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<br /> � 16.8orrower's Copy. Borrowcr shaU bc givca one confortncd copy of thc Notc and of thls Sexurity lnsu mcn��s�9
<br /> � 17.Trfasfe�ot the Property or a Benefkiol Intereat(n BorroMer. If all or any part of the Properry or eny inutest in It is
<br /> � � sold or tran�fcrnd (or if a boncfcial intcrest in Bocrowcr is sold or oransfcrrcd and Borrowcr is not a nuturalperson) without
<br /> L.cndca's prior wdttcn conscn�Lcndcr mey,at its option,roquirc Immedinte paymcnt in fuU of all sums secured by this Sccurity
<br /> InswmenG Howevcr,thjs opilon ahall not bc cxcrci�d by L.cndcr if excrcisc is prohibltcd by federal law as of thc date of this
<br /> Sccurity Instrumcn�
<br /> lf Lcndu eaerciscs thls opdon,I.endu shall give 9orrowcr notice of acceleradan.The nodce shall provjde ap�ri�d of not lcss
<br /> �han 30 days from�hes date the nodca�S deUvaed or mailed within which Borrower must pay all:�ums securod by this Sxurity
<br /> Instrumen�If Barowu fsils�o pay these sums prior w tho cxp3ration of thfs per�od.Lender may invoke any recnodies pem►iuod
<br /> •' by this 5oc�uity Instrument wtthout fucthu notka or danand on Borrowcr.
<br /> i 18.Borrower'e Ri�ht to Reinahte. If Borrowu mects cer�ain condidons, Borcower shaU have the r�ght to have
<br /> ' enforcemert of this Securlry Inswment discontinucG at eny dme prlor to ihe carUcr ofl (a) 5 days (or such othu pedod as
<br /> '�' applkablu law may spocffy far reinstatement)before sale of the Property pursuant to any power of s�le contalnod in thls Saunty
<br /> Ins�ument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Secudry Insnumen�'ll�ASC conditions are tt�at Borrower:(a)pays Lendec all
<br /> � sums which then would bo duc under this Sccurity Instrument and the Nou as lf no acceleraoion had occwreci; (b)cuns any
<br /> ' � default of any other covenants or agreements;(c)pays all eapenses incurred in enforcing this Security Instrument,including.but
<br /> not Wnited oo.reason�bk auomeys'fees;and(d)takes such acdon as Lender may reasonably requin w assuro thai the Ikn of this
<br /> Security Instrument, Lenda's dghts In ihe Property and Horrower's obligatioa w pay tho sums sccurcd by thls Sawity
<br /> � Instrument sluill condnue unct�anged. Upon reinstaument by Borrower, this Secuelty Instrument and tha obIi�ations securod
<br /> • hueby shaU remain fully effecttve as�f no ecceleratlon had occurr�ed.However,this right to ninstate shall not epply in the case of
<br /> aaccleration undcr pacagraph 17.
<br /> 19.Sak ot Notei Change ot Lo�n&rvker. 'Ilie Note or a part�al intcrest in thc Note (agethcr with this �xurity
<br /> ' Instcument)may be sold one or mora dmcs without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may result in a change In the endty (known
<br /> as the"Loan Scrvicer")that coAects monthlypuymants duc under the Note and this Secority Instrumen�.'ltiero also may be ane or
<br /> morc changes of the Loan Servicer uarelated to a sala of Ihe Note.If there is a change of thu Loan Servicer,Soerowe,r wW be
<br /> i given wrItten nopce of the change in accordanca wFth pare�raph 14 above and applicable law.The ratica will state the namo and
<br /> address of the aew L.oan Suvker and the address to which payments should be made.The notice wUl also contain any ot�hher
<br /> ,' Information roqairod by epplicable law.
<br /> . �•,;i:`� ?A.ttwraoua�ubstance�. �SOrrower shait na cause or permic the presences, usc. disposai,sio�age,or nlwse uf�u�y
<br /> • • �' Hazardons Substances an or in ihe PropeRy.Bomowa shaU not do,nor ellow anyonc else to do.anything affecdng the Property
<br /> ' �'`"'"�``` that is in violation of eny Environmental Law.'Ihe prxeding two sentenc�shall not apply to the praence,use,or storage on tho
<br /> :;�:�� Propecty of sr.nall quantities of Hezardous Substancus that ac+e generatly rocognized to bo approprlate w normal residendal uses
<br /> .;�f.��:�.- � and to maintenance of the Propaty.
<br /> Borrowu shall promptly give I.onder writtcn nodce of any invesdgation. claim, demand, lawsuit or othcr action by any
<br /> ��'!'."��`,� __ govemmental a regulawry agency ar pdvate percy iarolving tbe Pmnaty and aay Hezardous Subsr�anco or Environma�W Law
<br /> -_=d_•_� of whkh Barowcx ha�acmallcnowlWge.If Bom�wa leams.a is noti�ed by any govemme�tal or ragulatory authorIry.that any
<br /> __,�.�;�'� oertwval or Wher remodiation of eny Ha�rdous Subsmnce affecting the Proputy is necessary,Botrowa shall pmmptiy take all
<br /> •�_�`�.� necessacy remedial acti�ons�n aocordance with Envtronmental Law.
<br /> .-.<-�.:� As�sed in this peragraph 20. "Ha7ardous Subsances" an those substances defined as wxic or tieTa�dous substances by
<br /> _:,_°-�� Environmental Law end the following substances: g�soline. kerosene, other flammabk or to�ic pemoleurr� ucts,toxic
<br /> .;::— pesdcides and hubkides.voladla soivents.materials containmg asbestos or fomiaidehyde.aad ra�dioacdve�As usod in
<br /> --=-- thu 2p�°Enviromm�ntal I�w"meana feda8 Iaws and lawa of the jurisdiction where the Proga�ty is located that retata
<br /> _---- — W health��ety or environmental protocdon.
<br /> _. —_— NON-UNQ�ORM COVBNANTS.Bocmwer and Leadu furlhu covcnent and a�nee ag follows:
<br /> _ 21.Aocekntion;Remedks.Lender s6nU�ive ootia to Borrower prior to accekntion tolloMiu�Borrower's brac6 ot
<br /> __= uy coveaant or s=rsement in Wie Securitr In�rument (but not prior to accekntioe �xler pnnRrap6 17 rslees
<br /> _.__—�� Applic�ble V�r provldea otherwiee).T6e aotia shad aPaVYs(a)t6e detaulti(b)t6e aMfon reqM(red to cnre tbe defauk;(c)
<br /> ° a drte,eot lese than 30 diys ihom the date the notke i�given to Barower,by which the det�ult must be cured; �ad(d)
<br /> - _�.,.� tLat hilure to cure the def�uk on or before t6e date speciPxd in t6e notice mAy result in�ecekratbn of t6e sums aecured
<br /> by thi�Security Imdrument and sak ot t6e Propaty.The noda s6A11 further intorm Borroecr of t6e ri=6t to rti�ttate
<br /> r��`� alter aatikration and the right to brin;a murt ation to assert tbe non-exirtence ot a defark or�ny otLa�defense ot
<br /> . Sorrow�er to�caleratbn�ad sale.It t6e defiult b not cured on or before t6e dxte specitled in the nMice,Leader,at its
<br /> "--'�""'� optioo,say requfre immediate�wye�ent in tult ot�ll suma secured by this Security Iaatrumnt without�urtlKr demAnd
<br /> --�= aad may invoke the power ot aAk�nd�ny other�edies permitted Dy applicAbk law.Lender sh�ll be entitkd to rnikct
<br />==�-A�� 411 expe�se� incurred tn pursuing the re�aedfe� provided in this paragraph 21�including,but not limited to,res�sona6k
<br /> -"'�� attorneye'tees and caata ot titk evidena.
<br /> �°�� • If tLe power ot sale b tnvoked, Trusta shaU record a eotioe of detault [n each rnunt�in�hicL aay part of t6e
<br /> '',:z:��,�,;,�,� Property is located ond ebaU m�U rnpiea ot suc6 noHce in the mAnner prescribed by appticabk law to Borrower And to the
<br /> ;.'::��, . �, other pereons prescribed by Applicable law.AfYer the time requlred by App{ic�bk I�w.Trustee sbpU give public notke of
<br /> '�,�•'?t; ;,'=� sak to the peraons aud in t6e manner prescribed by �ppticabk law.Trustee,without demand on Borrowu�shali sell tLe
<br /> - ' '"''`4� Property at pubiic auction to the highe�t bWder at tbe time and plaa and under the terns designated ie tee notiee of sak
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