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<br />. 'POOfi'17iBR WITH all the improvemenis now or hereafter erectod on the propeny, w►d��c�a�scmen�-Ts,appurie�anc�s,and
<br /> Cextures now on c�ccaftu a pan of the property.All rcpinccmcnt�and additions shaU ulso bc covered by this Saurity Instrumen4 `-�
<br /> All oC tlw for�going is rcfe�re.d to in U�is Sccurity 1��strumcnt�s ihe"Propetty." i
<br /> : BORROWBR COVENANTS that Borrowu is IawfuAy seised of the esietc hcraby cnnveyrd and has�he dght la grant and :
<br /> comoy tha Proputy and that t6e PropeKy is unr.�cumberod,except for encumbrance.g of record. Borrower warrants and wiU
<br /> �� dcfcnd gcncrally the dtk to thc Property against all claims and demands,subjat to any encumbrances of record. _
<br /> • TliIS SECURI'TY INSTRUMBNT combines unifonn cov�anu for national usc and non-unfform covcnants with limitcd _
<br /> , variations by jurisdletion to consutuu a unifortn socurity i�stcument covering real property. i,
<br /> UMI�ORM COVENANTS.Born�wcr and Lcnd:,r covenaat aad ugree as fo(lows: -
<br /> 1.Paymeat of Principai�ad Interest;Prepayment and I.ate Char�es. Borrower shall prompdy pay when due thc =
<br /> t principal of and interest on the debt evider►ced by the Note and any prepaymetu and late charges d►�a under the Note. _
<br /> Z.F�adv for Taxd wnd Insurance. Subjoct to applicable law or w a wrlttan waivu by I.ender, Barrower shall pay w =
<br /> • = l.ender on the day monthly paymcnts are due under the Note,untU the Notc is paid in full,a sum("Funds') for. (a)yearly laxcs -
<br /> and essessments which may apain pciority over this Scxurity Instrument as a lie�on the Propecty:(b)YcadY lea9ehold payments
<br /> or groand rents on the Propecty,if any;(c)yearly ha7ard or pmperty insurance premiu�rs:(d)yearly flood insurance pmaniums.If
<br /> �Y:(�)Y�ly mortgage Insurance premiums.if any:and (�any sums payable by Borrower w I.ender.in aocordance wlth the
<br /> provisions of panigranh 8, in lieu of thc payment of mortgage insurance premiums.These items are c�Ued"Escrow 1wns."
<br /> � L.ender may.at any time,coUoct and hold Funds in an amount not to excced Ihe maaimum amount a lenda for a federally related _
<br /> � - rtwrtgage loan may require for Boxrowcr's escrow account under th� falerdl Real Estate SeWement P�ocadures Act of 1974 a4
<br /> � -' arnended fran wne W ume.12 U.S.C.Sectlon 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"),unl�ss another law that applies to the FLnds sets a ksser =
<br /> ; amounG If�o,Lendei may.ai any tjmme,collect and hold Funds in an an�ount not to exceed the lesser amounG Lendu may
<br /> estimatc the amowt of Funds due on ihe basis of cuaeat data and rea9nnable cstimau:s of expendlwres of futun ESCraw Items ar
<br /> � ' othuwise in socordance with applicabk law.
<br /> �I 'ifie Funds st�all be held in an instiwtbn whose deposits are insured by a federal agcncy,insmimentality, a cntity(�ncluding -
<br /> � • I,ecider�if I,endec is such an institudon)or in any Federal Nome LAan Sank. Leader shaU apply the Funds to pay the Fscrow
<br /> ,;:'+ . �'• .� Itans.Lender may r�ot charge Bamwer far holding And applying the Funds�aeuwaUy analyzing the escrow accoun�or vcrifY�B
<br /> ,r�,�.�- . the�i,scrow itans,unkss Lenda pays Bomnwer imaest on the Funds and appiic�bIc:tuw�,c����i�I,��du G►;na:o sucls a��.
<br />`=°��::��� Howevu.Lendet may roquire Borrower to pay a oaatime charge for an 3ndependent rcal estate tax repocting sarvko usod by
<br />�;;:���.`,;.Y:� i� L.e,�Wa in connoctbn with�his loan�unkss epplicabk!xw provides otheiwise. Unless an agroement is made or appllcabb law
<br />=���.�r:�- � requires inu7est w bc paid,Leoder shall not be requirod ta pay Borrower eny intct+est or eamings on thc Funds.Bomowu and
<br />�`"�'"�� ' I,ender rrW'agrce In wrlting,howevu,that interest shall be paid on the Funds.Le�r►der shall givo w Bomower.without charga,aa
<br /> �''���s�:. anaual xmun►dng of the Funds.ahowing credits and debits w the Funde and the purpose for which tach d¢bit to the Funds was
<br />—_'A-'-�=�_. made.'Ilie Funds ue pbdgod aS adciidocwl security for all sums secuc�ed by this Sociuity Inswment
<br /> =�°� If the Funds hcld by I.endu wccad ihe amounts permitud to be held by applkable law,I.eivkr shall axount to Borrower for
<br />---'=�'�� • tt�e wcoess Funds in aowrdance with the requirements of applicablo law.Yf the amount of the Fuads held by L.endu at a�ty t3me is
<br /> —����i
<br /> —.:���:,�,�,. not s�fficlent to pay the Eycrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Borrower in wridng,and,in such c�e Borrower shall paY
<br /> - �__,�;�, to I.wda the amount necessary w make up the deficiency. Borrowa shall maice up the de6ciency in no more than twelve
<br /> mo►►th1Y P�Ymenb.at I.ender's aole dixtetion.
<br />—��--= - Upoa paymeM in tull of ell sums secured by this Sxtuity InsUUmuit,I,endcr shall promptly nefund w Barowu any Ftmds
<br />:� held by Lender. If. undei paragraph 21�Lender shell acquire or scll the Property,Lender.prior to the acquisidon or sale of the
<br />--- �----� Prope:ty.shall apply eny Fund�held by Lender at[he time of acquisiti�on or sale a4 a crodit egainst tha sums secured by this
<br /> �----- Socurity Insaumd«
<br /> � � . 3.Appiicntia otPaymenfa. Unless applicable law provldes otherwise.all payments received by I.aida under paragcapt�s
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be�pgllod: lirst.to anY P�Pa9ment charges due under the Noce:second,to arnounts payabb under paragraph 2;
<br /> --— ' third,to L�taest due:fousth�w principal due:end las�to eny lat�e criarges dtie undu the Note.
<br /> � --- 4.Clurges;Lie�. Borrower st�all pay all taxes.assessrnents.ct�rges�fincs and Imposidons attributablc W the Property
<br /> :...�„s.� � which may auain prioriry over t6iis Sxurity Instrument,and kasehold payments a ground rents,if eny.Bomower st�all pay these
<br /> --'•°:"� obllgations in the man►wr providod in paragraph 2.or if not paid in thxt manner.Bocrowu shall pay them on dme dincdy to�he
<br /> •_� paaon owed paymenG Bocrowu shall promptly �umish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under this paragra�h. If
<br /> _-�=�=�r��� ' Barower malces these payments dirocdy.Borc�wer shall promptly funnish w Lendex racelpts evidencing the payments.
<br /> - �'`��F�£ Bocrowu shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority ova this Securlty Tns�ument unless Boc�cnwer:(a)agrees in
<br /> -,_=�:�.f,,
<br /> --;'-",i:,�'� wridn w thc ent of the obGgadon se�ured b the liea in a manna table to I.ender:(b)cont�esls in ood fatth ihe lien
<br /> _"-`:��.R,K�, 8 PeYm Y �P B
<br /> _ ,..:�^ .,, by, or defends against enfor�cement of the tien in, legal procoodinga which in the I.ender's opinion operate to preveat the
<br /> "�L�;,,. enforcement of the lien;or(c)socuns from the holder of the lien an agreemant satisfactory to L,cnder subordinating the Ilen fo
<br />