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<br /> paymcnts may no longcr be requircd,at�hc opdon oi l.cnd�r,if mortgagc insurancc covcragc rn iha ount and for thc period
<br /> that Lendcr roquires)pmvided by an insurer approved by Lcnder again bccomcs available and is obtaincd.Harrowcr shall pay thc
<br /> premiums required t6 maintain mongagc insurancc in effecG or to providc a loss n:scrvc, unW Ihc cequirement for mortgage
<br /> insnrar►ce ends in ecec�rdaz�ce with any wrluen egreement between Borrower and Lendu ur applicabla law. �n� shall give
<br /> � 9.Inspection. Lendcr or its agent may makc reasonable entetcs upon and inspectkns of thc Property.
<br /> N+""� Borrowu c�odce at the time of or pria t,o an inspecdon spacifying reasonabla cause far the inspoclion.
<br /> ti""°"�`'� 10.Condemnatbn. 'Ihe procoeds of any award or claim for damages.dirert or consequential,in connecdon with any
<br /> condemnaqon or other taking of any part of the Pcoperty, or for conveyence tn l�eu of condemnadon,are hereby assigned and
<br /> � shaA be paid to L.ender.
<br /> In the cvent of a total taking of�►e Property.tho proceeds shaU be applkd w the sums sccurcd by ihis Securiry Instrument,
<br /> wt�ether or not then due,with any eacxss paid to Borrowu. In the event of a partial tnldr�B of the Property in which tha fair market
<br /> • value of the Proputy immediately before the talcing is cqual w or greater than ihe amount of thc sums secured by this Socurity
<br /> Instrument immediately before the teking unless Borrowu and I.endu otherwise agra in writing. ihe sums secured by this �:
<br /> ` Securicy Instru.ment shall 6e reduced by the amount of the proceeds multiplkd by the following fraction: (a)the totel amount of i'
<br /> the sums sec�red immcdiately befam tha taking.divided by (b)the fair mazket value of the Propercy Immediately bafo[e the _
<br /> �• tai�ing,Any balancc shall bc ga'sd w Borrower.In the event of a paNal taking of!he Property in which the fair markct valuo of the �
<br /> ,��, 5�`,':�� pcoperty Immedlatety beforo the ta�ing is less than the amount of the sums secured immediately before the taking, unless _
<br /> .,,..«.:��•.:,;�, .
<br /> ':,,°,�'.,:`, . Bornower and Lender othecwise s�oe in wridng or unless applicable law otherwise provides,the proceeds shaU be ePplkd to
<br /> -�..,.c,:•�.;..;, . .
<br /> ,.,:,c;;:
<br /> sums secured by this Securiry Insavment whether or not the sums azts then due. �
<br /> � If the Proputy is abandoned by Bomnwc�,or if,afler nodce by I,ender to Borrower ttiat the condemna offus to make an !�'
<br /> award or seWe a c1aIm for damag�s,Sorrower fails to nspond to Lende�witlnin 30 days efter the date the nodce is given,Lender k_,
<br /> is auttwrized to collect and apply th�procctds,at its opdon,either to reswradon or repair of the Propect5►or to the sums se�urod _
<br /> ' by this Security Instrument,whether ur not then due. �
<br /> Unless I�ender and Bomower othcrwise agroe in wrirn8,ac►Y aPPlication of proceeds w principal shaU not eatend or poscpone =
<br /> � � . the due dato of the monihly payments t+efured to in paragraphs 1 end 2 or change ihe amount of such papnents.
<br /> , � 11.Borrower Not Rekxsed; Forbe�rana By Lender Not a Wplver. Bxunsion of the time for payment a modif'u�don
<br /> --._,,_ � d'arr.�ti�a uf!he asms�.Mur�!hy!hL S!+!'�sjty Tnctn3mP.t►t grarttey;by L.endet W anY successo[it�irttetest Of Bo�ower shell
<br />:;ti, : . � not operate w release the 1�abiUty ot the odginal IIorrowr,r or Borrower's succtssors in intexes�Lendu shaU not be i+oguired to
<br />'m'''�':.�,"• � commence p�ocoedinga against any succ�ssor in interest or nfuse tp extend dme for payment a othawise modif'Y amordzadon of
<br /> :�';��,:;,;, thc sums securod by this Security Instniment by reason of any demand mada 6y the origlnal Borrowu or Barowa's sucassors
<br /> - �'?+ki�" ' in interest Any forbearence by I.erder in esercising any right or remedy shall not bo a walvu of or preclude the exerc:ise of any
<br /> :_c�°i'``:-�`:'': right or rcmody.
<br />�_s���'" 1Z.Successoira and Assig�s Bo�ndi Joint and 3everal Liability;Castgaere. T1�e ooveaants and agroanaUs of this -
<br /> --�--����`�� ` Sociuity Instrument stwll bind and l�ene�t the successors and essigns of L.ender and Bo�rowu, subjact w tha provisions of _
<br />-=;�����'�'� 'j p�ag�aph 17. Bomower's cove�nants and agroements shall be joint and severel. My Bortowa who co-slgru this Socurity
<br /> ==-,�`_',"�,�A Inspument but doea not execut�e ttie Note: (a) is co-slgning this Securlty Instrument only w matgage. 8ranc snd convey that
<br />_-`'�`�� � Bormwes's int�aest in th�Pt�nputy und�x the tem�s of thia Sxurity Instrumen�(b)is not Pet��Y�uB��PaY tha sums
<br /> -_--= sxuced by this Sxuriry Instnunetik and(e)egi+oes that I�endar end any other Bot[ower may agnoe to�t�cwid,modify.fabear or
<br /> ------ � m�ice aay eccommoclatbns with�negrd w ttie terms of this Securiry Instcume�nt a the Note without that Bormwer's conson�
<br /> —_- � 13.I.an C6wr�ee. If tha loa�►socured by this Sxurity Instrumem is subjoct to a law which sets muimum b�an cherges.
<br /> ____--- and tMt law i�finally interp�netal so ttut the intsrest or othar loan charges oolkcted or W be colketed in connoction with the lo�n
<br /> exceed t!u permiued Wnits.d+en: (i)any such loan charga ahall be reduced by the emount noces.sazY to reduce the charge to the
<br /> - -= ' pccmiued timi�and(b)any sums already collected trom Borrowa which eucooded pa�miaed Umia wW be nfunded to Barowa.
<br /> --= — La�ler may choose to malce this refund by roducing the principal owcd under the Note a by making a direct payma�t to
<br />-
<br />