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<br /> 'a�r�.�.-�-.r lf the amouata beld by Lender for Esemw Icems wccad tho amounta permittal to be hold by RESPA, Leader
<br /> ° � ahall Account to Borrower for the exce�s funds as required by RESPA. I!the u�wunta of funda tteld by Lender at any _
<br /> ce.s
<br /> • timo are not auf8cient to pay the Bscrow Items when due,I.ender may aotiPy the Borrower And requiro Bomower to
<br /> . . make up the shortage as permtttod by RESPA.
<br /> The Bscrow Funds are pledgal as addltiousl securtty for all sums saured by this Sxudry Iastn�ent. If
<br /> Borrow�r tenders to L,ender the full payment of all such sums,Borrower's account ehall be credited with the b�lence
<br /> .'`'" nmdiaing for all installmeat items(a).(b).and(c)and any rnortgage insurance pnmium iastallmeat t6at Lender hae
<br />-� _ �. :,�:�� ' not become obligated to pay to the Secntary. and Lender ahaU promptly �efund any excess funds to Borrower.
<br />- `� ""� Immediately pdor to a forxlosure sale of We Property or ita acquisidon by T.ender,Borrower'a aaount abtll bo
<br /> �,���,�:;,�.,; . credital with swy�ilance remaining far a13 iastall�r.ass for items(a),(b).ansi(c).
<br />;c;.:,.'., .`y:i 3.ApplicAtion ot Paymeats.All payments under paragraphs 1 aad 2 shAll be app8ed by I.euder as foUows:
<br /> • '�i ,to the mortgage insurance premiun►to be paid by Leader to the Sxretuy or to tLe�►ontbly chuge by the
<br /> �ry'� Sametary instead of the monthly mortgage iasiu�u►oe premium;
<br />��';��..-,;, �p�, to a�ey taxes,special assessments.leasehold paymenis ct grauad renta� and fite�fiood and other hazaM
<br />�" '�-i• InsurAncapremiva�s.as re4uind;
<br /> �--..;.
<br />:,';;�:�',:���r,r 591�
<br />__��;s.„:..,,; ,to inten.it due undcr the Nou:
<br /> :. ,�%;,,1`t, fE�.S11th, to�mortizadott of e�E prjncipal of tbe Note;und
<br /> ~I��l��Jt'���l'
<br />:`:�rA�p� �,to late charga+dws undet the Note.
<br /> -�:��f•!�' 4.Flre.I�lood und Other BAteM lasurnnce.Borrower ahall iasure all impmvements oa the P[operty.whether
<br />_-. v�r
<br /> :��;?�'11;5, now iu existenwe ox subsequendy encted,a8alnst any 6a�ards.ca�uatties�and coatingencies,includia8 fire.for whicb
<br /> '"-'�, ;.�t«z: :�u:s.;� uso�sr.sss�. Thi� :usnrsat! � !Y �+?�!�,,°,�ed in the amounts nnd for the pedoda thu Lodder
<br /> =��,w.j� :u
<br />__,...,,,�. .
<br /> -__!.:��� requie+es. EIOlfOWE!6$8�I aI60 �IISIII�C�II IIIIj1IOVCIDCAt4 Q7d 43TE PfOFGlty, whether now in axisuux or subseq�antly
<br /> rc_h: etected.�gainst loss by floods to the oxtent roqutt+ed by t6e SecntuY•Ai1 iasnrance s6i11 be caR►a1 w1th wmPanies
<br /> `_i.��.
<br /> `-�-:-� �PProved by L.endar.'Phe Inaur�nc:e policies and Any c+enawals sh�11 be held by Leader�nd shall include loss ptyable
<br /> clauses in favor of.and in a form acaptable to.Lender.
<br /> -__--- In the eveat of loss.Borrower ah�ll glve Leader immediate notIce by msil.Lenckr may make proof ot bss if not
<br /> ._- made pmmpdy by Bornower.F.�eb insuranoe oompiny conxcned is henby wthodaed md dinected to maYe prymeat
<br /> -- for auch loas diratiy to L�ender. instad of to Bomower�nd to L,eader jointly. AU or�my put of tbe inwrmoe
<br /> ----� proceeds may be appliod by L,eader.u its optIon.eitber(a)to the reductjon of the indebtedness ua�der tbe Note aad
<br /> "'�"— thy Sec�uity, Inuiumeat.firac to�ay deliaquent�mounu�ppliod in the order In p�ragnpb 3.aad tben ro pcep�ymmt
<br /> ~ of princtpil. or(b) to the nstoration or reqir of the dama�od Propaty. My�pplicasion of tbe prooeeds to tha
<br /> _ principal ahaU not oxces►d or postpone the due due of the moothly p�ymeats ahic�are referred a ia p�raRaph 2.a
<br /> c�oae the amount of such p�ymeats.Aay exass insuranoe pnoaeds orer an�a�ount tequired to p�r dl autspndios
<br /> indebcedness under We Nae�nd�is Sautiry Tnscn�ment sb�ll be paW co�e eanty k�lly eaidad�haao.
<br /> _._— In the cvent of forxlosure of this Savrity instniment or other tnatfet of titk to the Pm�ty dut e�n�isbes
<br /> the indebtedaps, dl dght, dde and interest of Bormwer iu md to iawrmoe policka In farx sh�U p�ss ro tLe
<br /> Put'r�er•
<br /> ---= 5.Oonrp�sey Prnerr�tioe.Maintewrce asd Pe+ntediou ot tre Ptopeiq; �ore+ower'�I.or A�pHatior,
<br /> I,e�hoids. Borro�ver ehall oavpy.establish.md nse the PmQaty as Bam�+er'a pdaciptl nside�oe within sixty
<br /> days after the exautton of this Sewrity faanimwt(or witWn svay drys of a Lter s�k a tramfer of tbe Prope:ty)
<br /> sad sball oontlm�e to oo�py the Property at Boirower's pri�ip�l raideaoe for�t kast one yar afler the d�te of
<br /> -------- — oocopanc,y� unlesa Leader determi�s that roquitement will cause�ndne h�rdship far Boct+oMer.ar unlas exteauttit�
<br /> — cira�tmoes e�dst which ue beyood Bomower's oontrol. Bocmrrer s�U notify I�ader o� �ny exteauitinE
<br /> _.,.~.��, c;n�stmoes.Bormwer sbail noc wmanit waue or descroy.dam��e or sub�iallY�E���Y a albw te�e
<br /> -_-- Pmperty to deteriorace,nasonable war and teu exceptod.I.rackr m�y i�atpax tho Property if t�e Prape=ty is v�ant
<br /> .-_`��`,~�°'��i or aDandoned or the lom is in def�u?t. Leader may t�ke re�omble oetiofl to protaa aod presern au�vacmt a
<br /> ;=r..�.
<br /> =�..-u_x}'�.
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