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201207890 <br /> BORROWL�R COVFNAN7'S fl�at Borrowcr is lawftil1y seised of the estata hereUy conveyed and has the right to <br /> grnnt and convey the Property and thaC the�Property is uneneumbered, excepf Por encumbrances nf rca�rd. <br /> Rorrower waarants a�id will defend generally the title to the Property againet a11 elaims aud de�nands, snbject to <br /> any elioumbranc�,�a uP rccnr3. <br /> THIS S1iCURi'CY INS"I'ItUMF;'N']'oomUinos unifomi covenants fot �lational use and non-miif'orm covenants with <br /> limited vaz�iatione 6y jiu�isdiction Lo consGLUCe a nniform sccurity inst�u�vc�iti covorin�real property. <br /> Uniform Covenants. Rortower and Lender covenant and abnee as fol1ows: <br /> 1. Payment of Principal, Interest, Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Charges. Borrower <br /> shall pay wherl due tlie prii�cipal of, and interesf on, the debk evidenced by tl�e Note and auy prepayinent <br /> charges axid late charges due under the Note. Borrower shall also pay funds far Escrow Items purenanC Co <br /> Seotion 3. Payments due tmder the Note wid tihis Secw'Ity Inst�ument shall be made in U.S. cw'rency. <br /> Howovcr, if any c1�cc1<or othcr instrwnent rcceived hy Lendcr as paymcnt undcr t1ie Note ar tlus SecLtrity <br /> Insfrument is rehirned to Lendex nnpaid, Lender may reqnire thnC nny or all su6sequenC paymenCs dua under <br /> the Note and tliis Security InsY�uinent be inade in one or more of tha Followiug forms, as seleoYed by Lender: <br /> (a) c�sh; (b)mouey order; (c) certified cheelc, banlc checic, t�easw�er'e cl�eck or cashier's checic, provided any <br /> such chcck is cirawn �iponan institution whosc dcposits are;in�uredby a'fulcral agency, insh�umcntality, or <br /> enNty; or(d)L+lectronic Fimds Transfer. <br /> Payments are deeined received by].ender when received af thc location designated in tl�e Note or at such <br /> oCher ]ncafion ae ma}*l�e dcsignaCeci by Lender in accordance wifh Che noGice proviei�ns in SecCiou 15. <br /> Lender may return nsry peyment or pnrtinl pfl}*ment if the pa�yment ar p�u•tial payments are insufficient ta <br /> Uring the Loan cnrtent. Lander may aceept a1ry payinent or partial p3yment insufficient Co Uring tl�e Loan <br /> currenE, wiChonC waiver oP any rightc here�mcier or prcjudice Lo it�F rightis to refuse s�ich p�.�nne�2t or partial <br /> p�ymente in the future, but Lender ie not obligated to apply stizch paymenta nt the tfine such payments aae <br /> accepted, If each Periodic Payment is applied as of'its scheduled due date, then Lender need not pay inCerest <br /> on unapplied fundE. Lcnder may hold euoh un�pplicd funds until Borrow�r malces paymonte Co bring tho <br /> Loan current. If Borrower does noti do so within a reasanabla pexiod of ti2ne, Lender shall either npply such <br /> firnde or return them to Borrower. If noY applied earlier, such firirda will be applied to the outstAndiug <br /> priucipal baluice wider t1�e Note iimnediataly prior to forealosure. No offset or claim which Boirower might <br /> hlve now or in the fuhire againsC Lencler ehall relieve Borrower fl�om inaking payment� due under tho Notc <br /> and this Security Inetrument ox perPorming the covenents nnd�greements secured by this Security <br /> Tnsh�wnent. <br /> 2. Application of Payments or Proceeds. Fxcept:�s otherwise described in iliis Section 2, all�ayments <br /> �ccepCed and applied by Lender shall be applied ia the following order of priority: (a) inPerest duo under the <br /> Not; (b)principAl clue under the Note; (c) amotimts due under Section 3. Suoh payn�ents shali be�pplied Uo <br /> each Perioclic Payment in 11ie order in which it Uecame due. Any ramtiiiiug unounts shnll be applied First to <br /> latc char�;�s, sccond to any other amotimts due under this Secutity lnst��tment, aud then to reduca the <br /> principal Utilance oP CUe NoCe. <br /> If LondeY Yeoeivos a payme�it fi•om:Borrowc�t for a delinqtiebt Periodic Payment wl�ieh iuclttdes a suffioienti <br /> amotmf Co pay any lnte ch�rge ciue, Che pn}nnent inay ba applied to ihe delinquenY paymcnt az�d fhe lata <br /> chugo. If inoro thAn one Periodic Payment is outettmdis�g, Lender may apply nny pnyu�ent reoeived from <br /> l3orrower to khe r'epayinent of the Periodic Payments if, and to the extienti til�at, each payment can be ptud in <br /> fiill. To the extent that miy exoesa e�sfs �Ret ihe�ayinev�iC is applied ta thc fidl paymcnt of ono or more <br /> Periodic Payments, such excees may Ue appliul to nny lnte ch�rges due. Voluntary prepayments shpll be <br /> applied fi+st to a�ry prepayi��ent charges and then as described in the Note. <br /> --� — — — 24002220 <br /> NEBRASKASingle Family-Pennie W aelfreddle hi ac UNIFORtd INSTRUM ENT Porm 3a 28 1701 <br /> VM P OO VM P6�NF)(11 OS) <br /> Wolle�s Kluv:or Financlal So-Ncos Page 4 oi 17 <br />