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201207894 <br /> Any application of paymants, insurance proceede, or Miscellnneous Proceeds to principel due under[he Note <br /> shall uot extet�d or postpone flie due date, or change the aanouut, of Yhe Pariodio Payments. <br /> 3. Ihuids f'or�+scrow Ltems. Borrower sha11 pay Eo Lender on the dfly Periodic Payments are due under tlie <br /> Notc, unYil tho Note i5 paid in fiill, a sum(the"�uuds") to provide �For payiaent of amomitis due for: (a) taxes <br /> nnd�ssessn�ents and othet iten�s which oan alCain priorily ovor Ghis Scourity 1nsYr umcitt aw a lion or <br /> enomnbrance on tho Property; (b) leasehold paymenta or groiuid rents on the Property, if fmy; (o)premimna <br /> for any attd all insLuauce required Uy Lender under SecCion 5; aaid(d)Mortgnga Insuruice pramimns, if atry, <br /> or 1ny sums payeible by Horrower to Lender iii liou af the payi�ic�rt of Mnrtg2ge Insuraince premiums in <br /> accordance with the provisions of Section 10. These ite�ns are called "L�sorow ICems." At originaCion or at <br /> a�iy Yiuie during the term of the Loa�i, L,euder may require tliat Community Aesocintion Dues, Pees, and <br /> AssoFsmenfs, if any, bo escrowcd by]3�rrowcr, and such dues, fecs and as8ossll�ents s�hall bc ni1 Nsorow <br /> Item. Borrower sha11 prom�tly fiirriish to Lender all noHces of a�nounts to be pnid nnder thia Section. <br /> Borrowor shall pay Leuder tlie Funds fa•Escrow Items unless Lender waives Borrower's obligation to pny <br /> the Punds for�.uy or all �scrow Iteins. Lender may waive I�orrower's oUligation to pay to Lender Funds�for <br /> any or all Nscrow Itert�.s at any Lii2�c. Any suoh waiver n�ny only bc in writing. In thc event oP auch waivcr, <br /> IIorrower ahall pay dit eotly, when nnd where paqable, the amounte due for any Lacrow Items for which <br /> payment of'Ftuids has Ueen waived by Leixder aiid, iF Leuder requires, ehall Furiiish to Lender recc�i�te <br /> ovide��cinb stiich payinent within r�uch timc period as Londcr maq require. BoYrower's �liligaCion to ma1ce <br /> such payinenfs and lo provide ceceipfs sha11 for all pi�rposes 6e deeeined la be a covenanl �nd agreemenC <br /> coneained in this SecL�rity IneC�•ument, as the plu•eae"covenant and egreement" is used in Section 9. If <br /> Borrowar is obligpted to pay�scrow Items diractly, pursuant to a waiver, and Bonower Fails to pay tl�e <br /> �anount due for an Sscrow Ite�n, Lender may exercise its rights mzde�� Section 4 and pay sucl�amount and <br /> Barrower sl�all thov l�c obligatcd undcr Section 9�Co repay I,o Lendex auy sucli amoanl. Lender may revoke <br /> L�he waiver as to any ox all Escrow Iteins et any time bg�notice given in necordance with Section 15 aud, <br /> upon such reaocation, Borrowar shalt pay to Lender a11 Funds, a�id in such atnomrta, thaC are then required <br /> � widar tliis Sectiou 3, <br /> Lende,�'ma�y, at any time, colleet aud lio1d Funds in an amount(a) sufficiout to pern�it L,onder tn apply thc <br /> F'unds af U�o tiinc epecified uudsr I2LSPA, tvid(b}noC io exceed Che ix�cimml�amoui�it a lender oan reqnire <br /> under ItESPA. T,ender ehall estin�zte the amouut of Ftuids due on the basis of current data and reasonaUle <br /> estimates of expcnditures c�f fufarc Eecrow Items or olherwise in accordanoe wilh A�plioable Law. <br /> The Fnnds el�all be held in an instihition who5e deposits arc ineurcdhy a fcdcn�al agency, insl�umenYalily, or <br /> �nrity(including Lender, if Le�idem ia an ins[i[ution whose deposits are so insured)or in nny reder�l TIome <br /> Loau Batilc Lender shall apply the Pwids to pay the Escrow Items no later Yl�an the tiine specified under <br /> RESPA. Lender shall not clk�a'ge Borrower for l�olding and appl5�ie�the FLmds, amlually analyzing fhe <br /> ascrow account, or verifying thc Eeciow ICems, unleas Lendet�ays Borrower interesC on the l+imds end <br /> Applicable�ermita Lender to mpke such a chtuge. Unless an agree�nent is made�n writing or <br /> Applicable Law requires interest tio Ue paid on the Punds, l.encler sl�all not l�e required to pay Rorrower a�ry <br /> interest or earnings on Yhc Nunds. Borrowor and Lender can agree in writing, however, that inCerest skall be <br /> paid on che Funcla. Lender shell give to Borrower, withotirt charge, nn am�unl nccounting of Yha Punds as <br /> required Uy RESPA. <br /> If there is a suxplus af P'unda held in esa�ow, as defined under RESPA, Lendar shall account to Borrower ior <br /> the excess fuuds in aecorda�ice wi(h RESPA. If there i� a shortage of I'unds held iu escro�v, aa defined wider <br /> RESPA, l,ender shall i�okify Ron-ower as r�oquired hy RL+SPA, and}�orrower sh�.11 pay to Lendcr the amo�mti <br /> neco.asary Co ninke up Lhe shortage ni accordanoe with RESPA, but in no tnore thnn 12 monthly payments. If <br /> lhere is n deficiency of Punds helcl in escrow, as defined m�der I2ESPA, Lender shall notif'y Borrower fls <br /> -- — — zqoa22tz <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Pamlly�Fannie MaelRedtlle PAac UNIFORM IN8'fRUPA ENT Porm 3028 7/01 <br /> VMP� VMPR(NE)(110fiJ <br /> WoHare Kluw er Financlel Servlaes Page 5 0(1] <br />