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201208058 <br /> RORROWER COVENANTS thAt Borrower is lawfully seieed of tho cstate hereUy convayed and has the rig$t to <br /> grant and convey the Proparty aud that Yhe Property ia unencumbered, except For oncL�mUrances of�record. <br /> Borrower warrants and�vill dcfe�id geuerally the title to ilia Property egninst all olaime and demands, sub,j^t to <br /> any eucumbrances of record. <br /> TITIS SECURITY INSTRUML+N'1' combii�es w�iforni covenants for nattonal usa eud non-uniform oovenants with <br /> litnited variations by jnriedicGon fo oonsti6uCe 1 imiforiii scourity insfrmnent covering real property. <br /> Uniform Covenants. Borrower �uid Lender covc.K�ant and agrev as follows: <br /> 1. Payment oP Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borrower <br /> sh�Il pay when due the princip�l of, aud intcrest on, thc dcbt evidenoed by the Note aud eny prepayment <br /> charges and late charges due under the Note. Borrower shall also ppy fimds for�soiow Itcros p�u'sL�ant to <br /> Sectiion 3. Paymcnts iiuo un$er the Note and Uiiy Security Insh'mnent shall ba mnde in U.S. currency. <br /> SIowever, if nny check or olher instruuienf rcceivcd Uy Lc;ndcr as payment Luider tihe Note or thie Security <br /> InsYrwnent is rehu•ned to Leuder unp�id, Lender may require thaC any or all �uUscc�ucnt payments due under <br /> the Note and this Security H�st�wneirt be inade in one or inore af the followin�fonna, as s�lecCed by Lcnder: <br /> (a) cash; (b) moiioy order; (c) ccrtified checl<, Ue�nlc checic, h'easm�er's check or cashier's cheok, providecl any <br /> such check is drawn upon an institution whose deposits are ineured by tt fcderal agency, instxumentalidy, or <br /> entity; or(d)ElecYsonio Funds Transfar. <br /> Payments are deemed received by Lender when receivecl ae the loeation designatecl in thc Noto or at sach <br /> other locafion as may Ue designated by Lender in accordance witli the uotice provisions ui SecCion 15. <br /> Lender•m�.y retur�n any payment or paz�tial paymant ii'Uie pay�menE or parEial paymente az�e insuffioient to <br /> brir�g Lhe Loan oiu�rent. Lendor may acccpt any payme�lt or parHal�aymenY insufricient to bring Yhe Lonn <br /> current, without waiver of nny rights heteuneier oc prejudiae Co its rigl�Ls Co rcCusc such payment or parCipl <br /> payinenCs in the future, btiit Lender is not obligeked to apply euch paymenta nt the fime auoh payments are <br /> accoptcd if cacli Voriodic.Payment is app1ied as of it�s scheduled due dake, then Lender need uot pay interest <br /> on unapplied funde. Lender may liold auch nnupplied funds until Borrowcr mal<es payments to bring Uie <br /> Loan current. If Rorrower cloas not do so within A reAsonable period oP lime, Lender shall eithc,K apply such <br /> fw�ds or return t11e�n to T�orrower. If noY applied eTrlier, such funds will be appliod to the outstanding <br /> principal bala��ce under tlie Nntc innncdiatcly prior to forcclosure. No offset or claim which Borrower might <br /> have now or in the f'utura agaii�st Lender shall relieve Borrower Crom m�king payu�ents due under the Nofe <br /> u�d thie Security Inshutnent or performing tke covenants uid agceaments seom�ed by this Security <br /> Ins[rument, <br /> 2. Applieation of Payments or Proeeeds. I;xcepY as othe�wise descriUerl in Uiis SecEion 2, a11 paymeirts <br /> aecepYed and applied by Lender shnll be applied in the Pollowing orcier�f priority; (a)intcrest dua under thc <br /> Note; (b)principal dne under tha NoCe; (c}vnounts dua under Section 3. Such payuzents shall be applied to <br /> each Periodic Payn�cnC in$ie ordcr in which it became due. Any remaining amounts shall be applied first to <br /> late cherges, second to nny other amouuta due under this Seourity InalriunenC, and then to rcducc tlie <br /> principRl balance of the Note. <br /> If Lander receives a payment fi•om Borrower for a delinquent Periodio Payment whioh includeF a snfficicnC <br /> ainount to pay any late charge dLie, the payment may Ue applled to the delinquent payment and the 11te <br /> chargc. If inoro than onc Poriodic Payiiwn�t is outstanding, 1,onder may apply airy payment reeeived From <br /> Borrowet to tlie repaymenC of LhePexiodic PaymenCc if, anci Lo the extei�C tli�t, cacl� pay�ne��t can be pa�id in <br /> full. To tha extent that aaiy excess exists �fter the payment ia npplied to the fiilI paymenC of one or morc <br /> Periodic I�ayments, sLtch excess may Ue applied Co aiiy late chu�ges due. Voluutary prepeymenCa shn116e <br /> npplied firs[In nng prepa�ienC eharges and Cl�on as deseribed in N�c Note. <br /> 240022�36 <br /> NEBRA51<A-Single family-f-ennir,M17ae(Freddie Mao 11NIFORM INSTRUM[NT Form 3026 1/01 <br /> VM P p VM PB(NEJ(11061 <br /> Wolters Kluwer Rnenclel Se^vlces Papa4 nf 1Y <br />