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201207894 <br /> reqiured by RLSPA, and Borrowor sl�all pay Co Lendcr thc amow�t necessary to malce up the deficiency in <br /> eccord�uce aith RESPA, buf in no more than 12 monfhly pa}ni�onle. <br /> Upon payinenti iri full oP all siune sectu�ed by tl�is Sccurity G�str ument, Lender shall promptly refund bo <br /> Borrower any Puuds keld by Lender. <br /> G. ChaYges; Liens. Bonower shell pay all taxes, assessments, oharges, fines, and impoeiLionc attrihutttUlc to <br /> tlie Property which can aCCain priority over Yhis SecuriYy Instrwnent, leasehold payments or ground rents on <br /> the Property, if any, ai�d C�4irmnunity Aseociation Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if vry. To the exYent that <br /> these iCems are Eserow Ifeins, Borro�ver shnll pay them in lhe�nianner proviiled iii Seclioi�3. <br /> Borrower shall�romplly discl�arge any lien which hae priority over fhis Security Insh umcnt unless <br /> Rorrowei: (a) agrees in writing to tl�a payineirt of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptnble <br /> to Lender, Uut only so long as 13orrower is performing sucl�agreemenf; (U)contests the lien in good faith by, <br /> or defeuds against cnforccment aF fl�e licn in, legttl procecdinge which ii�Lender's opinion operate to prevent <br /> Uie enf�rceinenf oP Lhe lien while Lhose proceedinge nre penciing, but only milil such prooeedinge are <br /> concluded; ar (c) secures from the holder of the lien an agreemeut satisfactory to Lender aubordin�ting the <br /> lien to Chis Security Instranent. If Lendar determines that any part of fhe Property is subject to a lien whioh <br /> can attaiii pr�ority ovor this Seourity TnsUumcnt, Lender may givo Borrnwer a notioc idcntifying Ehe lictl. <br /> Wiehin 10 dnys of the date on which th�t notioe is given, Bormwer shall salisfy the lieu or lalce one ar more <br /> of the actions set f'oith above in tlus Section 4. <br /> Lender inay require Barro�ver to pny a on�time charge for a reT1 estate tax verification and/or reporting <br /> service Lised by Lander in coimection wiUi this Loan, <br /> 5. Property Insurance. Barrower slinll keep the improveinents now axisting or hereafter erected on il�e <br /> Propeity insured against loss by'fire, hazards included withiu the term"extended coverage," and any other <br /> hazards including, but not limitcd tq carthqualcen nnd ffoods, �For wh3ch Lender requires inaurance. 'I'h{s <br /> insurance shall be maintan�ed in the vnonnts(inoluding deducfible levels) nud for the�eriods thet Lender <br /> requires. What Lender�requires pm'suant tio the preceding sentences c�ti chqnge during the Cerm of'11ie Loan. <br /> Tl�e 'v�surance carrier providing thc insurance shall be chosen by B�rrower eubjcet to Lc,x�dcr's right to <br /> disapprove Boirower's choice, Evhich right shall not be exercised umensonably. Lender may xeryuire <br /> 13oi�rower Yo pay, in oonneetion with this Lc�an, eitlier: (a) a one-fima charge 1'c�r flood zone deCermivation, <br /> eerfiCicaCion anci tracldng services; or (6) a one-time oharge fox flood zone detexmin�tion and certiflcatiott <br /> services and eubsequeut cherges ench time remappings or similar changes occur which reasonably might <br /> affect such deternunatiou or certitication. Borrower shall also Ue responsible £or the payment of�ny fees <br /> imposed by the Pederal 1?merge��cy Mbnagemeut Agency in connecfion witb the revicw of atty f'7ood zone <br /> dctcnninaCion resulLing from azT o6jeclion by Borrower. <br /> If Borrowcr f-nile Lo mainCain avy oF tho covoragos described above, Lender may obt�ain ineurauea co�erage, <br /> �t Lencier's option And Borrowes's expense. Lender is under no obligntion to pwchAse any particulnr type ar <br /> tunount of'coverage. Pherefore, such covera�ge ehall cover Lencler, Uut nughC or migl�t not proCect Borrower, <br /> F3orrowea''a cquity in the Property, or thc contents of Lha Properly, ag�iineC any riek, huard or liability aud <br /> might provide greater or lesser coverage thnn wes previously in effect. Borrower aelmowledges that the coat <br /> of the insurance coverage so obtained vughC significantly exceed tha cosf of insurauce thaY Borrower could <br /> ha�ve obtauied. Any atnounts disbursed by I,e�ider under Yhis Secliott 5 shttll becou�e additional debC of <br /> Bosxower secured by thie Secw'ity Instrnment. These an�ntmta el�all bear interesti ati til�e Note rato fr�m� the <br /> date oP disUm�aemenC 1nd�hall be payable, with sneh interest, upon noflce from Lender to Borrower <br /> requesting pn}nnent. <br /> ------- — — ---�---- -- zaooz2iz <br /> NEeRASKA-9ingle Femily-Fannie MAelFraddle Mao UNIFORM INSTROMENT Form 3�28 1/01 <br /> VMP� VfdPfi(NE)(I ia51 <br /> W ollers I(luw e�Flrtenclal Servlces Page B o[1 Y <br />
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