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201207890 <br /> rcquircd by RNSPA, and Rorrower sliall pay to],ender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency in <br /> accordnnoe with RLSPA, bul in no more than 12 moiitihly paymonte. <br /> Uyon paymenk 'v� fitll oP all suins secured by This Seetirity Instr�ument, l.vndcr shall ptomptly refixnd to <br /> Borrower any F'unds held by Lender. <br /> A. Charges; Liens. Borrower ahnll pay Ftll taxes, assessmenfs, oharges, fines, nncl impoeilions at�ributahic to <br /> the Property which carr attain priorily over tliis Secm'tty Instirumant, leasehold payments or ground rents on <br /> 11�o Property, if any, and Comm�mity Associatior�llues, Fees, aud Assessinents, if any, To tha extent that <br /> tl�ie.seitems ere�scrow Items, Borrower shall pay Chem in lhe inanner provided in S¢ction 3. <br /> Ron owet sliall proinptly discl�ar�e�uiy lien which 11�s prioi7ty over tl�is Secm�itq lnstttunent uuless <br /> Borrower: (n)agrees iu amiting to the payment of the obligakion aecured Uy the lieu in�mtuuier accapcnble <br /> to Lender, but only so long as Borrower is perPorining such agreeinent; (b}contests Yhe]ien in good faith by, <br /> or defe�icls agaiust enforcemeut of the lie�i iu, legal proceedings wl»ch in Lendcr's opinion operate to prevent <br /> hl�e enPorcemenC of the lien wlvle khose proceedings ere pending, buC only lmfil auch proceed'n�gs are <br /> concluded; or(c) secures fi•om the holder of the lien en agreament setisfactory to Lendea•aubordiu�ting the <br /> lien Co th'ts Security Instsument, IP Lender determiues U�at any part oF the Property is suUject to a lien wl�ich <br /> can attain priority ovor this Sccurity Tnsfi�uncnt, Lendcr mtty givo Borrowcr a noticc idcntiCying{lio licn, <br /> Within 10 days oP i�he dals on which that nofiee is given, Borrower shnll antisfy the lien or Cake one or more <br /> of the actions set foxkh above in thie Secrion 4. <br /> Lender may require Borrowcr to pfty a one-6itne ohaz ge for n real estafe tax verifioation and/or reporting <br /> service used Uy Lender in comiection with this Lonn. <br /> 5. PropeMy Insurance. Borrower shall k�ep the improvements now existing or hereafCer erected on the <br /> Property insured against lose by fire, hezarde included wiUiin tlie term"extended coverage," and any oEtier <br /> hazards including but not liinited fo, earthqualccs and floods, fc�r whicl�Lender require�inFur�nce. This <br /> ineuranoe shall he tn��inl�ineci in LLe amoiints (including deductible levels) and for the perioda that Lendec <br /> rec�uires. What Lencler requires pursuuit Yo the preceding sentencee ca�i cl�ai�;a during tl�e term of tlie Loan. <br /> The insurance canier providing tl�e in�uranee s11all be choecn by Borro+,ver subject to I.cnder's rigJiC Lo <br /> disapprovc Borrowcr'e choioe, which righl sl�all not be exeroiaed wireasonably. Lender mfly require <br /> Borrowar Co l�ay, in conncotion with this Loan, either: (a) a ono-time charga f'or �flood zone deYerroinaYion, <br /> certification and h'a�clting services; or(b) a ot�e-time cl�arge for flood zone deler�nina6ion and eerCification <br /> seivicos and nuU�cqucnt charges each tiine remappings or siinilar changes occ�u�wtuoh re�sonably niight <br /> affect such determina[ion or cerGflcn6on. Boirower shnll also be responsible for tuepa}nne�iG of any fees <br /> iinposed by tha Federal�mergency Management Agency in connection with t1�c rcviaw of any Flood zono <br /> determii�ation rc�stii}fing from an objection liy Borrower. � <br /> Cf J3orrower fails to maintain any of thc coverages descxibecl aihove, Lender ma�y obinin insurance coverage, <br /> at Lender's option and T3arcower's expense. Lender ie Luider no oblig�tion to purchase any particuleu type or <br /> Amount of covera�e. Theref'ore, suoh coverage shall cover Lender, Uut migUt or might not proteat 13orrower, <br /> Borrower's equity in the Froperty, or the�contents of the Yroparty, against any rislc, l�azard or liability and <br /> might}�rovicie�grcator or Iesser covcrage�l�au was previously in efPecC. Borrower loknowledges that the cost <br /> of tho i��suranoe ooverage ao obCained might sigiuEicantly exceed the oosC of insuranoe thRt Borrower could <br /> have obtained. Any amounte disbursed by Lender ander this Section 5 sha11 Uecome additional deUt of <br /> Borrov�er secw'ed by Uiis Seourity Instiiument. These amounts shftll bear uiterest at the Note rate from the <br /> date of drsbursa�neut and nhall bc payablo, witli ei�ch inCeresf, 'upon notice fi�om Lender Lo Borrower <br /> xeqnesling paymenl. <br /> zaoozzzo <br /> NEHRASKA-Single Femlly-Fannle MaelFretldle Mna UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Fo�in 30281/01 <br /> VMP Q'y VMNA(NE)('110G1 <br /> WolterF Klmoer Financlnl Rarvltina Page e of 19 <br />