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201207890 <br /> Any application of payments, insurance proceeds, or Miscelleneons Prooeeds Lo principal duo tmdcr the Nole <br /> shall not axtend or poskpoua t11e due date, or oliange tha amomit, af'the Periodic Pa}nnents. <br /> 3, Fmids for�scrow Itcros. Borrower shall�ay to Lender on the day Periodic Pay�nents m•e due under the <br /> Note, u�til the Note is paid 'ui fiill, a sum(the"Guuds") to provide for payment of aanowi{s due For: (a)Caxes <br /> and aseesemenCe and oCher iCems which can alhain�riority over Chie Seciu itiy Inetr umenf as a lien or <br /> encumUrnnce on the Properdy; (U) leaeehold payments or ground xents ou the Proper�y, if any; (c}premiuma <br /> for �ny and all iusuranoe ret�uu�ed by Lende�•uuder SecCion 5; and(d}Mortgage Insurance premiums, iP any, <br /> �or auy suins pay3Ule by Borrower to Lender in lieu of the payinent of Morfgage Instu'ance pretniums in <br /> acoordance with t2iaprovisions of Section ]0. 't'hese items are called "}�'scrow ltems." At origination or a�t <br /> anq timc ciuring Elte tcn�� of fl�o Loan, Lcndet inay reqxiire Ehat Co�nnnmit}�Associafion llucs, Nec9, �nd <br /> Assessments, if any, be escrowed by Borrower, aud such dues, f'ees a�id assessments shall be an Eserow <br /> Item. Borrower shall promptly fttruish to Leuder all noticos of amounts to bc paid under tliis Section. <br /> Hc�rrc�wer shall pay Lencier lhe Fimds for�acrow Items unless Lender waives Borrpwer's obligaeion Co pny <br /> the Punde for zny or all Esorow Ite�na Leuder may waive Borrowar's oUligation to pay to I,ender Funds £or <br /> any or.a11 Eeerow Iteins at ury tiine. Any such waiver n�ay only Uc in writinb. In fhc eveut of sncli waivcr, <br /> Borrowcr shall pay dircctly, whcn and wherc payable, the amounts due for an�y�scrow Items Cor whioh <br /> pnyinecil of Piu�ds has Ueen wnived by Lender �ud, if Lender requires, shall fiirnieh to L�nder receipts <br /> evulencing such paynient within such time period zs Lender may requiie. Borrower's oUligaCion to make <br /> such paytnents aud to provide receipts shall lor all purposes Ue deemed to Ue a covenaiit and agreemei�t <br /> containeft in this Secnrit�lnstrmnent, as the phrase"wvenanf and agrecmcnf' is usod in Scction 9. if <br /> Borrowcr is obligafcd to pay Escrow Items direcfly, ptu��unn[Co a wniver, ancl Borrower Pails ha pay tlre <br /> amount due far An P�acrow Item, Lender may exercise ifs riglrts under Section 9 �nd pay euch funount and <br /> Borirower sha(1 Yhen be obligated widar Section 9 to repay to Lender airy such amoLuit. I.ender inay revol<e <br /> the waiver as to a�ry or all Eycrow ltems ttt any timc by a iiotice given in accordancc with Secfion 15 ancl, <br /> upon suoh reaooation, Borrower shall pey to Lender all ruuda, and in suoh amounts, that are then required <br /> undex this Section 3. <br /> Leudex inay, Rt any time, colleat end hold Funds in an amount(a) sufficient to perinit Lender to ap�ly the � <br /> Funds at the fiine specified mider I2LSPA, and(U)not to exceed the maximmn amounC alender can require <br /> mide� RRSPA. l.endar s1in11 estimate tl�e amount of Fwids d�ic on tl�e Uasis nf curre��f daut and reasonablc <br /> estimates of expenciitures of fiiLure Esorow Ieems or otharwise in accordance with Applic�ble L�w. <br /> The Fimds sl�till be held in au inslilu6ion whose deposits are inaured by a federnl �genoy, insh�umentality, ar <br /> entity(including Lender, if I.ender is an inetitution whosa del3osits are so insurecl) or in aaiy Federal Hoine <br /> I.oa�i Ranlc Lender sh�ll apply the I^uncls to pay the Nscrow Itcni�s vo later than the Hme specifiod iu�dor <br /> ItLSPA, Lendet sha11 nof oharge IIorrower Por l�olding and n}>plying tlie Punds, annually Analyzing tha <br /> escrow account, or verifying the Escrow Iteins, ailese Lender pays Rorrower interest on the Fuuds and <br /> Applicable I,aw pern�'tts I.ender to make such a charge. Unlesn an agreement ie madc in writing or <br /> Applicable Law requires inCcres4 ho be paid on Che Funds, Lender aha11 not be reqtii�ed to pay Borrower viy <br /> intexest or earniugs on the Punds, Borrower nnd Lender can agree iu writing, however, that inYerest shall be <br /> paid on the Punds. Lender sliall give to Borrower, witliout chaige, an auuual accomiCing of il�e Funds as <br /> required Uy RESPA. <br /> If there is a surplus of Fuuds held in escrow, as defined m�der RESPA, 1 snder shall accowrt to Borrower for <br /> the excesn fixnds in accorciance with 1tN,SPA. If therc is a shortago of Fiu�ds held in osorow, as definod i�nder <br /> I2LS'PA, Lender shall notify Bonower �s required by I2ESPA, and Borrowex ehall pay to Lender the asnount <br /> necessv�y to make up tha shortage in aecordance wiUi RESPA, but in no more thau 12 monChly payment's. If <br /> there iy a de�ciency of Fundy he1d in escrow, zs clefiincd undc.r 1tLSPA, Leuder ehall iiotify Borrowor as <br /> xaooszza <br /> NEBRABKASIngle Famlly-Fennie MaelFredtlle Mac UNIFORM IN9TRUM ENT Form 307.0 1101 <br /> VM P(t9 VM Pfi(NEf(17 06) <br /> Woltcrs Kluwer Financlal5crvices Page 6 of 17 <br />