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201207890 <br /> designaCed a eiibstituto noticc address by notice to Lender. Borrower shall pcomptly nofify Lender oC <br /> 13orrower's ch2nge of 2ddress. If Lcndcr specifics a procedtue for reporCing Borrowei•'s change of nddress, <br /> fhen Borrower shnll only repart a chazige oE address Lhrot�gl�that specified procedure <br /> There inay be only one designeted norice address iaide��tl�is Sccuriry Insh�ument at any one�time. Any notice <br /> to Lender sliall be given by deGveriug it or by matiling it by ffrst olass mail tQ Lender's address stated herein <br /> unless Lender l�as dasignatcd another addreas Uy notice to Borrower. Any notice in conneetion with Cliis <br /> Security InstrwnenC shall not be deemed lo have becn giv�n h� Le��der m�til actually received by Lender. If <br /> auy notice required by Yhis Security Inah•iiment is also required under A��plictthlc I,aw, the AppHc�le La�w <br /> requirement will salisfy llie corresponding requirement under this Security Inslrtunent. <br /> 16. Governing Law; 3everabflity; Rules ofi ConsYruction. This 5ecurity Inshumenc ah�11 he governcd l�y <br /> fcdcral law and the law of the juri�diction in wluoh tha Property is locaCed. All righYs nnd obligations <br /> contnined ii�this Security�Tnstrume��t are stiib}ect to any require�nents and limita�tione of Applicable Lnw. <br /> Applicnble Law mighC explicitly or implieiCly allow flie parties to agrce by contr act or it miglit bc silent, buf� <br /> such silence sha11 not be construecl as a prohibition against ngreement by contrnek In [he evenl thaC any <br /> provisi�n or clatiise of fl�is Security Iusfr�unent or the Note conflicts with[lpplicable Law, such conflict shall <br /> not affeoC other provisions aP 11iis Secu�ity Instrumeni or U�c Note whicl� ean be givan effecT wiffiont Tl�e <br /> conflicYing provisiou. <br /> As used in this Sernirity Insh•ument: (a) words of tha masouline gender shall mean and inc]udc correspondi��g <br /> neuter words or words of the f'esninine gender; (b)words in the singulnr shnll mean and iuclude the phiral <br /> aud vice vecea; and(c}tha word"may" gives sola diseretion withoaC nny oUligation to l�ke any aetion. <br /> 17, Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be giveil one copy of the Note and of this Seci�rity Instxument. <br /> 18. Transfer of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in Borrower. As used in this Section 18, "I�� in <br /> the Property" tneans any legal or Ueneficial interest in the Property, iucluding, but not luniYed to, thoae <br /> benefieial interesCs transferred iii�bond for deed, eonl�-acf for dectl, installmonC eales contract or escrow <br /> agraement, the intent af which is the transfer oP title by Borrower nt n fufiiie dnte to a purohaser. <br /> If till or eny pArt of the Property or any Tnterest in the Proper[y is sold or travsferred(rn iP Borrowe�ie not a <br /> natw a1 Person and a beneFicial interast in Borrower is sold or transferred) wiYhoat Lender'e prior written <br /> consent, Lender may require invnediate paymenC in fiill oP all eums eecured by fl�is Sacurity Instrwvent. <br /> However, thia opEion shall not be exercised by Leneier if such exerciae is pcohibiCed by Applicable Law. <br /> If Lender exereises this option, Leuder shall giva Borrower notice of accel€ration. '1'he notice shall provide a <br /> period of'not Iess than 30 deys fi•om the dnke the notice is given in aecoi danee with Seolion 15 within which <br /> 13orrower must pay all sums secLu'ed Uy tliis Secw�ity Instrumenf, If Borrower Fails to pay these stuns prior tu <br /> Che expi�aCion oP this period, Leiidcr may iiivolc��ny rc�ncdics permitted hy tliin Security lnstru7nent withont <br /> further notice or de�nand on Boirower. <br /> 7 9. Borrower's Right to Reinstate After Acceleration. If Borrower meets cer[�iu eondicions, I�rrower <br /> shall hava Uie right to have enforoement of this Secw�iCy H�strument discontinLied aY nny time prior to the <br /> oarliest of: (�) five days before sale of the Property pur5nant to any power of sale contained in tl�is Security <br /> Inetrn�enC; {b) such other period as Applicablo Lnw mighti spccify for tl�e tcrmination of I�oi�rower's right to <br /> reinst�te; or(c) enh�y+of a judgn7en4 enforoing Chis Security Instr�im�ent. Those wnciitions arc that Borrower: <br /> (a)pays Lendec all swns which then�aould be due under this Secm�ity Inshument and the Noee ns if no <br /> acce1eration had ocoLured; (b) cnres any defaLilt of any otUer covenants or a�greementa; (c)pays all expenses <br /> iucurted ui enPorcing this Securi�y Inslrumenk, ineluding, laut noL limitiai Co, reasonable aktorneys fees, <br /> property insp�etiou and veluation Pees, and oEher f'ees inem•red for the purpose of protectnig Lender's inferest <br /> — - saoozzzo <br /> N EBRASKA�Single Fam ily�Fannle M ee7Fredtlie h1 ac UNIFORPd MSl'RUM ENl' farm 3020 1I07 <br /> VM P(� VM PB(NEI(�106) <br /> Wolters Kluwe�Finanoial9erviaee Nage 42 of i] <br />
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