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201208058 <br /> Anq application of pAyments, insurance proceede, ar Miscellnneous Proceeds to,principal due wider the Note <br /> ehall not extcnd or postpone tlie dua data, or changa the unount, of the Periodio Paymenl�. <br /> 3. F'and� f'or�scrow Ite�ns. Bon•ower shall pay to Lender on the dny Periodic PaymenCs are duc w�der the <br /> Notq until the Note is Uaid in fix11, a sum(t1�e "Fmids") to provida ior p�tyment of nmonnfs due for: (a)t�es <br /> and�ssessmenCs and other items which oar�a6tain pric�rity ovcr this Scourity InstrumenC as a lien or <br /> enctunbr�nce on Yhe Property; (b) lenseho(d paymeuls or ground rents on fhe Property, if any; (c) promiuuvs <br /> for any ei�d all insurance required Uy Lander under Section S; and(d)Mortgage Is�surance premiums, iF any, <br /> ox any sums pnyaUle by Boa�ower to Lendcr in licu of tl�c paymcnt of Mortga�e Insurance premiuma in <br /> accordance with the provisions of Section 10, These items nre oalled "Psscrow Itoms." At origination or at <br /> eny time dming tlie tenn of the Loau, Lender may require that Community Assooialion Dnes, Fees, avd <br /> Asseasmenta, if any, be�orowed by Borrowee, and such dues, Poos and Etssossments shall be an Escrow <br /> Item. Borxower shall promptly fuxnieh to Lender a11 noticea of Fui�ounts Co be paid uuda'tliie Sectioii. <br /> Borrower shall pay Lander tha Funds f'or Escrow Items unless Lznder waivea Borrower's obligztion to pay <br /> the Rmids Por any or a11 Escrow lteins. Lender inay waive Borrower's obligation to pay to Lender Funde fox <br /> any or a11 L�scrow Iteme at any time. Airy such waivcr may only Uc in wri{{nb, ln the event of such�+✓aiver, <br /> Borrowex shall pny direotly, when end wliere payable, Lhe amounts clue for any L+.gcrow Itcuts for whicl� <br /> paymevt of Funds has been warved by Lender aaid, if Lender requires, ehall furuiah to Lendex reoeipts <br /> evidencirtg such payment wiN�in sucli tiuie�eriod as Lender�nay requu�e, Borrower's obligation to inake <br /> sueh payinenfs and Co�rovide receipts sha11 for all pm�poses be deemed to bo a covcnant and agreemont <br /> contained in this Sacurity Instrument, as the phrase "covenent nnd �greeu�ent" is used in Section 9. If <br /> Borrower is obligated to pay�scrow Items directly, pursuant to a waivar, and Borrower'fruls to pay the <br /> amount due for an Nscrow]tem, Lender may exercise its xights Llnder Seotion 9 uid pay suoh aanount and <br /> Borrowor sl�all thcn be obligated mider Scc�io��9 to repay to Lender any suoh ar��ount. Le�xier may rovolce <br /> the waiver as to nny or flll Escrow Items at any time by a notice given in aceoxdance wikh Seotion 15 nnd, <br /> upon such revocation, Borrowei shzll pay Yo Lender n11 Funds, �nd in each emounte, Yhet are then required <br /> under fhis Section 3. <br /> Lender may, at any frmc, co7lcct and ho1d t�uuds in an amoUnt(a) sufficient to pemut Lender to apply fhe <br /> Funds nt the time apecified under RESPA, and (b)nof to exceed the maximum tunnunt a lender onn requirc <br /> under RESPA. Lender shall estiinate Yhe a�nount of'Fuuds due on tha bzsie of curreut dn41 and reasonable <br /> estimakea of expendih�res of fiilure Eserow Itema or oCherwiae in aocotdanoe wil'h A�plicable Law. <br /> Tl�o Funds shall be helcl in an insti4ul'ion whose depoaits a�e instv�ed by a federal agcncy, insU wncntality, or <br /> entiLy(including Lendex, if Lendex is an institution whose depoaite ara ao insured) or in nny P edexal IIou�e <br /> Loan Banlc L,ender shall apply the Funds to pay the�scrow Itams no later tl�aai the time specified under <br /> R'ES`PA, Lender shall not cliarge Bon'ower for holding�nd applying tl�e�uuds, �nnnally analyzing the <br /> esorow nocoLmt, or verifying Che L+ecrow Items, unless Lender p�ys Borrower iulerest on khe Buncla and <br /> Applieable�Lnw permits Lende��Yo malce auclx a chw•ge. Unlass an ugreament is made in wrikng or <br /> Applieable Law reqnires uiEeres't to Ue paid on fl�e Funds, l.ender sU�l] not Ue required to�ay Borrower any <br /> intorest or e2.rniugs on the Fluids. Borrawer and Lencier can ag�ee in vn�iLing, howcvcr, that intcrcct ehall be <br /> paid on the Pnncls. Lender ahall give to Borrowec, without charge, an annual AQcouuting of the Punds as <br /> requrreci by It�SPA. <br /> If there ia a sw•plus of Fwids held in escrow, ag definad wider Tt�SPA, I,ender s1u�11 account to Borrower for <br /> the excess funds in accordance with RFSPA. If there is a el�ortabe of[�uuds held in escrow, as de'hued undar <br /> ttNSVA, Lc��dor el�all notify Borrower a�required by 12LSPA, nnd Borrowcr sl�all pay to Lender the amomtt <br /> nece.ssary to malfe uy Lhe sharta�;e in aecardance with RESPA, buC in no more than 12 monChly paymenCa. IP <br /> there is a deficiency of'Funds held 'ui escrow, as deiined wider RESPA, Lender s1��11 notify Borrower ns <br /> zaooszeo <br /> NEBFASKA-Single femlly-Fennle MeafFreddla P.4 ec UNIFORh7 INSTRUM EN'f Porm 3028 1la1 <br /> Vh7P� VM11P6(NE)(1105) <br /> Nlolters Klmver Financial9ervices Page G of 17 <br />