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201208058 <br /> required by RE?SPA, and Borrower shnll pay Co Lencier Che amount nceessary to inake up the deficieney in <br /> accordance with RESPA, Uut in no more than 12 inonthly payments. <br /> Upon plyn�ent in fiill of all sums aecured by tl�is Security Ins[rim�enC, Lendcr shall prompfly refund to <br /> Borrower any Punds held by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, ass€ssnzents, chArges, fines, and impositr`ona attriUutablc fo <br /> the Property which can attain prioriCy over this Seourity Instrument, leasehold payinente or ground reuts on <br /> tlie Property, if any, and Community Associa�tioti Dues, I^ees, and Assessments, iP any. To�Uie extent tAat <br /> these items 2re�serow Iteins, Borrower shall prry khem in Lhe mauner provided in Section 3. <br /> Borrowor shall proinptly discharge any lien which has priori�y over th�s Sccurity Jnshument nnless <br /> Borrower: (a) agreas in writing to the payinent of the oUligation secured by the lien iu a manner noceptable <br /> to Lender, but only so long as liorrower is performing sucl� agreemenC; (U) contestis the lien iu good'faith by, <br /> nr dofends against enforcemenC oF the]icn in, legal proceedings whid� in L�snde�'�s opinion operate to preventi <br /> Che enforcemeuC oP lhe lien while fliose�rooeedings�u•e pending, but only until such proceedings arc <br /> ooncluded; or (c} secures from Yhe holder of the lien an agreement satisfnetory to Lender suUordinating Che <br /> lieu to this Security Instranent. I£Lender deternunes Chat vry part of'the Property is suUject to a lien wl�ich <br /> can attain priority ovc�r this Security inshument, 7,cnder may give�Rotrowe�'a notice identifyiug the lien. <br /> Within 10 days of lhe date on whieh ChaC notioe ia given, Borrower shall safisfy 11ie lien or knke one or morc <br /> of the actions set for�ti above in this SecYion 4. <br /> Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time ch�rge for a real estate taY verification and/or reporUng <br /> se�'viee used by Lender in connection with thie T,oan. <br /> 5. Property InsuYanCe. Borrotuer shall keep the impinvements now existing or heienfter erecteci on the <br /> Property insw�ed againyt loss by fire, h�ards Tncladed within thc term "extended coveragq" and any other <br /> l�azards inc1uding, buC iioC limiCed f'o, e��rChqu�lces and£Iooda, for which Lender rcquires insurance. This <br /> insuranca shnll be maintained in the amoutrts (ineluding deducYible levels) and for the periods thnt Lender <br /> requu•es. Wh�t Lender requires pmsuurt to the preceding sentences can change during Cl�e terin oi'the Loan. <br /> The n�snrance can�ier providing thc insuranco shall be cl�osen by Borrowcr suhjcct to Le�dcr's right to <br /> dieapprove Borrower'e choice, which right ah¢ll not be exercised um easonably. Lendex mey require <br /> Rorrower to pay, in connection with this Loan, eitl�er: (a) a one-time charge�for t�7ood zone determination, <br /> certification and lracking services; or (6) a one-time chnrge for flood zone determination and cer[ifioa[ion <br /> seivio€s and subaequent chargea eAch tiine remappings or siinilar cliwges oceur which re��sonTbly might <br /> aEfect such detenninaCion or certification. Borrower shall also be responsible for tlie paymen�of any fees <br /> i�nposed by tlie Federzd Emorgcn�cy Managcmcnt Agcncy in com2ocUon with thc rcvicw of any flood zone <br /> cioUerminalion reeLdLrng frou�ati objeotion by Borrower. <br /> If Borrowcr failt; Co maint�in any oP tl�e ooverages deaaribed above, Lender may obtain insnrance covcragc, <br /> at Lendex's option and Borrower's expense. Lender ie under no obligation to purchase ony particular type or <br /> ztnount of coverage. Therefore, such coverage shall cover l.ender, Uut might or migl�t not protecC Borro���er, <br /> Borrow�r's cquity in the Property, or fhe conCenCs of Lhe Proper[y, against any riek, has2rd or liability and <br /> might provide greatex or lessar covernge thnn wae previously in effect, Borrower aalmowledges that the oosc <br /> oPthe inauranoe coverage so obtained might signlficantly exceed the cost of insuranca fhat Rorrower could <br /> hava obtatined. Any antounts disburscd by Lcndrn`undcr Lhis Seclion 5 shall bccomc additional dcbt of <br /> Borrowcr sccurccl by Chis SecuriLy Instrun2ent. These amounts shall benr intieresC 1C Che Note r1Ce finm lhe <br /> date of disbursement and shall Ue pnynble, with such interest, upon nouce f'rom Lender to Borrower <br /> requesting payinent. <br /> P4902208 <br /> NEBRA6KA-3ingle Fem Ily-Fannle M eelFrodtlla M ea UNI FORM INSTRUM ENT Po�m 3028 1101 <br /> VMPB ' VMPB(NE}(1105) <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial5ervices Page e nf 17 <br />
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