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<br /> ��'�� of Borrower'a coveuuns aud agrxmeata under thia Security Inatniment u�d the Notc. For this puc�wse. Borrower
<br /> irrevocably granu rad conveys ro the Trustee,ia ttust.with power oY a�le. the followGtg descritxd pmperty Ixated
<br />-.�.:..��'� ad
<br /> �n Hall County. Nebraska:
<br /> ��`���� Lot One (1), Jessica Subdivis9on, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> ...�..,....
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<br /> _ - which haa the adanss of 2173 N. St.Paul Road,Grand Tsl and �����'��
<br /> ��v��� Nebraslca 68801 [zt�coae] ("ProP�nY Ad�ss"):
<br /> �. TOCiBTHER WITH All the impmvemeata now or hereaftcr erected on the pmpeMy, �od t11 e�aemente.
<br /> d�.�
<br />- _ _ appuctenancxs and fucturos now or he.reafter t put of the pmperty. All nplacementa and addidons shaU tlao
<br /> _ = wvered by this Securlty lavtn�ment.Ai7 of the fongoing ia refernd to in thia SecurIty Insuument u tbe"Propaty.•
<br />�';°�.—�—��--� BORROWER COVBNANTS thet Borrower is lawfully selzed of the estate bareby convryed�1 Laa the d8ht to
<br /> ----= grant and oonve}+the Property and that the Property is uneACUmbend.eacept far encnmbr�uooes of t+a�oM.Bomower
<br /> warr�au and will defend generaily the title to the Property againat all claims aad demnnds� eubjact to at►y
<br /> ' encumbra�aoes of record.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines unifornn coveu�nts for nuional use oad rwa-uniform oove�ats
<br /> wlth limiud var3adons by juriadiction to conadtuu a w�iform sxuriry inatiumart coverin8�P�riY•
<br /> Bornnwer aad Leader covenaat Aud aRree�s followa:
<br /> i. P�ymeat ot Prfndpal. I�areet and Lte C6te�e. Botrower e�Wl pry whea due the prixipd of. �ad
<br /> lntetest on.the debt evIdenoed by the Note aad late chuga due uader the Note.
<br /> 2. Mat� Y�ymeat ot T�es, Iasurma �nd OtLer C6ar�e�. Borrower shrll include in aaf mo�thly
<br /> MY�t.tagether with tUe princip�l ind lnterat�set forth ta the Note md my late chuga;�sum for(a)tuea md
<br /> apecial asxe,tpxats levlod or to be leviod �aiast the Property, (b) lea�old payments or gco�nd reats va tLe
<br /> property, aod(c)prcmiums for iasutaaoe requtred under paragraph 4. Ia�ny yeu in ahict►th�I.euder maut pay a
<br /> mongage inaur�nc+e premiwn to the Socntuy of Housing and Urbm Devdopmeat('Secrttacy"),or in any yeu ia
<br /> which au�piemium would h�vc boea requind if I.eadec atill held the Securlty Tn�rumeat.e�cb.montblY WY�
<br /> ahaU aiso include either. (i)a aum far ttrc annual mortgage inauranoe prainium to b�paid by IRada to the Sax+�tny.
<br /> � or(ii)s monthYy charge instead of a mortgage inauiaaoe pnmium�f this Securlty�srument�a held by the Sa�tuy.
<br /> � ia a re�son�ble amouat to be determined by the Soa+etary. Huoept for the momLly rharEe by the Sa�etary. thae
<br /> item�are c�lled"Esemw Items'and the su�paid to I.ender are callod'Esemw Fmids.' -
<br /> _ I�eackr msy,u aaY tfine.collect and hold amounts for F�croa Itwu In a�n�ggreg�ote ambunt not to a�oeed the
<br /> _.� max�noum�u�oaat that mry be requirc�d for Borrowa's escrow a000uat uader tLe Re�l Fsat�a Sealemeat Pr000duns
<br /> Aa of 1974. 12 IJ.S.C. Secdon 2601 a scq. and implemeating reguluioas. ?A CFR Part 3500. �s they mry be
<br /> -- — �meaded from tlme to time ('RESPA").exapt that the cushion or nserve parmitted by RESPA for umotkipued
<br />- -- diabuiaemmts or disbursements bcfos+e tho BorrowePa pxymeau u+e available in the aooamt mry not be bised on
<br /> ---- amauits due for tDe mortgage insur�a�oe premium.
<br /> - --- -�,�.
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