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201207894 <br /> BOTLROWIIR COVLNANTS thaC Borrower is lawfully seised of Che estnCe hereby oonveyed and hns Che righC to <br /> grant aud convey the Property and that the Property is unencuml�erecl, axcept for encumbrancea of record. <br /> 13orrower warrants and w111 defend generally tha title to the Property against all claims and d�nands, suUject to <br /> any encumbrancos nf r�cord. <br /> THIS SBG`fJKi"I�Y1NS'CROMG�IQ7'corr�binos ui�i�form covonai�te for ttatioval Li5e ancl non-Lmiform covonants with <br /> limited variations by jurisdicCion Co wnsLituCe a uniPorm security instrument wvering real proper6y. <br /> Uniform Covenants. ]3orrowcr and Lender envcnanl and agree as follows: <br /> 1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Fscrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Lake Charges. Borr�wcr• <br /> shall pay wl�cn duo thc�principal of, and inCerest on, 11�e debt evidenced 6y Che Note and any prepnyment <br /> chnrges and late cherges due under the Note. Borrower shall also pay fwids for Escrow Items puryuant to <br /> Section 3. Payinents due under the Note and tlus Secnrity instrumont shall be made in U.S. aurenoq. <br /> Howover, if any chedc or othcr irlelrument rcceived Uy Lender as pnyinent under the Note or thia Security <br /> Inshun�ent�ib relurned to Lei�uier unpaid, Lender mtiy require that any or A11 subsequent payments due under <br /> the Note and thie Security InsY�'tunent be mada in one or mare of tl�e fallowing fonns, as selcctcd Uy Londcr: <br /> (a) casl�; (U) �nmiey order; (c) eerti$ed cl�ec1<, Uank check, treasL�ret°F check or cashier's checic, provicled nny <br /> such cheolc is dcawn npon 2ri institntion whose deposits ere insured by n federal egency, instrwnentality, or <br /> entiry; or{d) Electr•oiuc Punds Trmnsfer. <br /> Payu7eiits nre deemed received by Lender when reoeived Ak the locaYion designated in the Note or at such <br /> other lcication Ae may be designated by Lendar in accord�ice with tlie notice provisions i�T Seotion 15. <br /> Lender may retwrn airy payment or partial payment if flic paymcnt or pttrtial paymenls are insufCcieuC to <br /> bring tl�o T.oa�� currcnt. Lender may acec��t any payment or partial payment inaufficient to 6ring the Lonu <br /> currene, �without waiver of nny ri�ts hereunder or prejudiee to its rights to reLuse such payment.or partial <br /> pa�ymente in the fitturo, l�ut L,endea'is not�obligated to a�pply such payme�rts at the tiine such paymcnis arc <br /> accepted. If each Parioclic Payme�lt is applied as of its seUeduleci ciue dat'e, fhen Lencier need not pay in[erest <br /> on unapplieci funds. Lender inay holci such mis�pplied fimcis until Borrawer inakes pa}nnents tu bring the <br /> Loan cuixent. If Borrower does not do so within� reasoriabla period of time, Lender slzall either apply suc11 <br /> fiands or retim'u Y1iem So Borrower. If not applied ea��lier, such funds will l�c applicd Co N�a uuCslanding <br /> princiUal b�lance m�der thc Notc iinmediatcly prioe to Poreclosure. No offset or olaim wllioh Borrower tuight <br /> haue now or in the future ag�insY Lender shall ralieve Borrower fxom makii�g payments due Liuder the Nota <br /> and tlu& Security Instrtunent or performing the cdvei�ants and agreen�cnts securc4 by}his SecuriLy <br /> Instrument. <br /> 2, Application of Payments or Proceeds. �Xcept as c�cherwiso descriUed in this Seotion 2, all psymente <br /> accepced ancl applied by Lender shall be appliec�in the following arder of priority: ('a) interest due under tlie <br /> Notie; (b)principal due undar tihe Note; (c) unounte due itnder Section 3. Such pc�yment�s1u41 l�e aUpliecl to <br /> each Periodic PaSnnent in the orde��in w6ich it becamo duo, tlny remainvig�inounis shall be applied frst fo <br /> late charges, second to nny other amounts due iuider this 9ecurity Instrument, nnd flieu to reduee tlie <br /> principal balauce of the Note. <br /> If Lender reeeives a payment fl•om Borrower f'or a delinquent Periodic PayinenC which lncludes a snfficient <br /> amount to pay zaiy late charge dua, the payment may be applied to the delinquent payil�ent and tl�e latc <br /> c1�arge. lf more than one Pe�iodic Va}nncnt is outek�ndin�g Lendex may, apply any paymenC received Pron� <br /> Borrower Co Che repayment of fhe Periodic Payments if, �nd W tAe extent that, each payment can be paicl iu <br /> full. To the extent tha�t any excess exista after Ehe pa�yment is applied to the ditll paymeirt of'one or inore <br /> Periodic Payinents, sucl�excess�1utiy be applied to airy latc cl�arges dna Volw�tary��cpaymeiite shall ho <br /> ap�lied Gmt to any preplynne�C charges and then as desoribed in the Note. <br /> J xaoozs�z <br /> N[6RA51(A-Single Family�Fannle A7aeIFreAAIe Mac 11NIPORM INSTRUM[NT Porin 3�28 1l117 <br /> VM P(y VIdPG{NE)(11051 <br /> Woltars Kluwer Financlal Servlces Faqe 4 of 1 i <br />
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