<br /> in Che Properiy and rights timder (his Seel�rfty Inetrun2ent nnd(d}takos s�ich action as T,ender may
<br /> reasonably require to easure thnt Iznder's intereat in the Properdy and rights under uhis Sectin�iLy Instrumcnt,
<br /> and Borrowei's oUligation to pay the sums secu�ed Uy tl�is Seca'ity InsYrmnent, shall oontinue uuchen�ed.
<br /> Lender may require Urat Borrower pay such reinntiaCcinenC eume anci oxpo�zses in one or more of ihe following
<br /> f'orme, as selected by Lender: (e) cash; (b) znoney order; (c} oextified cheok, builc oheok, treasivcr'h cl�eck or
<br /> cashier's checic, provided any such checic is drTwn ul�on:�n ivstitution whose cleposits nre insured by n
<br /> fcdoral agency�, insCumontality or cntity; or (d)Nlectroiuc P'unds Trausfet Upon revistatetnent by Borrower,
<br /> tl�ie,Security Insh'uincnt and obligalrone sccured l�crcby shall rcmain fully effective as if no acceleration I�ad
<br /> occurred. FIoweuer, Chis rig�C ho reinsCake shall not apply in the caee oP acwlcration �mder Section 18,
<br /> 20. Sale of Note; Change of Loan Servicer; Notice of Grievance, 'I'I,e Note or apar[ial interest in t7�e
<br /> Note(together with this Security InsY��wnent) can be sold one or more times without pi9or notiee to
<br /> I3orrower, A sale might result in a cl�eujge in the entity(knoum aa the "l,oan Servicer"} That collects Periodic
<br /> Payment� duc under tUc Nofe and Lhis Security InFtrumenf and perfonns other morlgage lo�n �crviciiig
<br /> obligafions under the Note, this Seourity Instrument, and Applicable Lew. There fllso might be one or more
<br /> changes of'the Lovi Servieer uiu'elated to a sale of the Note. If tl�ere is a change of 11ie Loan Servicer,
<br /> Rotrower will bo b�verr writtcn i�otice of tl�c changc wl�ich will Ftato thc namc and address of tl�e new l.oan
<br /> Servicer, tl�c addreFs to Whieh paymente should be made uid auy othet informatioti RLSPA requirea in
<br /> conneofion witl2 n notioe of h�anafer of servicing. I£the Note is eold and thereafter the Loan ie serviced by a
<br /> Loan Servicer other than the purch�ser oP the Note, tho inortgage loan servicing obliga6one to Borrower�mill
<br /> remain with the Loan 5ervicer or be trausferred ta a succassor Loan Servicer and are not asswneci by tlie
<br /> Note purchaser unless ot7ierwise provicled Uy tUe Note purchaser.
<br /> NeiTher Borrower nor],endar may cominence, ,join, or be joined to any,judicial action (as oitl�cr zm
<br /> individiial]itigant or Lhe ruember of a clnss) that�rises froin lhe other party's 1c[ions piirsunnt to tihie
<br /> Securiry Instrument or that alleges thnt the ather party hzs braached uiy provision of, or aziy duty owed by
<br /> reason of, tlSis Security Instiumeut, imNl sucl� Ro�rower��r Lende�'l�as n�tified the other party (with sucl�
<br /> noYico givcn in compliancc with hhe rcqniremente of SecCion 15)of aueh alleged breloh and aPforded l'he
<br /> other pnrty hereto a reasonable period a£ter the giving of such notice to take con ective aation. If Applicable
<br /> Zaw provides a time pe�•iod which must elapse before certaiu action can Ue talcen, tlu�t tima pertod will Ua
<br /> daeined Yo Ue reasonabla Por ptuposes of this paragraph. 'fl�e notice of acceleration and opporhinity to ctiu'e
<br /> given to Borrower pm�snant to Sect�on 22 nnd the notiee of flcceleration given to Borrower purstwnt to
<br /> Section 18 shnll be alee�ned to satisf'y flie notice aud opporCunity to take con ective action proviaions oE El�ie
<br /> Section 20.
<br /> 21. Hazardoas Substanees. Aa titscd in tl�is Sccfion 2]: (si) "Hazarc�ous Substanc�r" az'e Lhoso substances
<br /> deCuied as toxic or h�za�dous substazioes, pollutants, or weates by Fxroironment�l Law and the following
<br /> substances: gasoline, kerosene, oPher Iltuivnabls or toxic petroleum prodnate, Toxic pesticides and harbicides,
<br /> volatile solvents, materialy containing asbestos or foi�inaldohydq �nd radie3active inatoriale; (b)
<br /> "Envtronnaentc�d I crvv"means Federal laws and llwe oP I�ie jurisdiehion where the Property is loeated that
<br /> relals Co healllx, safecy or environmentel protection; (o) "EnvironnaenCal Cleanup" inoludes any response
<br /> notiou, remediad eetion, or removal actiou, as definecl in Enviroiunental Law; and (d) �n "Environrnental
<br /> Covt�diflon" meAns a condition tih��t can ca�use, oonk'iUnte to, or otherwise trigger an Pnvironmenki1 Cloanup.
<br /> Borrower sl�ll not cnuse or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of a��y Hazardous
<br /> Sti�bstances, or Tliraaten to r eleaye any Haze�rdous Stiibetances, on or in Cl�o Yroperty. B�rrower el�all noC do,
<br /> nox allow anyone else[o do, enything a£feeti�ig tl�e Property(a) thnt ie in violation of any Environmental
<br /> Law, (b) which exeates en Enviromnenti�l Condition, or (c)which, due to the presence, use, or release oF a.
<br /> Hazardous Substauce, c�e�tes a conciition fl�nt adverscly affccts tho valiu;of H�o Property. The prccecling two
<br /> znooz2za
<br /> NEI�RABKA-Single Fnmlly-Fennle M ae7Freddle M ac UWFORM IN9TRUM ENT Form 3028 1101
<br /> Vbi P�) Vh1 P6(N El(1 70G 1
<br /> Wolters Kluw er Flnanaial&ervicea Page 13 oi 17
<br />