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201208058 <br /> oonHnue to pay to I,ondcr the ninonnt of tlie sepv'ately designated paymenhs flittt wcn c due when tihe <br /> uisuxauoe ooverage ceased Co be in effcct. T.eiider will accept, use and retain these pa3nne�tts as a <br /> non-refimdable lose reserve in lieu oP Mortgage insuraiice. Such loss reserve shall l�e non-refundable, <br /> notwithstanding Yhe faQt that the Loan is nitimaCelq paid in full, and [,e�ider sha11 not ba required to p:�y <br /> Rorrower any intierest ox earnings on such loss xeserve. Leudet can no]onger requn�e loss reserve payments <br /> il'Mortgagc Insuranc¢coverage (in the ainomit And for the pexiod that Lender requiros) pxovided by an <br /> insurer selected by Lendec again becomes availal�le�, is obtainecl,�and Lendar requires aeparately designited <br /> paymants tot�ard Yhe preiniums for Martg�ge Inscu�nnoe. If Lender required Mortgaga InsurFuice ae a. <br /> cond'tfion of malciug the Loan uid Rorrowei was required to make separately desigi�atcd payments toward the <br /> pxemiume �Por Mortgage InFurancc, Borrowe��shall pay flie premiums required to maintain Mortgr�ge <br /> H�surance in effect, or to provide a non-refund�ble loas resexve, until Lender's roquireinent for Mortgage <br /> Insurance ends in accordzuice witl�any writitien agreemanti betwean Bon�ower nnd Lencler�roviding for such <br /> Cermiiiation or timtil tcrmination is reqtured by Applicable Law. Nothing in this Seotion 10 affecte <br /> IIorrower's obligation ko pay inCereaC ati tho ratc provided 'ui the Note. <br /> Martgagc innurancc reimburscs T,ender(or any eirtity that pa�chases the Nota) for certain losses it mn�incnr <br /> if Bortowex doea noC repny Che Loan as lgrecd. Borr�3wor is not a party to tlie MorCgaga Insurance. <br /> Motfgage insucers evalnafe their Cota1 risk on all sucl� iusuranco in force from t�ime to time, and may enter <br /> iirto agreeinents with otker parties thet share or modify their risk, or reduce loeses, 'I'hc�c agreements are on <br /> ferms and conditions that are satisfactory Co the mordgage iilsmer aud tha oYher ptuty(or parties) to Lhese <br /> agxeetnenls. These agreements may req'uire Ihe mortga�c in�urer to mal<e j�ayments usnig cury source of'fitnde <br /> that Yhe inortgage insurer may have available (which mfly inolude fuuds obl�uned from Mortgabe Insurailce <br /> premiums). <br /> As a reault of these agreeinents, Lender, 2ny purchnser of the Nole, anohlie� ins��rer, airy reinsnrer, any ofher <br /> entity, or any af'Piliale of any of tha foregoing, may receive(directly or indireetly) cm�ounks fhaC derive fram <br /> (or mibht bc cUaractmizcci as) a perrtic�n of Bonnwet's p�yinents for Mortgaga Ineurance, in exchenge for <br /> ahpiing ox modifying the mor[gage insurer's risl<, or red'ucing losees. If such agreement}�rovides that a�i <br /> aftiliate of Lender takes a share of tha insurer's risk in exchange for a shere of the premiums paid fo the <br /> insurcr, tl�c e�rrangcme�i{is oftcn termed"captive reinsuranoe." l�urther; <br /> (a) Any snclt agreementA tvill not affecC tlie s�monnts Ch�C Bm•rower has agreed to pxy f'or Mortgage <br /> Iusarance, or any othor torme of tho Loan. Snch agreemente will not'v�crease Che amonnC <br /> Rurruwer will owe fbr Murtgage Insurnncc, and thcy Fvill not cntitle Borrowcr to nn}�refimd. <br /> (b) Any encl�agreemcnts will not affoct tlio rigliYs Borrower hns- if nny-wiCh nespecC Eo the <br /> Mortgxge Insur�nce mider the Humeowuers Protection Act of 1998 or any oYher Inw. These rights <br /> may include the rig]�C Co recaive wrtain disclosares, to reqnest and obtnin canccllatiou oF tho <br /> Mortgage Iusnrance, to have the Mm�tgage Insnrnnce tenuinated aatomafically, �nd/or tu receive <br /> a refimd of nny Mortgage I��sm�nncc premiams thnt wcrc nnenrned at tLe time of sncli <br /> cancollaHmi or terinina�imi. <br /> 71. Assignment of M iscellaneous Proceeds; ForFeiture. All Misccllaneaus Proceeds are hereUy nssigned to <br /> end sh<�11 ba paid to Lender. <br /> If the Property is dain�ged, suoh Miseellaneous Proceeds shall be applied tio rostoration or repair of the <br /> Property, if Hie resYorntion or repair is econoinic�lly feasible end Leude�•'s aecurity is not lessened. lluring <br /> such repair aud restoration period, Lender sha11 have tlie rigl�t to hold such Miscellnneous Proceeds until <br /> Lander has 1�ad an opportu�vty to it�spect sLich Property to ensure tlie wodc l�as Ueen oompleted W Lender'a <br /> 24002208 <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Femlly-Fennle Mae/Fretltlfe Maa UNIFORM INS'fRUMENT Porm 302D t70t <br /> V M P(�7 VW PS(NE)(11051 <br /> W nlinra K luw ar Flnenaial 5arvlaee Paqe 0 0l�7 <br />