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<br /> -� abu�doned Property. Borrower a1�11 �Iw be ta def�ult If Borrower, during [he loaa appQcadoa process, gave
<br /> aaterl�lly f�lae or in�a.vnue iaforuu�tloa or autemeats to L.ender (or fiiled to provide L�eader with aay msterlal
<br /> �" tafonaulon) in connection with the Iwn evldeaced by the Note� iacluding, but not limtted to� represent�tioas
<br />' "`• concemiag Borrower'a occupaacy of the Property �s a p�incipal residence. If thia Sxuriry It�suumcnt is on a
<br /> leaaehold.Bonow�r ahall oomply witA the provlaiony of the leue. It Borrower�cquins tx tide to the Property,the
<br /> " leasehold and fea ticle ehall aot be merged uciless Lender agcxs to tha merger in writIng.
<br />-r�;;;� 6.Condemnatton.The pmceeda of any award ot claim for dam�ges,dIrect or annsequendd,in connectioa with
<br />�f�: ' Any coademuatIon or othor taldng of any part of the Property. or for ooaveyance in place of coademnadon, az�e
<br /> �"�� hcreby assigned�nd ehdl be paid to Lender to the e�neat of tbc fi�U�muunt of the indebtalaas thu nmains unpaid
<br /> Y-=_� ander the NMe�nd thia Secudty Insuumeat. l,ender shall�pply aoch proceals to tbe t+cGuction of the indebtedness
<br />.:.�=a;�. uader the Nou aad [his Securiry Insnumtnt, firs: « any dsli�equeat amonnu appl�ed in tha order prnvIdod ia
<br />:"='-�;.:'� � Puregr�ph 3.and then to PnWY�t of principal.AnY�PPlication of the proceafs to the Qrincipal shall not extend or
<br /> _= postpone the due date of tLe monthly payments.which u+e referred w In paragragh 2, or ohange the amoant of auch
<br />:Ti:r�-
<br /> M:9'•;,� . payaxnta. Any excess prooeeds over an amount roquind to pay all outstanding i�:�ebtedness under the Note:ra�this
<br />=_-`-= . Sxur[ty Inuiumrnt s1aU be paid to the eadty legiUy eatitled thereto.
<br />:;_t�;.,�,,,�:, 7. Ch�a to Borruwer �nd Protecdon ot I.�.nder's R���lrts in tl�e IPr�opaty. Barnower a6aU pay all
<br /> .M,:�;;,`, goveniment�cir municipal cbuges.fines und imposidons that ue�+i inaluded im p�ra�gr�pb 2. 3Borrrnver ah�ll PaY
<br />-- —��,, thes�:oWia��,as oa Hme dircctly to the entity which is owed the p��ment. ff failwe to pay w�:nld adveiaely affect
<br /> '�"�`,;•• I.erider's irnenst ia the Property. upon Lender's cequat Bomower ah�U pr�uy furniah to I.eader soceipts
<br />':;�i� � cvideacing these paymeata.
<br /> �":°�.,; if Bc�xrav��er faila to m�ke these ta or the ts 2, or fails to rfbrm ottkr
<br />...��.;R,r�,. WY�n WY� ��bY P� P� �Y
<br /> =`:`�.: :` onven�n���r�:�,oroemmta mntained in thi�Secair�ty Tnetrument;n�q�ene i��legal�mceedino�t muy�i�ificantly
<br /> _ . ' affecc LeridY�r"s rlghts in the Property Es��3s a�s proceeding in baalauptcy. for ovndanauioa or to enUoroe lawa or
<br /> • �ior►t�},��ea Leader mry do and pry whxtever is neassxry to pmtect the value of the Propecty�nd Laxler's
<br /> — righta ia tbe�'ropertY.�m8 PaYmeat of taxes.hsLrd �nsoraua and other itema mentionod ln pusgryih 2.
<br /> Any auo�wta dIsMtreed by Lender uader this puagr+ph sh�ll ba:ome m additiowl debt of Bomower�nd b�
<br /> ' aocuced by thia Sxuriry Inauumeat.These�mounts ahaU 6ear inunst irom the due ot diahursement. u tbe Note
<br /> ; rate.iod at the option of I,eader.att�ll be immedi�tely due�od payable.
<br /> - Borrorrer ahW Pt'omptlY diachuBe my lka which h�s prloitty over this SecurIry Imt�ummt udaa Bon�oMer:
<br /> � (a) ajroes in wridio�to the paymeat of the obliaatfion sec�red by tbe lka ia a m�ona�ooeptaWe to I�eader; (b?
<br /> ; oontau ia�aod fiith tbe liea by. or defeads qaiast eato�cement ot tLa lka in.le�l praoeedin�s which in the
<br /> i LROder's apinioa opaate to proveat tDe eaforoemeat of the Ilea; or (c) �ea�r�a fr�the holdes of t6e Itea m
<br /> — �reemeat s�tisf�ctary W Lender aubocdin�tIna tt�e lka to tEts Securiry Imtcumeat. U I.eader dekrm(nn tLat�!Y P�
<br /> � of tbe ProQeity is aubject w a lka whic� may att�ia prbriry ova thia SaurIry Imnunomt. L�ader mi1Y atve
<br /> Bor�ow�er a naia ideaauyin�tbe Um. Bormwer sh�ll aadefy the Ika or take ooe or mo�e of tbe actlom eet fatb
<br /> above witbin 10 drys of�he giv[oa of notke.
<br /> S.Fas.L�eoder mry oollac�t fee��od chu�es wthorized by the Secraay.
<br /> !.G�+ari for Aaoderatio�ot DeLt.
<br /> , . (�Defirt.Leoder msy.except as limited EY ngutations iw�ed bY th� Se�tuy►. in tbe c�ae of ptytaeat
<br /> def�lts.require Immediue paymeat in full of aU au�as eoc�u�ed 6y tbLi Securiry Imtrumeat if:
<br /> . (i)Baraxa def�la by fiilina to W!'��nY ��Y P���bY tLis SauritY Imuu�ment
<br /> prior w a on tha dua date of tbe aeu moothly ptymeat,or
<br /> (ii)Borc�o�vrr defiWts bryr fWin6.fa a period ot tbicty days.to paform�ny ot�obti�oas 000tained
<br /> ia Wis Setaurity Iasttumeat.
<br /> (b)Sde Witrort Cnedit App+o�a1.I.ender shall�if permittod bY�PP��k la�'(incltrdio6 Sectian 3�1(d)
<br /> of the G�ra-5t. Germain Depository iastitotioos Act of 1982. 12 U.S.C. 1701j-3(d)) �od wlth Ihe pcior
<br /> appmv�l of the Sec�tary.ra�airo immedi�te paymtat in fiill of all sums sctis�mdb�r t�[s Socudry Iasuummt
<br /> - it
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