCle Ihe elnin�. The 30-day period will
<br /> Uegin when lhe noLioe ie given. In either event, or if Lender ecquires the Property under Section 22 or
<br /> otherwise, Boiaower hareUy assigns to Lender(a)Borrower's rights to any insurance proceeds in an amount
<br /> not to exceed fhe arnounts unpaid undcr tho Notc or this �ecuri�y Insl�lui�ecit, and (h) any otlier of
<br /> Borro�ver's rights (other tlitm tlie right to any refund of unetu�ned premiums paid by Borrower) under all
<br /> ivsm'uice polieies covering�lie Property, insofar as such righ�s are applicable to the coveraga of fhe
<br /> Property. I,endcr inay usc tl�o insuranoe proceeds eihhex to rep�ir or restore the Property or to pey amounte
<br /> unpaid imder Che Note ar tliis Secuxity Instxnment, whether or not then due.
<br /> 6. Occupancy. Borrower ahall occupy, esfablish, and use the Property ns Borrower's principal residance
<br /> within 60 days nfter the execution of'this Security Ivshument and shall continue m occupy the Property as
<br /> Boa�rower's principal reeidenee for mt le2st one year �$cr the�3afe of occupancy, iuilose I,ender okherwise
<br /> agrees in wri6ng which consent shall noC be mire�sonably withheld, or unless extenuating circumstances
<br /> exist which are beyond Borrower's control.
<br /> 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Inspections. Rorrower sl�all noc destroy,
<br /> dTmage or impair tihe Property, a11ow the Property to detcrioratc or commit wastc on thc Property. Wl�othcr
<br /> or not]3orrowe��is residing in thc Pr�pc�rty, ]3orirowor shall maiufain [he Property in order to prevenC lhe
<br /> Property from dekerioraling or decreasing in v�1ne dne to its oondition. Unlese it ie determined purauAnt to
<br /> Section 5 that repair or restoratiou ie noC econouiically f'easible, Borrowar she11 proinptly repair Yl�e Property
<br /> if dunaged to avoid f'urtiier deteriora�tion or dam�tge. If insLu•atice or conde�unation proceed5 az�e paid in
<br /> connection with damage to, or thc takin�; of, tho Prc�per�y, Borrower shall be responsible Por repairing or
<br /> restoring fl�e Property only iP Lender hns relensed proceeds for such purposes. Lender may disburse proceeds
<br /> 24002208
<br /> NG6RASKA-Single Family-Fannie Id aelPredtlle 61 ac 11NIPORM INSTRUAI ENT Porm 3028 1I07
<br /> V M P� VM P6(NB)fi t 051
<br /> Wollera Kluwet Flnxnclnl 3ervloea aepe Y oi 17
<br />