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<br /> t S.HAnrd or Prope�ty lnsur�nce. Burrowcr�haU kccp tho improvemcnis aow cxisdng on c�rcaflcr crcctcd on thc�roporty
<br /> instlrod �ga�nst bs.�by firo, It�.ards included within tho tcmi "oxtcndcd covcregc" and any othcr haz�rds, including tloods or
<br /> , ���. Qouding,for which l.cndcr rcquin.9 insurancc.This insunNCC shall bo maintaincd in tho amaunts and far thc pcdods that Lcndcr
<br /> royuires.'i'he inaurenca cArricr pr�nviding�o insuranc�shttlll 6o clioscn by IIorrowcr subjcct W L.cndcr's:�pptoval which stu�ill not �
<br /> � ''�'� bo unrcatanably wiU�hcld. It Bortowu fails w mafntaln coveragc dcscdbod abovc, I.cndcr may. at Lendcr's option, obtain
<br /> , covcragc►o protoct Lcndcr's dghts in tho Property in accordancc wIth paragraph 7.
<br /> ,.,�,°�,� ` All insurar►cc policies and tcncwals shAll bc acceptabk w Lcnda and shall includc a standard mort�agc cleusc.L�ender shail
<br /> �:• have tho right to hold the poUcies and rencwals.If Lendcr n�uires,Borrowu shuU prompdy give w Lcndcr all roceipts of paid
<br /> ';: � premlums and renewal nodce.v.In tho event of loss,Horrower shall give prompt notke ta the insurance carrier 3nd I.ender.L�onde�
<br /> ; ; may mako proof of loss if not mada pronipQy by Borrower.
<br /> �' Unkss L.ender end Bomower otherwlsa agrco in wridng, insurance pcacoeds shall be appUcd to reswraHor►or repair of the
<br /> pro�xity d�magod.if►hc restoratton or repair is economicaUy feasible and I.cndu's socurity is not lessened.U the restoradon or
<br /> '. repair is not oconomkatly fea4lbk or Lenda's securiry would bc lessened,thc insurance proceeds shaU be appliad tn the sums
<br /> , securod by thL9 SecurIty Instiument, whethcr or not then due, with any excess pa�d w Borrowcr. If Borrower abandons the
<br /> " ' Propaty.a docs not answer within 30 days a notica from Lendu that the insurancc carricr ha9 offercd to seale a claim,then
<br /> . I„ender may collect the insur9nce procoods.Lender may usa Ibc procecds to repuir or restore Ihe Pcoperty or to pay sums socurod
<br /> . by thfs Socurity Instcument,whethu or not then duc.'Ihe 30-day pulod wUl bcgin whco Ihe nodce Ls given. .
<br /> Unless Lender aad Borrowu dhuwise agree In writin6,anY a�pik�tlan of prooccds ta principa]shall not cactcnd or postpone
<br /> the due date of the monthly paymeats refeired to in paregraphs 1 and 2 or change the amonnt of the payments.If under parag�pti
<br />_•., � 21 the Pmpecty is erquired by Leader.Borrowu's dght to any insurance poticics and procoeds resulting fmm damagc to the
<br /> 'r Propeity prlor to the acquisition shall pa4s co Lcnder to Ihe extent of. the sums socured by thls Security Instrument immediauly
<br />� priar to tho acquLsition.
<br />;,,_ ,- I �,pccupancy�Preservatbn,Maintenana and Protection of t6e Prope�rty; Borrower's Loan Applkatbn;Leaseholds.
<br /> Borrower shall occnpy.establIsh.and use the Propeny a4 Borrowu's princlpnl residence within slxty days aft�x►he eaxution of
<br />��;,�: � tt�iis Socurlty Ins�unent and sbali cantinue w oocupy the Pcopaty as Borrowu's principal residence for at leatt oua year afta the
<br />���.�:r..• °. r date of occup�xy. unless Lenda otherwix agrees tu writing, which consu►t shall not be unrcasonably withhekl,or unless
<br /> n�,:`.?�r'=!'�A ext�nuating circumstances exLct which are beyond Barower's control.Borrowu shall not destroy.damage a impair the Proputy,
<br />= ��,�^�!�, albw tt�e Prope�ty w de�eriora�e�or commit wa4te on u�e Propeity. Borrnwer snau ee m deieuit u any iorieiaue xcian or
<br /> --�3,r�r,- �. .
<br /> ,,�„t��tv�r,' P�B,whetha civil or crtminal,is begun that in L,endei s good faith judgmcnt could malt in forfetaue of the Property or
<br /> •;,: ,� :
<br />--�.�tis.;„�•:>��..y othawise mataisUy Lnpair the lien created by thLs Security Ins�ument or Lender's socurity int�aest.Barowu may cur�e such a
<br /> 1'`-�"'���`-�- default and reinstate.ac provlded in patagreph 18.by causing the action or pcocading to be dLsmissod wiW a nding that, in
<br /> ��'"'�"�'�� I.ender's good fnilh determiaadon,Precludes forfeiwce of the Bomnwec's interest in the Propaty a other muerial imp�im�ent of
<br /> __� the lia�creatod by this�ecurIry Instrument or LatdePs sectuity intenst Barowa shall also be in default if Bomowa.dnring tbe
<br />- =--`�'"= ban�pplic�Bon pc�ncess,gpve matajally f�lse a inaaurate jnfossnation a stawnents co I,ende,�(or failed w pcovide L�endet with
<br /> �`�� any mataiat infomu�tion) in coanectrion a�th �he loon evldenood by tho Nou. including,but not llmiud to.nQracduatlons
<br />�.�.,._,';� concrming Samwa's occupancy of the Propaty as a prlacipAl resldence.If this Securlty Insrcument is an a leasehold.Barrowa
<br /> -=-=—— shall comply with all the provistons of the kaso.If Borrower acquires fa titk W the Propc�ty,the Icasehold and the fa Btk shaU
<br />-- -,� not merge unkss Lentkr agtees co the muger in wrlting.
<br /> 7.Protectlou ot Lender's Ryhb tn We Property. If Bomowa fails to perfom►the covawnts and aRreernenta contsined in
<br /> :�`�'� this Socuri�y Insaumea�t,a there is a k8�P��B thac may sigait"usndy affect L,ender's rights in the pmpaty(such as a
<br /> .•��� p�aeding in bmkcuptcy.Pi'oba�e�for condannedon a forfeitu¢e a to rnfaa laws or ngularions),tha�Lenda may do�nd P�Y
<br /> for wh�uever is neces.tary to protect the valoa o!the Froperty and I.eade��'s rights�n the Pnoperty.Lendei's xtions rt�y includa
<br /> paying any s�uns socwred by a Uen which hs�priority ovu thLs Socurity Instt�rt�ent,appearing in c�cwn, paying c�easonabb
<br /> �tt�ortieys' fas and enta�ing on tho Proputy w make repairs.Although Lenda may take acdon onder tbis paragraph 7.Laula
<br /> ------= does not have to do so.
<br /> `'J°""� My emounts disbursed by L,aidcr undcr ttds pa�aph 7 slwll become addItional deM oE Bamowcr ex�rod by this Socueaty
<br /> Instrument Unkss Bo�rower and I.endtx agree W other tams of PaYment, tl�ese amounts shall bear inaxest fronn tha d�te of
<br /> --=-- disburaema�t�t tha Note rate and ahaU be payablo,with intaest,upon uotice from d.ender to Bomnwtr i'e9�s�n�PaYrtxnt
<br /> A.MortgKe Inwnnce. If Lenda requircd matgage insu►anca as a condition of mak3ng the loan socured by this Sxurity
<br /> = Inswmcnt, Bomowu shall pay thc greminms roquinod w maintatr► the mortgage insuranoc�n effec� If. for any rea,on, the
<br /> -- = mcxlgaSo insura��ce covuage roquired by I.endu lapses or cea9os to be in e�'ect,Borrower sfiall pay the}mmiurns roquicod w
<br /> =_= obtain covaago substanti�lly equivalent to the mortgege Insurance previously in effect,at a oost substantiall,y oquivalent to the
<br /> =° -= cost w Bomowa of the mortgege insurar�ce pmvlou�ly in effect, from an altunate mortgage insurer approveQ by L�enda. If
<br /> --�-�4�"� subsnntLliy equivalent mortgage insuranc�coverage ls not avaiiablo,Bomower shaU pay w Lendu each month a sam equai to
<br /> -�;:��*;'�;= onahvelflh of the yeady mortgage insurance premium being paid by Bomower when the insurance cuverage lapsod or cea�ed to
<br /> -�•;;�""'*���' be in effecG Lcnder will accept, uaa nnd retain thcsa payments a4 a loss reswe in lieu of matgage insurancc.Loss nsuvo
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